Ebs paris course catalogue fall 2019
EUROPEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL PARIS ACADEMIC OFFERING - COURSE CATALOGUE ACADEMIC YEAR - A State-recognized management school An approved Master ? s level quali ?cation CTable of contents Sommaire Microéconomie Microeconomics Microéconomie Microeconomics Marketing Communication Marketing ?? French Wine Gastronomy Marketing Business to Business Services Marketing Stratégie de communication Communication Strategy Stratégie de communication Communication Strategy Management et Stratégie Management Strategy Management Interculturel Managing Across Borders Stratégie d ? entreprise en contexte international Global Business Strategy Corporate Strategy Management des ressources humaines Human Resources Management Management des ressources humaines Human Resources Management Accounting Finance Comptabilité et Finance Gestion Financière Long Term Financial Management Finance Internationale Finance internationale Langues Arts Humanités Languages Arts Humanités Les rendez-vous de la Géopolitique Political Science Making Sense of World Events French culture and civilization English Pro ?ciency Français débutant French for Beginners Français intermédiaire Intermediate French Français avancé Advanced French Europe Mythe Realities Europe Mythe et Réalité Workshop e-business Séminaire e-business Séminaire Analyse d ? un site de e-commerce Workshop E-Marketing Projets Projects Construire un Business Plan Writing a business plan CMicroéconomie Microeconomics Intitulé du cours Course Title Microéconomie Microeconomics Année Year ?? Semestre Semester Printemps Spring Département Department Responsable du cours Course Coordinators Environnement des a ?aires Business Environment Mohamed KOSSAI Heures de face à face pédagogique Contact Hours Heures de travail personnel Personal Work Hours ECTS Niveau level Cours de ème année nd year courses Langue d ? enseignement Language Instruction Français anglais French English Descriptif du cours Course description Presentation of the issues and methods associated with contemporary microeconomics Coordinating individual decisions based on the various theories Objectifs pédagogiques du cours connaissances et compétences Course ? s pedagogical objectives Knowledge Skills Be able to use microeconomic tools to describe and explain the economic phenomena seen on the market Be able to use analytical methodology based on microeconomic tools Be able to interpret and analyze manufacturers' strategies and understand market dynamics CObjectifs d ? apprentissages du cursus Learning objectives Acquisition de Acquisition of Objectifs d ? apprentissage Learning Objectives Be able to use the key tools and concepts in all key areas of management Compétences Skills Develop a responsible and creative mindset oriented toward entrepreneurship Be active team members be able to spur change foster digital transformation and lead projects Think globally and be used to working in a multicultural environment Importance Relevance Have an understanding of business ethics social responsibility and organizational diversity Méthodes Pédagogiques Pedagogical Methods Lectures Case studies Exercises Evaluation Assessment FINAL EXAM - questions and exercises CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT - MTT - Presence Bibliographie Bibliography Picard P Eléments de microéconomie Tome théorie et applications ? édition Montchrestien Rotillon G Introduction à la microéconomie ? Collection Repères Edition la découverte CMarketing Communication Intitulé du cours Course Title Marketing ?? French Wine Gastronomy Année Year - Semestre Semester Printemps Spring Département Department Marketing Communication Responsable du cours Course Coordinator Sandra Painbéni Heures de face à face pédagogique Contact Hours Heures de travail personnel Personal Work Hours ECTS Niveau level Cours de ème année
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- Publié le Nov 24, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 210.8kB