Guide 84 Steps to a Better Philosophy Paper Bryan W Roberts Begin your analysis Philosophy is infectious fun and deep Indulge in sumptuous amounts of time for thinking and taking notes This will also save you time and stress when it comes to writing your
Steps to a Better Philosophy Paper Bryan W Roberts Begin your analysis Philosophy is infectious fun and deep Indulge in sumptuous amounts of time for thinking and taking notes This will also save you time and stress when it comes to writing your ideas down Step State the question precisely and think about it Then do it again If you ? ve been assigned a question write it down on a napkin at lunch Explain the question to a friend Find equivalent ways to ask it What are the possible answers How might di ?erent answers be justi ?ed Remember that to do the assignment correctly you must answer the question you were assigned If you were not assigned a question pose an interesting question yourself This will help keep you on track Step Read and re-read the relevant scholarly texts with your question in mind Your course readings may be relevant to the question so think about your question while reading and re-reading Summarize the arguments of these authors for yourself and take note of their strengths and weaknesses It may help to go over your class notes Although you will be making your own argument it may help your case to discuss the argument of another author as well You may search for other sources as long as they are ? scholarly ? Google Scholar is a great resource It may also help to look up papers from the bibliography of a class reading Step Write down or revise your - sentence thesis statement Write down a thesis statement this and only this is what you will be arguing for It ? s not set in stone at this point you will revise it as you continue your analysis But you should always keep in mind what you ? re arguing for It should be precise clear and no more than two sentences Your thesis might have two parts such as a negative claim and a positive claim But it should be short Here is a sample thesis statement I will argue that Lauden ? s appeal to history does not justify the rejection of scienti ?c realism but that a slight modi ?cation of his argument does Step Organize the support for your thesis in argument form This is the most important part of the process ?? give yourself plenty of time Your thesis must be accompanied by an air-tight argument If you can ? t provide one go back and modify your thesis You might begin by brainstorming all the claims that you think justify your thesis Then try to write down an argument in correct premise-conclusion form For example here is the premiseconclusion form of an argument suggested by Socrates for the thesis that holiness has nothing to do with god Premise Premise Premise Conclusion Holiness has nothing to do with god unless either a things are holy because god loves them or b god loves things because they are holy It is false that
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- Publié le Mai 22, 2022
- Catégorie Philosophy / Philo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 33.6kB