Hayashi treatment guide Reiki Hayashi Ryoho Shishin the Hayashi Treatment Guide Translation especially for AETW org by Jiro Kozuki NOT FOR SALE Copies of this E- Book may be distributed WITHOUT CHARGE to anyone you wish It may also be distributed WITHOUT

Reiki Hayashi Ryoho Shishin the Hayashi Treatment Guide Translation especially for AETW org by Jiro Kozuki NOT FOR SALE Copies of this E- Book may be distributed WITHOUT CHARGE to anyone you wish It may also be distributed WITHOUT CHARGE in printed form - providing it is done so in its entirety including end-pages Permission is NOT given to add to subtract from or otherwise modify this document in any way shape or form See foot of document for further details re Use of Materials from this E-book THANK YOU Version Copyright ? James Deacon http www aetw org CTHE HAYASHI TREATMENT GUIDE Just as Usui Sensei is said to have given his students a basic handbook guide to treating various medical conditions so too did Hayashi Sensei The Hayashi Treatment Guide or Hayashi Ryoho Shishin is divided into sections or 'chapters' and - just like the Usui Treatment Guide - is simply that a guide - a brief series of prompts as to suitable areas for topical treatment Takata-sensei had a copy of the Hayashi Ryoho Shishin - though few seem to be aware of this fact There are several translations of the Hayashi Treatment Guide however as - like the Usui Treatment Guide - it is essentially just a wordlist there is little variation between one translation and another The Hayashi Reiki Treatment Guide English Version Copyright ? James Deacon Translation especially for AETW org by Jiro Kozuki Section The Head Brain disorders Headache - treat forehead temples back and top of the head back of the neck Head treatment can be used whatever the condition being treated For headaches give speci ?c attention to the actual epicentre of pain Eyes All manner of eye disorders conjunctivitis trachoma leucoma nearsightedness trichiasis ptosis cataract glaucoma etc - treat eye balls inner corners of eyes outer corners of eyes back of the head kidneys liver womb ovaries Treat both eyes even though the problem is in only one eye Ears All manner of ear disorders tympanitis external otitis ringing in the ear poor hearing etc - treat auditory canal depression below the ears raised bone behind ears back of the head Treat both ears even though the problem is in only one ear Where the disorder follow a cold eg tympanitis and parotitis treat the bronchi hilar lymph kidneys womb and ovaries Teeth - for toothache treat externally at the root of the tooth Oral Cavity - with mouth closed treat the lips with the palms see also disorders of Digestive Organs Tongue - depress or pinch the a ?ected part of the tongue Treat externally at the root of the tongue James Deacon ? s REIKI PAGES - w w w a e t w o r g CAlternatively treat by pressing the arches of both feet forward Section Disorders of Digestive Organs Stomatitis Stomach cancer - mouth oesophagus stomach intestines liver Thrush yeast infection - mouth tongue oesophagus stomach intestines liver heart kidneys Saliva either de ?cit or

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  • Publié le Fev 13, 2021
  • Catégorie Health / Santé
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 56.4kB