APA Style Guide, 6th ed. William E. Laupus Health Sciences Library Page 1 of 15
APA Style Guide, 6th ed. William E. Laupus Health Sciences Library Page 1 of 15 For more information on searching or assistance, contact us at (252) 744-2230, toll free at 1 (888) 820-0522 or http://www.ecu.edu/laupuslibrary/contact.cfm -Adapted with permission from the Medicine Hat College Library Services How To Guide http://www.mhc.ab.ca/library/howtoguides.html#pres 5-13-10 This handout provides an overview of the American Psychological Association’s style of citation and writing. It is based on the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Publication Manual). For additional information and examples, consult a copy of the handbook that is available in the in the Laupus Library Reference Area (Call #: WZ 345 P976 2010). WHY CITE SOURCES? When writing a paper, we often build upon the information and ideas of others. When information is borrowed from others, we must give them credit. Citing sources accomplishes the following: ~ provides a way to give proper credit to the sources used in writing the paper ~ enables the reader to find the information for themselves ~ adds credibility and provides strength for your arguments WHEN TO CITE SOURCES? Credit must be given whenever: 1. quoting from a source (copying from the source word for word) 2. summarizing or rephrasing information from a source into one's own words HOW TO CITE SOURCES? APA style requires 2 elements: 1. IN-TEXT REFERENCES ~ located in the text of the paper ~ tells the reader what information was borrowed and where it came from 2. A LIST OF REFERENCES ~ located at the end of the paper ~ tells the reader what sources were used to write the paper and provides complete information about the sources The in-text references and list of references work together to give complete credit to the sources that are used in writing the paper. The in-text reference in the paper should correspond with the beginning of the citation in the list of references. Page 2 of 15 For more information on searching or assistance, contact us at (252) 744-2230, toll free at 1 (888) 820-0522 or http://www.ecu.edu/laupuslibrary/contact.cfm -Adapted with permission from the Medicine Hat College Library Services How To Guide http://www.mhc.ab.ca/library/howtoguides.html#pres 5-13-10 FORMATTING A PAPER IN APA STYLE ~ Use standard 8.5 x 11 inch (letter size) good quality white paper. ~ Use 12-pt Times New Roman font. ~ Double space lines throughout the paper. Exceptions: Triple or quadruple spacing can be done around equations. Single or one-and-a-half spacing can be done in tables or figures. ~ Use a 1 inch (2.54 cm) margin on all sides of each page—left, right, top, and bottom. ~ Text appears on one side of the paper—the reverse side is blank. ~ Left justify your margins, meaning the left margin will be flush to the left side of the page and the right margin will be uneven. ~ Indent the first line of every paragraph five to seven spaces or a standard ―Tab‖ key space (½ inch). ~ Use 2 spaces after a sentence period in your essay and 1 space after commas, colons, and semicolons. ~ Order of the paper (not all of these elements are a necessary part of every paper): 1. title page 2. abstract 3. text 4. references 5. footnotes 6. tables 7. figures 8. appendices ~ PAGE NUMBERING: Number all pages of the paper, beginning with the title page. The number is in the top right corner (1 inch from right and ½ inch from the top page edges). ~ RUNNNING HEAD: A running head will appear at the top of every page. It is flush against the left-hand margin (1 inch) and ½ inch from the top of the page. The running head is an abbreviated form of the title that is no longer than 50 characters in length. The abbreviated title will be preceded by the phrase, ―Running head:‖ on the first page only. E.g., Running head: THIS IS MY ESSAY TITLE (on page 1); THIS IS MY ESSAY TITLE (on subsequent pages) ~ HEADINGS: Headings are not required, but they may be useful for the purpose of displaying hierarchal organization in your paper. There are a total of five heading styles. The following outlines the format for the first three levels of headings. For more than three levels of headings refer to the APA Publication Manual (6th ed., pp. 62–63). Bold, Centered, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading Bold, Flush Left, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading Indented, bold, sentence case paragraph heading ending with a period. ~ Visuals may include graphs, photographs, tables, etc. Clearly label each visual with a title that concisely describes its subject. In the text of your paper, refer to the visual by its label (e.g., Figure 1, etc.). ~ Formatting titles or publications mentioned in your paper: o ITALICIZE: titles of books, plays, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines, journals, films, compact discs, and paintings. o PLACE QUOTATION MARKS AROUND: titles of articles, essays, short stories, poems, chapters of books, and songs. o CAPITALIZE: All major words in the title. 