Stretch dollars on your next road trip amp klpqh 6zhhs
Volume No Phone - - ? Web www yourbg com ? E-mail ads yourbg com Stretch dollars on your next road trip April nd Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle In an era of escalated airline ticket prices and extra travel expenses road trips have emerged once more as a popular and cost-conscious mode of vacationing for individuals and families Nearly percent of leisure trips in were made by car says the U S Travel Association Fodor ? s Travels advises taking road trips across Canada in the summer when temperatures average o F o C and snow and slush are a distant memory Various trips exist that can take you through urban or rural areas Those making road trips may be concerned about keeping costs down particularly if saving money is the catalyst behind the road trip vacation The following are a few tips to stretch dollars that much further on your next road trip Dine out sparingly Road stops and drive-thru food expenditures can quickly add up during the course of a road trip Therefore pack the majority of the food you will eat in a cooler Not only will this save money it will mean food is at the ready when hunger strikes Food need not be all cold snacks like sandwiches Frozen burgers or refrigerated frankfurters can be cooked on a camp stove or tossed on a grill at a park ? s picnic area Save restaurant dining as a special treat during the vacation Look for inexpensive lodging While on a road trip you may need to compromise some of the comforts of home to save some money Motel rates are another trip budgetbuster But by mixing overnights at motels with less expensive options you may be able to mitigate costs Camp out at a safe campsite and purchase a shower ticket so you can enjoy a cheap hot shower the next day Spend a few nights under the stars just be sure you have the right gear Some also like to plan road trip routes between where relatives live and make pit stops at a friend or family member ? s home When seeking motels try to bargain and see if you ? re eligible for any rebates or coupons due to age or military status It ? s That Time Of Year Again Make Sure Your Equipment Starts When You Need It Batteries for all your needs Lawn Mower ? Tractor ? Motorcycle We Recycle Used Batteries Rt Mile South of Martinsburg Winchester - - - - - C KLPQH ZHHS HJXODU ULFH A C QFOXGHV KLPQH QVSHFWLRQ F WHSKHQ WUHHW DUWLQVEXUJ ZZZ XQÀUH QHUJ ROXWLRQV FRP WKHU UHVWULFWLRQV PD DSSO LWK DSSURYHG FUHGLW DOLG WKURXJK RED BARRON FLOORING OFF OFF ? ? any sale between any sale over - Cannot be combined with other o ?ers coupons Expires Shop our sq ft facility for Carpet Vinyl Laminate Hardwood Tile and Area Rugs Wesel Boulevard Hagerstown MD - - www redbarron ooring com
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- Publié le Fev 16, 2021
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- Langue French
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