Leedihapplication guide LEEDTM Application Guide Melink Corporation River Valley Road Milford OH - - ? www melinkcorp com CLEED Application Guide for Melink Intelli-Hood Controls Introduction The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design LEED Green Bu
LEEDTM Application Guide Melink Corporation River Valley Road Milford OH - - ? www melinkcorp com CLEED Application Guide for Melink Intelli-Hood Controls Introduction The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design LEED Green Building Rating System is the premier guide for the design construction and operation of green buildings LEED promotes sustainable design by taking into account the performance of the wholebuilding in ?ve areas of human and environmental health sustainable site development water savings energy e ?ciency materials selection and indoor environmental quality When applying for LEED Certi ?cation credits are awarded in these categories and the total determines the level of building certi ?cation The categories are as follows Certi ?ed Silver Gold and Platinum The LEED Application requires detailed documentation for each point-eligible building component This document is intended to serve as a guide for the design professional who is considering or pursuing LEED Certi ?cation at any level and wishes to evaluate the potential contributions of the Melink Intelli-Hood Controls towards that goal This guide provides the explanations energy analyses and charts to help you and your team obtain up to two credits It is important to remember that many products can contribute credits towards LEED Certi ?cation but the building performance is a summary of all of the products involved and therefore no one product can guarantee LEED credits The eligible credits for the Melink Intelli-Hood Controls are as follows Innovation and Design Processes ID Credit ?? Innovation in Design Energy Atmosphere EA Credit ?? Optimize Energy Performance CID Credit ?? Innovation in Design According to the LEED Rating System the Innovation in Design Credit is intended to provide the opportunity for projects to earn points for innovative performance in a category not speci ?cally addressed by LEED Innovative performance credits are awarded for design strategies which result in measurable environmental bene ?ts The Melink Intelli-Hood Controls are an innovative solution to the typical kitchen ventilation system that operates at full capacity all day and sometimes all night long However since the reviewers at the U S Green Building Council are not interested in awarding credits for speci ?c manufacturers ? products but are interested in awarding credits for unique design approaches and technologies the following text or a similar version is suggested in the LEED application This project has a kitchen ventilation system and the typical sequence of operation for the vast majority of hoods across the U S and the world is to turn them on in the morning and let them operate at full capacity all day long The long-held reasoning behind this all-ornothing control strategy is ? you never know when someone is going to turn on a grill or fryer and do some cooking and so you better leave the fans running all the time ? Unfortunately this practice is very energy wasteful during idle non-cooking periods Not only is exhaust and make-up air fan energy wasted but more importantly conditioned air is wasted This is akin to heating or
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Apv 13, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 35.5kB