1st level. 2nd level. 3rd level. Page 3 of 15 For more information on searching or assistance, contact us at (252) 744-2230, toll free at 1 (888) 820-0522 or http://www.ecu.edu/laupuslibrary/contact.cfm -Adapted with permission from the Medicine Hat College Library Services How To Guide http://www.mhc.ab.ca/library/howtoguides.html#pres 5-13-10 APA STYLE EXAMPLES APA style requires brief references in the text of the paper and complete reference information at the end of the paper. Below are some general guidelines: IN-TEXT REFERENCES An in-text reference is generally given in one of two ways. For rephrased information (information put into your own words): ~ use author's surname followed immediately by the copyright year in brackets within the sentence OR ~ provide the author's surname and copyright year in brackets at the end of the sentence before the period For quoted information (information copied word for word): ~ use the author's surname followed immediately by the copyright year in brackets and the page from which the information was copied in brackets at the end of the sentence (see example on page 10 for details) OR ~ provide the author's surname, copyright year, and page in brackets at the end of the sentence before the period (see example on page 10 for details) REFERENCES The list of sources is titled "References" and is located at the end of the paper on a new page. ~ alphabetize entries by the first word of the entry ~ entries are double spaced and the second line of an entry is a hanging indent of a ½ inch (standard tab space) ~ use only initials for the first and middle names even if the full name is given ~ in titles of books and articles, capitalize only the first word of the title, the first word following a colon or dash, and all proper nouns ~ in titles of periodicals, capitalize all significant words ~ italicize the titles of books and periodicals ~ one space after all punctuation ~ list only works that were referenced in the text of the paper (except personal communications) ADDITIONAL RESOURCES IN THE LIBRARY American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. [Circulation and Reference Collections; Call #: WZ 345 P976 2010] APA Style [Web site]. http://www.apastyle.org/ [The official Web site for APA Style—this site offers blogs, FAQs, tutorials, and more.] Page 4 of 15 For more information on searching or assistance, contact us at (252) 744-2230, toll free at 1 (888) 820-0522 or http://www.ecu.edu/laupuslibrary/contact.cfm -Adapted with permission from the Medicine Hat College Library Services How To Guide http://www.mhc.ab.ca/library/howtoguides.html#pres 5-13-10 ANATOMY OF A REFERENCE (For more examples see pp. 5-10) In-Text Reference – Paraphrase The bacteriological revolution brought much significance to the housewife and her chores (Tomes & Tiny, 1998). References Page – Book Citation Cushing, C. E., & Allan, J. D. (2001). Streams: Their ecology and life. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. References Page – Journal Article Citation For digital versions of journal citations, see p. 6 of this guide. Socket, H. T. (1987). Has Shulman got the strategy right? Harvard Educational Review, 57, 208–219. References Page – Web Page Citation Food Groups. (2008, December 3). Retrieved October 20, 2009, from http://apastyle.org/learn/faqs/web-page-no-author.aspx. Use ―&‖ between authors’ names in parenthesis. Borrowed information put into the author’s own words. Authors. Year. Title—italicized. Place of publication. Publisher. Capitalize the first word of the title and subtitle—unless a proper name/noun follows. Use ―&‖, not ―and‖. Use initials instead of full first/given or middle names. Year. Authors. Article title, only capitalize the first word of the title and subtitle—unless a proper name/noun follows. See pp. 186–187 of the APA Publication Manual for recording publisher location rules. Journal title, only capitalize the first word of the title and subtitle. Italicize. Volume number italicized. Include issue number in parenthesis if each issue starts on page 1 or if you are unsure—the issue number will not be italicized (e.g., 57(1)). Pages. URL Note: Retrieval date (e.g., Retrieved July 24, 2009, from . . . ) is no uploads/s3/ apa-style-guide-6th-ed-oct09.pdf
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