Guide math Rodelito A Guinto SESSION GUIDE IN MATHEMATICS ACTIVITY Write words that come to your mind when you see or hear the word authentic assessment AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT ANALYSIS What makes assessment authentic ABSTRACTION Authentic assessment is the
Rodelito A Guinto SESSION GUIDE IN MATHEMATICS ACTIVITY Write words that come to your mind when you see or hear the word authentic assessment AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT ANALYSIS What makes assessment authentic ABSTRACTION Authentic assessment is the measurement of intellectualaccomplishment that are signi ?cant and meaningful as constrasted tomultiple choice standardized test CCHANGING ROLES OF STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IN AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT STUDENTS Students are active participants in active process Students do tasks that are interesting Students pose questions not just answer them Students evaluate themselves and their peers instead of just being at the receiving end Students have choices to accommodate individual di ?erences TEACHERS From transmitter of knowledge to facilitator of learning From taking of the responsibility for student to learning to assisting students take responsibility for their own learning From being enemies to becoming allies of the student in the assessment process From being sole evaluator of students performance to being just one of the many possible evaluators of students performances APPLICATION Give atleast examples of authentic assessment Explain example from your listed authentic assessment that can be used in Mathematics C
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- Publié le Jui 13, 2021
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- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 22kB