Bike sharing guide 1 ? TP ? E ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Bike Sharing Guide ? March This ?document ?was ?prepared ?for ?Transport ?Canada ?by ?Gris ?Orange ?Consultant ? ? ? ? Her Majesty the

? TP ? E ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Bike Sharing Guide ? March This ?document ?was ?prepared ?for ?Transport ?Canada ?by ?Gris ?Orange ?Consultant ? ? ? ? Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada repr esented by the Minister of Transport Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre Guide du Vélopartage For a print copy or an accessible version of this publication please visit http transact-en tc gc ca or contact Transport Canada ? s Publications Order Desk at - - - ?? International at - - An electronic version of this publication is available at www tc gc ca urban TP E Catalogue No T - E ISBN - - - - Permission to reproduce Transport Canada grants permission to copy and or reproduce the contents of this publication for personal and public non-commercial use Users must reproduce the materials accurately identify Transport Canada as the source and not present theirs as an official version or as having been produced with the help or the e ndorsement of Transport Canada To request permission to reproduce materials from this publication for commercial purposes contact Publishing and Depository Services Public Works and Government Services Canada Ottawa ON K A S droitdauteur copyright tpsgc-pwgsc gc ca ? Table ?of ?Contents ? Introduction ? Purpose ? What ?is ?bicycle ? sharing ? What ?is ?a ?public ?bicycle ?system ? Why ?develop ?public ?bicycle ?systems ? History ? of ?Public ?Bicycle ? Systems ? Public ?Bicycles ?in ? Canada ? Benefits ?of ?Increased ?Bicycle ? Use ? Mobility ?Benefits ? Health ? Benefits ? Environmental ?Benefits ? Economic ?Benefits ? Specific ?Benefits ?of ?Public ?Bicycle ? Systems ? Section ?Summary ? Assessing ?the ?Potential ? General ? Considerations ? Size ? Density ? Roads ?and ? bicycle ? facilities ? Potential ?for ?Transit ?Intermodality ? Topography ? Climate ? Levels ?of ?Bicycle ? Use ? Feasibility ?Study ? Section ?Summary ? Hardware ?and ?Operations ? System ?Operation ?Type ? Manual ? Automated ? A ?Types ? utomated ?System nt ? Fixed ? permane rtable ? Fixed ? po Flexible ? Station ?Design ? ? Technology ? hnology ? Bicycle ? Design ? ? Tec R ? equired ?Resources ? Human ?Resources ources ? Capital ?Res Section ?Summary ? Financing ? Your ?System ? osts ? C Startup ? Costs ? Ongoing ?Costs ? m ? Theft ?and ?Vandalis S evenue ? ources ? of ?R User ?Fees ? Public ?Private ?Partnership ? ? Business ?Models ? Alternative Section ?Summary ? Implementing ?Your ? System ? anning ? akeholder ?group ? Pl Assembling ? a ?st y ? Mobility ?Stud i ? ii ? Service ?Area ? System ?Size ? tion ?Plan ? Station ?Distribu Im plementation ? ing ?Strategy ? Market Timing ? stance ?and ? Troubleshooting ? User ?Assi

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  • Publié le Oct 05, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 9MB