Bibliography 85 Bibliography Home Renovation Tax Credit BDO Canada Assurance and Accounting Tax and Advisory Services BDO Canada http www bdo ca en Library Industries real-estateand-Construction pages Home-Renovation-Tax- Credit aspx accessed June Ontario

Bibliography Home Renovation Tax Credit BDO Canada Assurance and Accounting Tax and Advisory Services BDO Canada http www bdo ca en Library Industries real-estateand-Construction pages Home-Renovation-Tax- Credit aspx accessed June Ontario Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Lowe's Canada Lowe's Canada www lowes ca http www lowes ca articles ontario-healthy-homes-renovation- taxcredit a html accessed June Apprentices Canada's Economic Action Plan Home Canada's Economic Action Plan http actionplan gc ca en initiative-section apprentices accessed June Connecting Canadians with Available Jobs Canada's Economic Action Plan Home Canada's Economic Action Plan http actionplan gc ca en page connecting-canadiansavailable-jobs accessed June Continuing Education Canada's Economic Action Plan Home Canada's Economic Action Plan http actionplan gc ca en initiative-section continuing- education accessed June Continuing Education Canada's Economic Action Plan Home Canada's Economic Action Plan http actionplan gc ca en initiative-section continuing-education accessed June Home Renovation Tax Credit Canada Revenue Agency Web site http www craarc gc ca gncy bdgt fqhmrnvtn-eng html q accessed June Newcomers Canada's Economic Action Plan Home Canada's Economic Action Plan Chttp actionplan gc ca en initiative-section newcomers accessed June Toronto Star Ontario introduces Healthy Homes Renovation tax credit February http www thestar com life homes ontariointroduceshealthyhomesrenov ationtaxcredit html accessed June Skills Training Canada's Economic Action Plan Home Canada's Economic Action Plan http actionplan gc ca initiative-section skills-training accessed June What expenses qualify for the Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Ontario ca Government of Ontario Canada Ontario ca http www ontario ca taxes-andbene ?ts what-expenses-qualify- healthy-homes-renovation-tax-credit accessed June Ontario Home Renovation Tax Credit - Ontario Home Improvement Tax Home Energy Audit - Government Grants Rebates - Ontario BC Canada http www homeperformance com ontario-home-renovation-tax-credit-rebate- ontariohome-improvement- accessed June Fiscal Policy The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics Library of Economics and Liberty Library of Economics and Liberty http www econlib org library Enc FiscalPolicy html accessed June C C

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