Bibliographie 45 Bibliographie PROCESSUS DE MARKOV ET FILES D'ATTENTE KLEINROCK L Queuing Systems Volme Theory Volume Computer Applications John Wiley and Sons RAJ JAIN The art of computer systems performance analysis John Wiley and Sons FELLER W An Intro
Bibliographie PROCESSUS DE MARKOV ET FILES D'ATTENTE KLEINROCK L Queuing Systems Volme Theory Volume Computer Applications John Wiley and Sons RAJ JAIN The art of computer systems performance analysis John Wiley and Sons FELLER W An Introduction To Probability Theory And Its Applications e ed J Whiley Sons CINLAR E An introduction to stochastique processes Prentice-Hall COX D R A use of complex probabilities in the theory of stochastic processes Proceedings Cambridge Philosophical society - C R FAURE B LEMAIRE C PICOULEAU Précis de Recherche Opérationnelle ème Edition Dunod RESAUX DE FILES D'ATTENTE JACKSON J R Jobshop-like queuing systems Management science Vol No october F BASKETT K M CHANDY R R MUNTZ F G PALACIOS pen Closed and Mixed Networks of Queues with di ?érent Classess of Customers J A C M Vol no April pp - E GEL E GELENBE Résultats Classiques Forme Produit - Eyrolles- LEMAIRE B Contribution A L'étude Des Systèmes d'Attente Par Les Méthodes De Conservation Application à des Problèmes de R O et d'Informatique Thèse doctorat d 'état - ROB T G ROBERTAZZI Computer Networks And Systems Queuing Theory and Performance Evaluation Telecommunication Network and computer systems RESEAUX DE FILES D'ATTENTE CHAN K M CHANDY The analysis and solutions for general queueing network Proceedings th annual Princeton conference on information sciences and systems Princeton University N J Mars p A E CONWAY N D GEORGANAS Queuing Network - Exact Computational Algorithms A Uni ?ed Theory based on Decomposition and aggregation The M I T press COX COX D R CA use of complex probabilities in the theory of stochastic processes Proceedings Cambridge Philosophical society - WHIT P WHITTLE Equilibrum for an open migration process Jo Appl Prob p - C
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- Publié le Sep 19, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 28.7kB