Csp oct 22 2016 epreuve de langue anglaise

République Tunisienne Ministère de la Fonction Publique Et de la Gouvernance Ecole Nationale d ? Administration Concours d ? entrée au cycle supérieur Session octobre Epreuve de langue anglaise Durée heures coéf Date Dimanche octobre ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? Read the following text and then answer the questions which follow Brexit ? Brexit ? is an abbreviation for British exit ? which refers to the June referendum whereby British citizens voted to leave the European Union The referendum had a heavy impact on global markets including currencies causing the British pound to fall to its lowest level in decades Prime Minister David Cameron who supported the United Kingdom UK remaining in the European Union resigned on July as a result Home Secretary Theresa May leader of the Conservative Party became Prime Minister Supporters of Brexit based their opinions on a variety of factors from the global competitiveness of British economy to the European debt crisis to concerns about immigration Britain had already decided to stay out of the European Union's monetary union ?? meaning that it uses the pound instead of the euro and the Schengen Area meaning that it does not share open borders with a number of other European nations Out campaigners argued that the Union's bureaucracy is a drag on the British economy and that European Union laws and regulations threaten British sovereignty Popular support for Brexit varied over time but the June rd vote demonstrated that British citizens believed that Great Britain can survive without the economic cooperation trade agreements and partnerships with the European Union that bene ?ted the country for the past several years Ful ?lling various negative predictions the leave vote severely impacted markets worldwide The British pound crashed by more than against the dollar ?? its biggest-ever one-day fall ?? and London ? s stock exchange fell by Immediately after the vote several analysts brought up the specter of economic recession It ? s likely that the chances of a global recession have risen above ? said Arif Husain an economic expert While Bo Christensen a chief analyst predicted a ??mild recession ? in the U K and Europe and slow employment and investments At least one in uential voice suggested that a British exit from the European Union EU could actually be good for the political bloc For Mohamed El-Erian an

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