Th Bl b k The Bluebook: A Uniform System of A Uniform System of Legal Citation
Th Bl b k The Bluebook: A Uniform System of A Uniform System of Legal Citation g PreparedbyJenniferAllison p y f ResearchandEducationalTechnologyServicesLibrarian Fall2010 Introduction to the Bluebook • Legal style and citation Legalstyleandcitation guide • Created and published by Createdandpublishedby Yale,Penn,andHarvard LawSchools Organization of the Bluebook StyleGuideforLegalWriting CitingFederalandStatePrimaryMaterials Citing Secondary Sources CitingSecondarySources SpecialRulesforCitingElectronicSources CitingForeignandInternationalMaterials Organization of the Bluebook STYLE GUIDE FOR LEGAL WRITING (RULES 19) Citationstructure Useofsignals,id.,andsupra Typefacerequirements Formatforparentheticals,quotes,footnotes,andendnotes p , q , , Abbreviations,numerals,andsymbols Organization of the Bluebook FEDERAL/STATE PRIMARY MATERIALS Cases(Rule10) Constitutions(Rule11) Statutes(Rule12) LegislativeMaterials(Rule13) Administrative/ExecutiveMaterials(Rule14) Organization of the Bluebook SECONDARY MATERIALS Booksandnonperiodicmaterials(Rule15) Periodicals(Rule16) Unpublishedmaterials(Rule17) Organization of the Bluebook ELECTRONIC RESOURCES InternetMaterials(Rule18.2) CommercialElectronicDatabases(Rule18.3) AudioandVideoRecordings(Rules18.6and18.7) Organization of the Bluebook FOREIGN AND INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS Foreign(Rule20) International(Rule21) Organization of a Bluebook Rule RULE 10:CASES Introduction– SampleCaseCitationDiagrams 10.1– BasicCitationFormsChart 10.210.8– DetailedRulesforCitingCases 10.9– ShortFormsforCaseCitations Organization of a Bluebook Rule IntroductiontoRule10: Sample Case Citation SampleCaseCitation Diagrams Organization of a Bluebook Rule Rule10.1– BasicCitationFormChart Organization of a Bluebook Rule Rules10.210.8– DetailedRulesforCitingCases Organization of a Bluebook Rule Rule10.9– ShortFormsforCaseCitations Arbitration Materials AdministrativeAdjudicationsand Rule 14 3 Arbitrations Rule14.3 InternationalArbitrationsand Claims Commissions Rule21.6 ClaimsCommissions Arbitral ReporterCitationFormats Table5 Changes… TheNineteenthEdition oftheBluebookwas l d i J 2010 releasedinJune2010. The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook BASICALLY STILL THE SAME MajorFormatStyles Citationformatsforcases, statutesandlegislativematerials, administrativeandexecutivematerials, and print books and periodicals andprintbooksandperiodicals The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook MAJOR CHANGES Citationrulesandformatsforelectronicmaterials, foreignmaterials,andinternationalmaterials The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook THE INTERNET Rule18.2hasbeenexpandedtoprovidemoreguidanceon howtoformatcitationstoInternetmaterials. Itincludesgeneralprinciples,aswellasinstructionsfordirect andparallelcitationstosourcesavailableonline. The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook CITING ONLINE DOCUMENTS NEWRULE: Anauthenticated,official,orexactcopyofanonlinesource maybecitedasiftotheoriginalprintsource, withoutanyURLinformationappended. R l 18 2 1( ) Rule18.2.1(a) The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook EXAMPLE OF AUTHENTICATED ONLINE DOCUMENT GPOnowattachesadigitalcertificateofauthenticityto allPDFsthatappearontheGPOwebsite. h f i h G O b i Therefore,acitetoaPDFontheGPOwebsite nolongerrequirestheURL. GPO Authentication The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook GPOAuthentication Certificate The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook Old: OFFICE OF MGMT & BUDGET A NEW ERA OF RESPONSIBILITY: RENEWING OFFICE OF MGMT.&BUDGET,ANEW ERA OF RESPONSIBILITY:RENEWING AMERICA’S PROMISE (2009), 2010BUD/pdf/BUDGET2010BUD.pdf. New: OFFICE OF MGMT.&BUDGET,ANEW ERA OF RESPONSIBILITY:RENEWING AMERICA’S PROMISE (2009). ( ) The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook CITING ONLINE VERSIONS OF STATE STATUTES If the state or municipality only publishes their statutes or Ifthestateormunicipalityonlypublishestheirstatutesor ordinancesonline,thencitetheonlinesourcedirectly. Citeofficial,authenticated,orexactcopies(asdefinedinrule p ( 18.2.1(a))asiftheyweretheofficialversion. Unofficialonlinesourcesarecitedinaccordancewithrule18.2.3 ( ffi i l it ith ll l “ il bl t” it t th b i ) (officialcite,withaparallel“availableat” citetothewebversion). Rule12.5(b) The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook CITING ELECTRONIC DATABASE VERSIONS OF STATE STATUTES StatestatutesaccessedthroughLEXISorWestlawmaybecited,as longastheinformationregardingthecurrencyofthedatabaseis includedintheparenthetical. Rule18.3.2 Th Ni t th Editi f th Bl b k The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook CAL. BUS. & PROF CODE § 1670 (Deering, LEXIS through 2009-2010 Extraord. Sess. 1-5 & Urg. Leg. through ch. 124 of 2010 Reg. Sess.). The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook CITING ONLINE NEWSPAPER ARTICLES Youmaynowofficiallyciteanonlineversionof anewspaperarticle. h i i i l d h l h i l i ThecitationmustincludetheURL,unlessthearticleisan onlinecopyoftheprintversionthathasbeenauthenticated inaccordancewithRule18.2.1(a). Rule16.6(f) The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook Dave Caldwell, Blackhawks’ Harshest Foe is Salary Cap, N.Y. TIMES, Aug. 4, 2010, http://www nytimes com/2010/08/ 05/sports/hockey/05blackhawks. html. The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook CITING FREQUENTLY UPDATED WEBSITES Citestoblogsandotherdynamicsitesthatareupdated frequentlyshouldincludeatimestampwheneverpossible. l 18 2 2( ) Rule18.2.2(c) The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook Lyle Denniston, Prop. 8 Ruling Appealed, SCOTUSBLOG (Aug. 6, 2010, 3:47 PM), http://www scotusblog com/2010/08/ prop-8-ruling-appealed/. The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook CITING FOREIGN AND INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS Foreign Rule20;Table2 International Rule 21;Tables3&4 The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook NONENGLISH FOREIGN MATERIALS Rule20.2discussescitationformatsfor nonEnglishsources. Thereisanexpandedexplanationofhowtocite Chineselanguagesourcesinrule20.2.4. The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook FOREIGN MATERIALS: JURISDICTIONSPECIFIC CITATION EXAMPLES JURISDICTION SPECIFIC CITATION EXAMPLES TheseexamplesareprovidedinTable2. Citationinstructionshavebeenexpandedandclarified. Inaddition,sevennewjurisdictionshavebeenadded: Belgium Chile Columbia Egypt Iraq Pakistan and S Korea Belgium,Chile,Columbia,Egypt,Iraq,Pakistan,andS.Korea. The Nineteenth Edition of the Bluebook INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS Thereisexpandedcitationinformationfor UnitedNations(Rule21.7)and EuropeanUnion/EuropeanCommunity(Rule21.9)materials. p / p y ( ) Bluebook Questions? Contactalawlibraryreferencelibrarian. Email: Phone: 310.506.7591 uploads/s3/ bluebook-guide.pdf
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