WRITTEN ACTIVITY 1.1 Scenario 1 FACILITATOR CLOTHING PTY LTD. Name GPO Box 2107 Brisbane Qld, 4001 Phone: (07) 7020 7306 Fax: (07) 3055 6305 http://facilitatorclothing.com.au January 28, 2017 Mr. T Jones PO Box 31 Lockman Road Wellington Qld 4023 Subject: RE: Delivery Information Good day! This letter is in regards to your product order #24335 which you placed with our company Facilitator Clothing Pty Limited on the 21st of January. Due to a large number of unexpected orders this month, we are experiencing a major delay in the delivery dispatch of the items. We sincerely regret to inform you that the delay of the product delivery will take up to 10 days. We apologise for the inconvenience this delay has caused you. We are trying our best to improve our services and to ensure that this crisis does not take place in the future again, we have taken all precautionary steps. Once again, we apologize to you for all the troubles caused because of us. We would appreciate your support on this matter. You are a loyal and supportive client of our company for 10 years, and we are grateful to you for your commitment towards us. As a small token of honour and as a mark of apology we offer 10% discount to you on your next purchase order with us. Whenever you place your next order with our company, you can avail this discount on the final bill value. Thank you for your continued patronage. Best regards, Name CEO, Facilitator Clothing Pty Ltd. Scenario two MARKETING REPORT/ PLAN To write a marketing plan/ report, it is essential to think and analyse the important things that you need to include specially details about the product, its target market and the possible distribution channels for your product/ service. It is also helpful to write marketing strategies including print, social media, advertisements and other useful information to have a competitive edge among other competitors on the market. DRAFT THE TEMPLATE AND INFORMATION CONTENTS OF A MARKETING PLAN Title Page • Include the name of the company, period of time that the contents of the marketing plan covers, and completion date. • Use a clean and professional format with examples of the company logo and product designs and packaging types. Table of Contents • List all the contents of the marketing plan in the order they appear, citing relevant page numbers. • List tables, graphs and diagrams on a separate page so that the reader can locate these presentation tools quickly. List the appendices that will be included at the end of your document. Cover Letter • This letter should form a personalized overview of the document. Highlight areas of the plan that are particularly crucial to the reader, providing an indication of how this plan will help your business attain overall success in the future. Historical Background • Give the reader an indication of where your business idea originated, citing the date you began researching into the idea, the existence of any mentors or advisors, the scope of your business (the specific of what the business "does"), and opportunities for expansion. Indicate how the future success of the business can be attributed to the strategies found in the Marketing Plan. Marketing Goals and Objectives To introduce this section, include the "mission statement" of the business; an idea of what its goals are for customers, clients, employees and the consumer, then proceed with: Consumer Analysis • Identify your target market, describing how your company will meet the needs of the consumer better than the competition does. List the expectations consumers have for your type of product. Since demands may be different, products and services will vary between competitors. Quality, price and after sales service are just some of the areas where this difference occurs. • Identify the segment of the market that will benefit from your product and area of expertise as well as your approach to selling your product or service. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis Strengths- Weaknesses- Opportunities- Threats- Marketing Focus Product or Service • Identify your product or service by what it is, who will buy it, how much they will pay for it and how much it will cost for you to produce it, why a consumer demand exists for your product, and where your product sits in comparison to similar products/services now available. • Describe the marketplace rationale for the differences between your product and a competitors. Look at quality, price, new ideas/approaches, and how your product appeals to a specific customer base - both existing customers and new customers you hope to attract to the market. Location • Identify the location of your business, why it is located there (strategic, competitive, economic objectives), your expected methods of distribution, and timing objectives. • Different products have different shelf lives and your estimation of how long your product will remain on the shelf is an important one. Promotion • Describe the type of promotional methods you will use to spread the word about your product. Identify techniques such as word of mouth, radio and newspaper ads. • For radio, focus on a stations music format and its relationship to your products image, broadcast area, cultural focus, age focus, etc. Price • The prices of your products or services should reflect your overall company strategy. Pricing should be competitive as well as a reflection of the quality, costs and profit margin. Attached is the copy of the final marketing plan Task 2 1. Identify the enterprise style guide/house style The expression house style refers to the specific usage and editing conventions followed by writers and editors to ensure stylistic consistency in a particular publication or series of publications (newspapers, magazines, journals, websites, books). House-style guides (also known as style sheets or stylebooks) typically provide rules on such matters as abbreviations, capital letters, numbers, date formats, citations, spelling, and terms of address. IMPORTANCE OF A STYLE GUIDE Time Savings. A style guide saves time by providing quick answers to questions that may arise while writing documentation. "What information should be included in a specification?" or "How should I format the address on this letter?" A style guide streamlines the process of composition, thus significantly reducing the time required to create new documents. It also provides for shorter review cycles. Cost Savings. Employees with access to their company's style guide spend fewer hours writing, reviewing, and correcting documentation. A style guide reduces the expense of repetitive training and prevents costly mistakes that result when an operator, for instance, is forced to read inconsistent or poorly written operating instructions. Consistency. A style guide promotes consistency among documents throughout the company. This leads to fewer arguments over questions of style and format and to less duplicated effort, resulting in savings of both time and money. Professionalism. In helping to write and maintain a style guide, employees have an opportunity to share their expertise and knowledge internally. Externally, your company enhances its image by developing and using an effective time- and money-management tool and by consistently producing quality documentation. Generally, a style guide represents the unique style of a company or an organisation and the way where it reflects its personal characteristics in the way they create the forms, and other written letters etc. 2. Outline formatting styles and their impact on formatting, readability and appearance of documents There are two ways to format a Word document. You can apply formatting directly or apply styles. Using direct formatting, you select the text and click all the different formatting options. Using styles, you select the text and choose a style - it's much more efficient! A style is a set of formatting attributes. If you're working with a short simple document, direct formatting is fine, but the process is tedious in a long document, or when applying the same formats repeatedly. Direct formatting is also error prone - it's easy to click the wrong option. In contrast, you can apply a number of formats quickly by choosing a single style. If you want to change something, modify the style and Word will update each occurrence of the style, accordingly. Efficiency and consistency are the main reasons you'll want to work with styles, but there's a bonus. Word uses its built-in styles with several features. For instance, Word can generate a table of contents based on the built-in heading styles. Word's outline feature, useful with long documents, also uses built-in heading styles. Formatting is important for two reasons: It makes your essay look like an essay (rather than a letter or a note to a friend). It helps to make your essay more readable. Formatting Style A formatting style is a standardized approach to creating an academic paper. It gives a paper a recognizable appearance. When you see a paper written in APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Association) or CMS (Chicago Manual of Style) style, you can tell which one it is just by looking at the way it's formatted. 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