fnim pnim food guide aliment eng

Eating Well with Canada ? s Food Guide First Nations Inuit and Métis CHow to use Canada ? s Food Guide The Food Guide shows how many servings to choose from each food group every day and how much food makes a serving Recommended Number of Food Guide Servings per day Children ?? Children ?? years old years old Teens and Adults Females Males Vegetables and Fruit Fresh frozen and canned ?? ?? ?? Find your age and sex group in the chart below Follow down the column to the number of servings you need for each of the four food groups every day Look at the examples of the amount of food that counts as one serving For instance mL cup of carrots is one serving in the Vegetables and Fruit food group What is one Food Guide Serving Look at the examples below Eating Well Every Day Canada ? s Food Guide describes healthy eating for Canadians two years of age or older Choosing the amount and type of food recommended in Canada ? s Food Guide will help ? children and teens grow and thrive ? meet your needs for vitamins minerals and other nutrients ? lower your risk of obesity type diabetes heart disease certain types of cancer and osteoporosis weak and brittle bones Eat at least one dark green and one orange vegetable each day Choose vegetables and fruit prepared with little or no added fat sugar or salt Have vegetables and fruit more often than juice Dark green and orange vegetables mL cup Other vegetables mL cup Leafy vegetables and wild plants cooked mL cup raw mL cup Berries mL cup Make at least half of your grain products whole grain each day Choose grain products that are lower in fat sugar or salt Fruit fruit or mL cup Juice mL cup Grain Products ?? ?? ?? Teens ?? Teens ?? Milk and Alternatives ?? Adults - years Adults - years Adults years Adults years Bread slice g Bannock g ? x ? x ? Cold cereal g see food package Hot cereal mL cup Cooked pasta mL cup Drink mL cups of skim or milk each day Select lower fat milk alternatives Drink forti ?ed soy beverages if you do not drink milk Cooked rice White brown wild mL cup Milk Powdered milk mixed mL cup Forti ?ed soy beverage mL cup Canned milk evaporated mL cup Yogurt g cup Cheese g oz Have meat alternatives such as beans lentils and tofu often Eat at least two Food Guide Servings of ?sh each week Select lean meat and alternatives prepared with little or no added fat or salt Meat and Alternatives ?? Traditional meats and wild game g cooked oz mL cup Fish and shell ?sh g cooked oz mL cup Lean meat and poultry g cooked oz mL cup Eggs eggs Beans ?? cooked mL cup Peanut butter mL Tbsp When cooking or adding fat to food ? Most of the time

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