Communication guide Miss Phillips ? Class Online Learning Communication Guide Introduction Welcome terri ?c third graders This guide will help you as you learn how to communicate in our online class Read through this with your educational coach and talk a

Miss Phillips ? Class Online Learning Communication Guide Introduction Welcome terri ?c third graders This guide will help you as you learn how to communicate in our online class Read through this with your educational coach and talk about the ways you will be sharing information with others online What is communication Communication is the way we share ideas or information with others When you communicate you are passing thoughts opinions or information to someone else Sometimes people communicate by talking writing or even drawing while other times people communicate by shaking their head or giving a thumbs-up sign In this guide we are going to be learning about communicating online How will we communicate In our online class we will communicate in a lot of di ?erent ways You may have used some of these communication tools before while some might be new to you We will be using email blogs and discussion boards to share and gather information and ideas You will ?nd a section about each of these communication tools in this communication guide CHow do I ask a question or get help There are many di ?erent ways to ask questions or get help in our online class If you have an important question for the teacher you can send an e-mail through Georgia View Vista In the event of an emergency you may also send an e-mail directly to the teacher at MissPhillips Onlineclass com If you have a question about an assignment or project that another student could answer you can post on a discussion board One of the coolest things about online classes is that you can get help from the teacher and get help from other students In the next section of this guide you will learn about these di ?erent ways you can communicate in our class Types of Online Communication Announcements Just like in a regular school sometimes we will need announcements made in our class If there is an important announcement to share with the class I will send it through Georgia View Vista This means that it will pop up on your screen while you are working Don ? t worry when you see it just read it and make sure you understand the information You can always go back to the announcement section of by clicking on the ??Announcements ? label E-Mail In our online class e-mail is a great way to share ideas with others It ? s like sending a letter to someone through the internet ? without stamps or envelopes You each have your own unique e-mail address that you can use to send and receive messages Make sure that you Cdo not share this e-mail address with others outside of the class but feel free to use it to communicate with your classmates about assignments projects and class questions The subject line is where you write what the message is going to be about ? it ? s kind of like a preview

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  • Publié le Jui 15, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 45.4kB