En13201 guide Design Basics BS EN BS - The European Norm for Road Lighting provides the lighting designer with a basis for specifying lighting quality for a given scheme Here we discuss the basic principles and outline the various standards adopted The Eu

Design Basics BS EN BS - The European Norm for Road Lighting provides the lighting designer with a basis for specifying lighting quality for a given scheme Here we discuss the basic principles and outline the various standards adopted The European Norm is divided into as follows ? BS EN - Performance Requirements ? BS EN - Calculation of Performance ? BS EN - Methods of Measuring Lighting Performance Performance Requirements The classes we are most concerned with in the package are ME Luminance S Illuminance and CE Con ict areas Design for Tra ?c Routes This part of the standard covers recommendations for the lighting of all-purpose tra ?c routes where the predominant user is motorised vehicles and the speed of the user is moderate to fast using a luminance speci ?cation The recommendations are divided into categories excluding sub-categories of ME and ME as shown in Figure Class ME ME ME a ME b ME c ME a ME b ME ME Lav cd m Luminance of road surface in dry condition Uo Ul TI Figure Recommended speci ?cations for luminance uniformity ratios and threshold increment for ME classes The most stringent of these categories is ME which is likely to be used on major trunk roads with a high tra ?c speed and capacity The other speci ?cations are designed more for use where there is a lower requirement for example on dual carriageways single carriageways feeder or estate roads or in rural areas CFigure Provides guidance on the selection of ME lighting classes for tra ?c routes taken from Appendix B Table B of BS - Hierarchy description Motorway Type of road general description Limited Access Detailed description Routes for fast moving long distance tra ?c Fully grade- separated and restrictions on use Main carriageway in complex interchange areas Tra ?c ow ADT Average Daily Tra ?c ? Lighting class ME ME Main carriageway with interchanges km ? ME ME Main carriageway with interchanges ? km ? ME ME Strategic route Trunk and some principal ??A ? roads between primary destinations Emergency lanes Routes for fast moving long distance tra ?c with little frontage access or pedestrian tra ?c Speed limits are usually in excess of mph and there are few junctions Pedestrian crossings are either segregated or controlled and parked vehicles are usually prohibited Single carriageways - ? ME a ME a ME Main distributor Major urban network and interprimary links Short- to mediumdistance tra ?c Dual carriageways Routes between strategic routes and linking urban centres to the strategic network with limited frontage access In urban areas speed limits are usually mph or less parking is restricted at peak times and there are positive measures for pedestrian safety reasons Single carriageways ? ? ME a ME ME a ME Secondary distributor Link road Dual carriageways Classi ?ed Road B and C class and unclassi ?ed urban bus route carrying local tra ?c with frontage access and frequent junctions Road linking between the Main and Secondary

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  • Publié le Mar 20, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 44.8kB