Portfolio reflection form 3 2
REFLECTIVE ANALYSIS FORM Check as appropriate Year Year X Year Year Competency Agir en tant que professionnel héritier critique et interprète d ? objets de savoirs ou de culture dans l ? exercice de ses fonctions Comments The proof for this competency is my participation in an exhibit called ??Through the Lens of Our Community ? This event was an English-community event with the Voice of English Quebec It allowed me to connect with the English community and to continue to develop my cultural knowledge However it also provided me with an experience that I will be able to use to make links for students between their learning situations and the English speaking community in Quebec Competency Communiquer clairement et correctement dans la langue d ? enseignement à l ? oral et à l ? écrit dans les divers contextes liés à la profession enseignante Comments No proof for this category this year Competency Concevoir des situations d ? enseignement apprentissage pour les contenus à faire apprendre et ce en fonction des élèves concernés et du développement visées par le programme de formation Comments The proof provided for this section is my webquest which I created in my ESL pedagogy III class This webquest shows my ability to structure an activity for a certain grade level in this case grades The careful attention to vocabulary used and sentence structure relates to my professional development because it shows my awareness of using relevant vocabulary and sentences structures when developing a lesson The webquest also demonstrates my development in lesson structure development In this lesson students are asked to go further than just regurgitating what they have learned on a piece of paper which relates to the learning goals of the MELS program Competency Piloter des situations d ? enseignement apprentissage pour des contenus à faire apprendre et ce en fonction des élèves concernés et du développement des compétences visées dans le programme de formation Comments The two thank you notes provided by students as proof represent my professional development in this area Whether I am teaching tutoring or just monitoring I continually try to further a student ? s learning as best as I can These letters show that my e ?orts have been noticed and appreciated which demonstrate my capacities in this area CCompétence Évaluer la progression des apprentissages et le degré d ? acquisition des compétences des élèves pour les contenus à faire apprendre Comments No proof for this category this year Compétence Plani ?er organiser et superviser le mode de fonctionnement du groupe d ? élève en vue de favoriser l ? apprentissage et la socialisation des élèves Comments The proof provided for this section is my actual hours of teaching These hours continually contribute to my professional development They allow me to improve my classroom management skills modify my planning for di ?erent levels and students and organize my classrooms for e ?ective learning This pertains to my professional development because it allows me to practice and
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jan 24, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 33.6kB