Dmg program guide Desire Matrix Geometry Creating a Brighter Future Program Workshop Guide ? Roger Baran Desire Matrix Geometry D Copyright Notice Roger Baran Desire Matrix GeometryTM Program Workshop Guide ? Roger Baran Self-Publishing DMG Program Gmail

Desire Matrix Geometry Creating a Brighter Future Program Workshop Guide ? Roger Baran Desire Matrix Geometry D Copyright Notice Roger Baran Desire Matrix GeometryTM Program Workshop Guide ? Roger Baran Self-Publishing DMG Program Gmail com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This booklet contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited No part of this booklet may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical including photocopying recording or by any information storage and retrieval system or by any means or medium in existence now or conceivable in perpetuity without express written permission from the author Program Guide Creating a Brighter Future ? Roger Baran Desire Matrix Geometry COPYRIGHT NOTICE INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE DESIRE MATRIX GEOMETRY PROGRAM BASIC CONCEPTS TERMINOLOGY THE SOUL -- YOUR INTERNAL GURU PARADIGMS THE DMG PARADIGM WHAT IS A MATRIX WHAT IS THE DESIRE MATRIX MANTRAS HOW DO THEY WORK MEDITATION WHAT IS LIKE TO MEDITATE HOW DO WE KNOW WHEN WE ARE TRULY MEDITATING THE QUANTUM FIELD PERFECTION ?? STATIC OR DYNAMIC THE EGO THE ROLE POWER OF THE MOTHER UNDERSTANDING THE IAM THAT IAM CHART ? OVERVIEW THE TOP SECTION OF THE CHART THE MIDDLE SECTION OF THE CHART THE BOTTOM SECTION OF THE CHART OTHER MARKINGS OF THE CHART The Letters A-O-M The Hebrew Letters Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey and Shin DMG MANTRAS MEDITATIONS DMG MANTRAS DMG MEDITATIONS NEGATIVE ENERGIES BINAURAL BEATS AND BRAIN ENTRAINMENT IN DMG WHAT ARE BINAURAL BEATS Program Guide Creating a Brighter Future ? Roger Baran Desire Matrix Geometry D WHAT IS BRAINWAVE ENTRAINMENT BETA - HZ ALPHA - HZ THETA - HZ DELTA - HZ THE MAGIC OF THETA THE BENEFITS OF BRAINWAVE ENTRAINMENT IN DMGTM DEEP MEDITATIVE STATES QUICKEST RESULTS POSITIVE SIDE EFFECTS ABOUT THE AUTHOR NOTES NOTES CONTINUED ? Program Guide Creating a Brighter Future ? Roger Baran Desire Matrix Geometry Introduction What is man What is God Where did man originate Where did God originate How did the cosmos and life itself come into being Is there any means to truly understand God Is there a reliable way to connect God and man so that understanding might be had If there is a God then why am I suffering Why do others suffer Does He even really know I exist How can I know if He really exists If He does then why doesn ? t He hear my cries for help These are a just few of the questions that have been asked for millennia I am sure that you could think of many more Are there truly any answers to these deep and probing questions Do we just create a God in our own image based upon the totality of our experiences of Life coupled with those of our forefathers We seem to be bound up in a never ending sequence of good and evil virtue and vice pleasure and pain Do we create God as a means of explaining the

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  • Publié le Jan 27, 2022
  • Catégorie Travel / Voayage
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 53.7kB