14 - 20 Mar 2012 . NZ’S original FREE WEEKLY STREET PRESS . ISSUE 404 . GROOVEG

14 - 20 Mar 2012 . NZ’S original FREE WEEKLY STREET PRESS . ISSUE 404 . GROOVEGUIDE.CO.NZ SHIT WORTH DOING Gigs | Music | Film | Reviews | News | Gadgets | Games | Gear KRS-One St Vincent . WOMAD Real Estate . St Patrick’s Day 28 March - 1 April TO BOOK: ! 950 6359 www.iticket.co.nz www.titirangifestival.com THE NUDGE, PADDY FREE IVA LAMKUM, THE TRONS LUGER BOA, CLAP CLAP RIOT VICTORIA GIRLING-BUTCHER PAUL SYMONS BAND VILLAGE DAY, FAMILY FUN Over 30 concerts and many more events! VILLAGE DAY is proudly brought to you by Providers of Invisalign - The Clear Alternative to Braces !"#"$%&'"()*%$+%,- ISSN 1172-675X Shit worth announcing 15/03 15/03 15/03 The Great Creators The eighth installment of creative symposium Semi- Permanent has been announced, and the two-day conference has expanded. This year’s event, kicking off Friday 18 May, will feature 16 speakers including a mash-up of creative minds with the likes of industry heavy-weights Ron English, Industrial Light & Magic, Gmunk, Wallpaper Magazine, Miss Van, Special Group, Three Drunk Monkeys, Alex Trouchet and more. Organisers have said that in addition to the regular run of the show, this year’s Semi-Permanent will also be presenting side events and exhibitions. For tickets and further info head to the-edge.co.nz/ semipermanent or semipermanent.com. Life On The Edge This Thursday 15 March sees the launch of this year’s Dunedin fringe Festival. Running through to Sunday 25 March, the eleven days of contemporary and experimental entertainment will include over 50 performances from some 370 acts. Held at multiple venues, the festival will include shows from Delaney Davidson, Two Cartoons, The Puddle, Nick Knox, $noregazZzm, For the Quail, Adam Page, Drew Englehutt, Opposite Sex, Penny Ashton, MANTHYNG, Fuchsia Gash, Jacqui Williams, John Cooper Clarke and many more. For all ticketing and other info check out dunedinfringe.org.nz. $noregazZzmic times down south It’s not the easiest way to spell a name, but at least it’s not just a symbol. $noregazZzm has announced a mini-tour with Fauxhound, kicking off this week at Auckland’s Whammy Bar on Thursday 15 March. The team-up will head down to Christchurch to play at the Darkroom@Archive on Friday 17 March with Waots, then carry on to Dunedin for two shows – one at XII Below as part of the Dunedin Fringe Festival and another next week at Chicks Hotel. Tuney Toons Dunedin based Two Cartoons will be touring this week as they celebrate the release of their fantastically named EP Jelly Tip Lips. This week the impressive duo plays at the Dunedin Fringe Festival and in Timaru, and next week sees the band open for Japan’s Thatta at their Dunedin show. Following that, the two-piece will head up to the North Island for two shows in Auckland and one in Wellington. Check out the band’s album online at twocartoons.bandcamp. com and keep your eyeholes peeled for a music video for their single ‘Better Coast’. See the tours pages for further info on dates and venues. Love & Taite This year’s finalists for the Taite Music Prize were announced last week, and unsurprisingly we’re looking at some top shelf talent up for the cash prize of $10,000. The finalists are folkman Andrew Keoghan for Arctic Tales Divide, metallers Beastwars for their self titled album, hip-hop golden boy David Dallas for The Rose Tint, the fresh new faces of She’s So Rad for In Circles, golden oldies The Bats for Free All Monsters, the sensational songstress Tiny Ruins for Some Were Meant For The Sea and of course noise- pop newcomers Unknown Mortal Orchestra for their self-titled album. The winner will be announced on Friday 20 April. Gay Old Times Despite not technically living in the same country, let alone the same hemisphere, kind-of-Auckland-based duo Gaytime have announced a tour as they celebrate the release of their debut album In Our Prime. The garage band is everything we love about dirty, classic, loud, distorted rock. Gaytime kick off this week at Auckland’s Lucha Lounge on Friday, and will be playing a spot at the Heart Attack Alley fundraiser on Saturday. Next week will see them head to Wellington and Wanganui before making their way to Australia for two shows. The news gets better with the fact that just as heavy, just as dirty, just as impressive Auckland garage four-piece The Raw Nerves will be playing support at all of their shows, and blues favourites Drab Doo Riffs will also be making a few pit stops along the road as well. The World Comes To Us The World Cinema Showcase dates