Sci100 guide Student Guide Course Sensitive Compartmented Information SCI Refresher Lesson Course Introduction Course Information Purpose Provide annual refresher training on how to protect Sensitive Compartmented Information SCI and Sensitive Compartment

Student Guide Course Sensitive Compartmented Information SCI Refresher Lesson Course Introduction Course Information Purpose Provide annual refresher training on how to protect Sensitive Compartmented Information SCI and Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities SCIFs Audience Military civilian and contractor personnel who work in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility SCIF including those who are responsible for the security of a SCIF namely the Special Security O ?cers SSOs and Special Security Representatives SSRs Pass Fail on ?nal examination Estimated completion time minutes Course Overview Because the United States Government has placed its trust in you you have been given access to SCI Whether you ? ve had access to SCI for a long time or just received it in the past year you know that when you protect SCI you are protecting our nation ? s security along with the war ?ghters defending the American way of life In this course you will review who in the Intelligence Community works with SCI what intelligence collection methods are used to gather SCI and what your responsibilities are as outlined in your SCI Nondisclosure Statement to protect SCI both inside and outside your Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility SCIF In addition throughout this course you will occasionally see information that is speci ?c to the Special Security O ?cer SSO and Special Security Representative SSR roles All others may bypass this information CSensitive Compartmented Information SCI Refresher Lesson Course Introduction Student Guide Course Objectives Here are the overall course objectives Recognize SCI policy guidance documents Identify the purpose and components of the Sensitive Compartmented Information SCI Nondisclosure Statement NdS Identify classi ?cation markings and dissemination controls for SCI materials Identify the proper methods for handling discussing reproducing transporting and destroying SCI material Identify the proper procedures for visitors and escorts in a SCIF Identify the types of accredited SCIFs and their purposes Recognize the types of information that must be reported by or about individuals who have SCI access Here are additional lesson objectives for SSOs SSRs Identify the process for SCI pre-screening and indoctrination Identify the SCIF accreditation process Identify the components of the Fixed Facility Checklist FFC Course Structure This course is organized into the lessons listed here Course Introduction SCI Fundamentals SCI Control Systems and Markings Protecting SCI SCI Reporting Requirements Course Conclusion Page CStudent Guide Course Sensitive Compartmented Information SCI Refresher Lesson SCI Fundamentals Lesson Introduction Opening Our democratic principles require that the American people be informed of the activities of their Government Also our nation's progress depends on the free ow of information Nevertheless throughout our history the national interest has required that certain information be maintained in con ?dence in order to protect our citizens our democratic institutions and our participation within the community of nations Through the use of controlled environments classi ?cation and compartmentation we protect our assets and our nation ? s security from threats such as spies insiders terrorists and foreign intelligence services Your position exposes you to Sensitive Compartmented Information emanating from the Intelligence Community

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  • Publié le Aoû 10, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 185.5kB