CHAPTER 8 MANAGEMENT OF TRANSACTION EXPOSURE QUESTIONS 1. How would you define transaction exposure? How is it different from economic exposure? 2. Discuss and compare hedging transaction exposure using the forward contract vs. money market instruments. When do the alternative hedging approaches produce the same result? 3. Discuss and compare the costs of hedging via the forward contract and the options contract. 4. What are the advantages of a currency options contract as a hedging tool compared with the forward contract? 5. Suppose your company has purchased a put option on the euro to manage exchange exposure associated with an account receivable denominated in that currency. In this case, your company can be said to have an ‘insurance’ policy on its receivable. Explain in what sense this is so. 6. Recent surveys of corporate exchange risk management practices indicate that many U.S. firms simply do not hedge. How would you explain this result? 7. Should a firm hedge? Why or why not? 9. Explain contingent exposure and discuss the advantages of using currency options to manage this type of currency exposure. 10. Explain cross-hedging and discuss the factors determining its effectiveness. PROBLEMS 3. You plan to visit Geneva, Switzerland in three months to attend an international business conference. You expect to incur the total cost of SF 5,000 for lodging, meals and transportation during your stay. As of today, the spot exchange rate is $0.60/SF and the three-month forward rate is $0.63/SF. You can buy the three-month call option on SF with the exercise rate of 0.64/SF for the premium of $0.05 per SF. Assume that your expected future spot exchange rate is the same as the forward rate. The three-month interest rate is 6 percent per annum in the United States and 4 percent per annum in Switzerland. (a) Calculate your expected dollar cost of buying SF5,000 if you choose to hedge via call option on SF. (b) Calculate the future dollar cost of meeting this SF obligation if you decide to hedge using a forward contract. (c) At what future spot exchange rate will you be indifferent between the forward and option market hedges? (d) Illustrate the future dollar costs of meeting the SF payable against the future spot exchange rate under both the options and forward market hedges. 6. Cruise Company (PCC) purchased a ship from Mitsubishi Heavy Industry. PCC owes Mitsubishi Heavy Industry 500 million yen in one year. The current spot rate is 124 yen per dollar and the one-year forward rate is 110 yen per dollar. The annual interest rate is 5% in Japan and 8% in the U.S. PCC can also buy a one-year call option on yen at the strike price of $.0081 per yen for a premium of .014 US$ cents per yen (in other words 0.014/100). (see it as a basis point of 0.014/100) (a) Compute the future dollar costs of meeting this obligation using the money market hedge and the forward hedges. (b) Assuming that the forward exchange rate is the best predictor of the future spot rate, compute the expected future dollar cost of meeting this obligation when the option hedge is used. (c) At what future spot rate do you think PCC may be indifferent between the option and forward hedge? 7. Consider a U.S.-based company that exports goods to Switzerland. The U.S. Company expects to receive payment on a shipment of goods in three months. Because the payment will be in Swiss francs, the U.S. Company wants to hedge against a decline in the value of the Swiss franc over the next three months. The U.S. risk-free rate is 2 percent, and the Swiss risk- free rate is 5 percent. Assume that interest rates are expected to remain fixed over the next six months. The current spot rate is $0.5974. a. Indicate whether the U.S. Company should use a long or short forward contract to hedge currency risk. b. Calculate the no-arbitrage price at which the U.S. Company could enter into a forward contract that expires in three months. c. It is now 30 days since the U.S. Company entered into the forward contract. The spot rate is $0.55. Interest rates are the same as before. Calculate the value of the U.S. Company’s forward position. 8. Suppose that you are a U.S.-based importer of goods from the United Kingdom. You expect the value of the pound to increase against the U.S. dollar over the next 30 days. You will be making payment on a shipment of imported goods in 30 days and want to hedge your currency exposure. The U.S. risk-free rate is 5.5 percent, and the U.K. risk-free rate is 4.5 percent. These rates are expected to remain unchanged over the next month. The current spot rate is $1.50. a. Indicate whether you should use a long or short forward contract to hedge currency risk. b. Calculate the no-arbitrage price at which you could enter into a forward contract that expires in 30 days. c. Move forward 10 days. The spot rate is $1.53. Interest rates are unchanged. Calculate the value of your forward position. uploads/Finance/ ch08-questions 1 .pdf

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  • Publié le Mai 02, 2021
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