Capitalization guide Capitalization Guide and Quiz Review the rule to capitalize and take the quiz Print your score at the end CCapitalized ? the pronoun I ? the ?rst word of ? My best friend is here every sentence ? the ?rst word in direct quotation a ?

Capitalization Guide and Quiz Review the rule to capitalize and take the quiz Print your score at the end CCapitalized ? the pronoun I ? the ?rst word of ? My best friend is here every sentence ? the ?rst word in direct quotation a ? Bryan told me ? Don ? t go there or else ? ? all proper nouns and proper adjectives ? Laura is American ? the ?rst word in the greeting and closing of a letter ? Dear Margaret Sincerely yours CCapitalized ? names of people and also ? Richard G the initials or Smith abbreviations that stand for those names ? titles used with names of person and abbreviations standing ? Mr Edward Simpson for those titles ? geographical names and sections of the country ? Paci ?c Ocean or world Europe CCapitalized ? names of languages races nationalities religions and proper adjectives formed from them ? names of days of the weeks months of the years and special holidays ? names of historical events documents and periods of times ? English Asian Irish Catholic American ? Monday January Christmas ? Civil War Magna Carta CCapitalized ? names of organizations associations teams and their members ? abbreviations of titles and ? World Health Organization American Public Health Association Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan ? ONU APHA organizations ? names of business and o ?cial names ? McDonalds Big Mac of their products CCapitalized ? the ?rst letter of the ?rst last and other important words in a title ? Diary of Anne Frank ? word such as mother father aunt and uncle when these words are used as names ? Mother Teresa of Calcutta CLet ? s see if you understood Take the quiz and print your score CChoose the word that should be capitalized in this sentence The small hindu temple has been renovated hindu temple small CChoose the words that should be capitalized in this sentence my house is on Shelby avenue house avenue my house my avenue CChoose the words that should be capitalized in this sentence you are hoping i won ? t tell mom you hoping you i i mom CChoose the word that should be capitalized in this sentence The canadians won the gold medal gold medal canadians CChoose the words that should be capitalized in this sentence We have been reading about the great depression in the united states during the ? s depression united great states great depression united states CChoose the words that should be capitalized in this sentence She unked spanish but passed french spanish french unked passed but unked CHow did I do C

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  • Publié le Aoû 11, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 24.9kB