Guide sanskrit 1 Sanskrit Guide learnsanskrit org November CAbout learnsanskrit org November CSanskrit Seek Govinda seek Govinda ?? seek Govinda you fool For when you've come to your ?nal hour grammar will not save you Sanskrit is a language of many faces
Sanskrit Guide learnsanskrit org November CAbout learnsanskrit org November CSanskrit Seek Govinda seek Govinda ?? seek Govinda you fool For when you've come to your ?nal hour grammar will not save you Sanskrit is a language of many faces At one moment it is the millennia-old language of the authorless Vedas and all the texts in their tradition At another it is the supple verses of Kalidasa and Bilhana or the intricate puzzle boxes of Magha and Bharavi And in between are its meditations on nearly every part of human life existence reality religion love duty marriage war sex death violence laughter beauty perception nature anatomy urbanity ritual desire food purpose meaning language and many more At once it is primordial and strikingly modern So it is appropriate that Sanskrit itself has many names It was just called the language once but this plain name gave way to loftier ones like perfected speech and the language of the gods Sanskrit is just one of these many names The word has been translated in dozens of ways like perfected or perfectly made or put together or just assembled All of these meanings are part of the word Sanskrit And lurking in the word Sanskrit is the notion of something unnatural For although Sanskrit spent more than a thousand years as a uid native language it froze in the th century BCE when the grammarian Panini formalized it He described Sanskrit so comprehensively that it has remained nearly the same for more than two thousand years To him Sanskrit was just the language spoken by the learned men of his time But to those that followed him Sanskrit was the perfected language forever protected from the uidity of human life When Sanskrit was formalized in this way it lost some of the vitality that we ?nd in other languages But in exchange it became a timeless and placeless language unlike any other It speaks from a world that has long disappeared from the earth By learning Sanskrit we can open our ears to that world and let some of its voices be heard once more CThe Guide Learning Sanskrit This guide tries to make Sanskrit as easy simple and intuitive as possible To understand this approach we should start from the beginning The hard way When Panini set out to describe Sanskrit comprehensively he formalized the language into four thousand rules known together as the Ashtadhyayi The text is a complex algebraic system with meta-rules exceptions counter-exceptions and many other technical devices Together they form a complete algorithmic machine with basic chunks of language for its raw material and complete Sanskrit sentences for its results But although the Ashtadhyayi is clean and e ?cient Sanskrit is not It has plenty of complicated forms rare idioms redundant phrases and ambiguities These things are inherent to all natural languages But they can make mastering Sanskrit a long and di ?cult process Still it is possible to master the language Sanskrit writers had no choice
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- Publié le Mai 10, 2022
- Catégorie Philosophy / Philo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 217.7kB