have been announced, and this year audiences will get to see an array of premieres and documentaries from around the globe. Now in its 14th year, the World Cinema Showcase will arrive in Auckland on Thursday 29 March and run through to Wednesday 11 April, featuring films at both Rialto Cinemas Newmarket and the Bridgeway. The Wellington showcase starts on Thursday 05 April and winds up on Sunday 22 April and will be held at the Paramount. Dunedin’s run will start on Thursday 19 April and finish on Wednesday 02 May, playing at the Regent Theatre, and the Christchurch installment will begin on Thursday 26 April and run through to Wednesday 09 May, playing at the Hollywood 3 Sumner cinemas. Head to worldcinemashowcase.co.nz for more info. Our pick 18/05 Announcements 16/03 29/03 Breaking news due to space and content requirements, not all gigs may be listed. listings are user generated. groove guide assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions. groove guide is provided ‘as is’, for your information only, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringment. the guide’s publisher assumes no responsibility for and disclaims all liability for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in this guide and do not share the opinions expressed within. reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. copyright 2011 Groove Guide is New Zealand’s leading weekly music and entertainment publication. 10,000 free copies are available every week at music stores, cafes, fast food outlets, nightclubs, bars, restaurants, cinemas and retail stores throughout New Zealand. If you would like to stock Groove Guide please contact tyler@ grooveguide.co.nz or call (09) 3664616. Editor Grant Hislop editor@grooveguide.co.nz General Manager Gemma Russell gemma@grooveguide.co.nz CONTRIBUTING Editor Matt Monk matt@grooveguide.co.nz Editorial assistant Tyler Hislop tyler@grooveguide.co.nz SUB Editor Elise Brinkman Designer Greta Gotlieb greta@grooveguide.co.nz Advertising gemma@grooveguide.co.nz Accounts Gail Hislop gail@grooveguide.co.nz Contributors Cover photo credit: Marie-Claire Batty Dedee W, Tim Gruar, Sam Wieck, Larissa McMil- lan, Dominic Corry, Steve Newall, Olexander Sydor, Alexander Hallag, Ryan Kershaw. print Image Print ltd. Publisher Hark Entertainment LTD PO Box 37584 Parnell, Auckland UK comic Lenny Henry has announced two NZ shows at Wellington’s Michael Fowler Centre on Sun 24 Jun and Auckland’s ASB Theatre on Wed 27 Jun. Frank Turner has announced his return to the country. The former Million Dead frontman will be joined by his band The Sleeping Souls for one show in Auckland at The Kings Arms on Tue 15 May. Tim “Ripper” Owens (of Judas Priest fame) will play two shows in New Zealand at Wellington’s Bodega on Fri 01 Jun and Auckland’s The Kings Arms on Sat 02 Jun. The 2012 SKYCITY Deep Stack Series poker tournament has been announced to kick off on Thu 29 Mar. Dunedin singer/songwriter Jo Little has announced a tour kicking off at the end of March and running through to the end of May, and will be joined by Jared Smith (Soulseller/Ash & the Matadors). Grooveguide.co.nz | 5 Shit Worth Knowing Cyan Corwine DIALOGUE WITH A MANNEQUIN It’s been in the works for years and recently we’ve seen all the cogs coming together in harmony. Auckland’s party quadrant Britomart is always a hotspot for drinking and whatnot, and this weekend we’ll be seeing the closest thing to a festival we can in the downtown centre (barring the first Laneway back in 2010, of course). This Saturday 17 March, the Britomart Country Club (31 Galway Street) will be hosting the Jameson Global Party – a shindig which is promising ten hours of live music from some of Auckland’s best DJs (MayaVanya, Arash, Sam Hill, Daniel Farley, Huffey Street Sound System, Connor Nestor and Thane Kirby) and features headliners Zowie and Clap Clap Riot. We’re sure you’ll be looking for pubs in which to crawl on St Patrick’s Day, and this one could be a place to set up shop. What’s also got us excited down at Britomart is Mexico (23 Britomart Place). It’s not a stretch to say that the authentic Mexican restaurant is one of the best new venues to grab a meal in the central city. In terms of legit Mexican food, you only ever tend to hear about “that one in Kingsland” or “that one in Ellerslie that’s never really open”. So when a venue opens up that has more inspiration from Frida Kahlo, Mexican wrestlers and the Day of the Dead than any given Robert Rodriguez film, you uploads/Geographie/ 404-groove-guide.pdf

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