Manual guide Study Guide American Board of Medical Microbiology The American Board of Medical Microbiology ? American Society for Microbiology CStudy Guide EXAMINATION FORMAT A Objective To measure the candidate ? s knowledge in the ?ve subject areas cons

Study Guide American Board of Medical Microbiology The American Board of Medical Microbiology ? American Society for Microbiology CStudy Guide EXAMINATION FORMAT A Objective To measure the candidate ? s knowledge in the ?ve subject areas considered necessary for the e ?ective practice of clinical or public health microbiology Bacteriology including mycobacteriology Mycology Virology Parasitology Miscellaneous including microbial genetics laboratory safety and biohazard management laboratory operation and management cost accounting preparation of dilutions or media infection control and serology B Examination Administration The examination will be administered the Saturday preceeding the American Society for Microbiology General Meeting Proctors will supervise the examination Candidates are allowed hours in which to complete the examination beginning at a m and concluding at p m This time frame allows for a -hour supervised break The time allotted is considered to be much greater than that required for answering the questions but the Board does not wish time constraints to be a factor in performance Bring several lead pencils and a legal document with your photograph and signature to the examination Acceptable legal documents are a driver ? s license government identi ?cation card passport or notarized photograph bearing your signature Reference materials and calculators are not permitted C Examination Content The content of the examination will be distributed as follows Subject area Bacteriology Mycology Parasitology Virology Universal Examination ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? D Question Format and Content Each question is multiple choice with only one correct answer Questions have four or ?ve possible responses In some cases questions may require calculations Examples include assessment of sensitivity speci ?city antimicrobial concentrations dilution factors and cost accounting results Approximately of the questions test for basic recall of knowledge direct interpretation of data or simple synthesis of information The remaining of the questions require a higher level of thought process reasoning skills or interpretation of data Questions are updated and evaluated every year Candidates can expect to see questions on technical advances or microbiological issues that occurred during the past year There is no penalty for guessing only correct answers are graded Questions in the content areas of bacteriology mycology parasitology and virology cover six areas a diagnostic systems and interpretation of laboratory data b public health c infection control d molecular biology e infectious disease and pathogenesis and f universal CSuggested study topics are listed below however test questions may not be limited to these topics a Diagnostic Systems and Interpretation of Laboratory Data i Sensitivity speci ?city and predictive value of positive and negative test results Know the formulas for these characteristics of diagnostic assays and how to interpret them on the basis of actual data ii The principles and details of performance of commonly used and newly accepted assay systems including antigen detection direct uorescentantibody stains enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays ELISAs nucleic acid hybridization and ampli ?cation and cultures Be able to determine which methods are superior in speci ?c circumstances iii Proper and appropriate specimen collection and transport tailored for speci ?c disease

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  • Publié le Nov 09, 2022
  • Catégorie Health / Santé
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 53.1kB