9.3.2014. Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Stra

9.3.2014. Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Strategy Builds http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/season-4-markswoman-ashe-290330 1/10 STRATEGY GUIDES FOR LEAGUE OF LEGENDS 1,129,405 104 BUILD GUIDE DISCUSSION (104) AD (CHEAT SHEET) CHAMPION BUILD: ASHE Health 1817 Health Regen 14.4 Mana 803 Mana Regen 13.5 Armor 135.39 Magic Resist 82.06 Dodge 0 Tenacity 0 Movement Speed 395 Gold Bonus 0 Attack Damage 288.4 Attack Speed 61.105 Crit Chance 45%S Crit Damage 50% Ability Power 0 Life Steal 16% Spell Vamp 0 Armor Penetration 35 Magic Penetration 0 Cooldown Reduction 0% Mark of Attack Damage 9 Seal of Armor 9 Glyph of Magic Resist 9 Quint of Life Steal 2 Quint of Attack Damage 1 RECOMMENDED RUNES Health Potion Doran's Blade Warding Totem START Boots of Speed B. F. Sword Infinity Edge Berserker's Greaves Zeal Statikk Shiv EARLY - MID GAME + NOTES Vampiric Scepter Pickaxe Last Whisper Chain Vest Guardian Angel The Bloodthirster Greater Stealth Totem MID - LATE GAME Enchantment: Homeguard Enchantment: Alacrity ENCHANTS Phantom Dancer Mercurial Scimitar Banshee's Veil OTHER OPTIONS Infinity Edge Berserker's Greaves Statikk Shiv Last Whisper Guardian Angel The Bloodthirster EXAMPLE 6 ITEM BUILD 2 8 10 12 13 1 3 5 7 9 4 14 15 17 18 6 11 16 226 VOTES ASHE BUILD GUIDE BY ASTROLIA Season 4 Markswoman Ashe astrolia Last updated on February 9, 2014 ABILITY SEQUENCE MASTERIES DAT ASHE By Hoodstomp SEASON 4 MARKSWOMAN ASHE By astrolia ASHES TO ASHE'S By jhoijhoi [OUTDATED (WORKED ON)] CLASSIC ASHE AND ASHE MY WAY By PandaWarrior ABOUT THE AUTHOR astrolia Fabulous PROFILE BLOG PM MORE GUIDES FROM ASTROLIA Ashe THE FROST ARCHER MORE GUIDES CHAMPION ROTATION MORE GUIDES Season 4 Support Sona Updated March 7, 2014 3/4 1/1 2/2 2/2 Builds & Guides LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Game Data CHAMPIONS & MORE MOBAFire TV VIDEO & STREAMS eSports Central PRO SCENE COVERAGE Community FORUMS & BLOGS Tournaments OPEN NOW! JOIN MOBAFIRE 9.3.2014. Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Strategy Builds http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/season-4-markswoman-ashe-290330 2/10 Offense: 21 Defense: 9 Utility: 0 CHAPTER ONE introduction what is ashe's role? how does she fit on a team? CHAPTER TWO building what runes, masteries, and summoner spells do i use? CHAPTER THREE items what should i buy? avoid? why? CHAPTER FOUR skills what do ashe's skills do? what should i level? CHAPTER FIVE playing what do i do in lane and team fights? So you've decided to play Ashe. A smart choice indeed. First, let's understand what kind of champion Ashe is so you know what you're getting yourself into. Compared to other AD carries, she's valued for her utility and strong initiation with Enchanted Crystal Arrow. She's not known for her early laning phase. She needs to be able to farm minions and get stronger through itemization to be a relevant source of damage for her team late game. Because of her weaker early game, Ashe isn't the best choice to go alongside an aggressive support like Leona who wants to go balls deep and get things done. In fact, one of Ashe's best friends in the laning phase is Janna who provides additional disengage and protection to keep Ashe safe. But you don't need to switch your champion selection from Ashe if your supporter has picked Leona. Games go on beyond lane phase, and even if you don't get kills in lane, a combo like Ashe and Leona will supply a wealth of crowd control to any team. Crowd control is one of Ashe's selling points. She's a strong kiter by nature, making her a large annoyance to champions without gap closers who she can kite for days on end. When it comes to team composition, Ashe can fit in with any team as just a ranged damage dealer, but she has special synergy with team mates who she can chain status effects with. Ashe, Twisted Fate and Nocturne make a strong fear and stun combo with their long ranged ult presence. Ashe and Zyra is also a popular combination due to their wealth of crowd control that can be used offensively for kills or defensively to peel enemies off of Ashe. However, Ashe herself has no gap closer and she's weak versus champions who can jump in and burst her down in seconds. She needs a solid team to protect and peel for her while she deals damage from afar and kites down stragglers. SCHEDULED TOURNAMENTS DOMINATE DOMINION #100 REGISTRATION OPEN MOBAFIRE COMMUNITY CUP EUW - MARCH RUNNING DOMINATE DOMINION #99 FINISHED DOMINATE DOMINION #98 FINISHED DROP-IN GAMES MOBAFIRE INHOUSES REGISTRATION OPEN RECENT ESPORTS BUILDS Taipei Snipers Winds v Overpow vs Gambit - E 6 Wickd vs SK Gaming - 6 RECENT ESPORTS NEWS FEBRUARY 13, 20 How SHC shock world by beatin FEBRUARY 12, 20 The fast push: C and Banner of C JANUARY 18, 201 Cloud 9 EU's inv against Heavy B 3/3 1/1 1/1 3/3 3/3 1/1 1/1 3/3 1/1 1/1 3/3 1/1 9.3.2014. Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Strategy Builds http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/season-4-markswoman-ashe-290330 3/10 Runes 9 9 9 2 1 Using flat runes gives you more stats for early game. During early game, there will be lots of farming and harassing. Greater Mark of Attack Damage gives you some flat AD to help you last hit minions. As minions have very low armor, Greater Mark of Armor Penetration is wasted on them. Since you're facing an enemy marksman and their support in bottom lane, take Greater Seal of Armor and Greater Glyph of Magic Resist. The magic resist runes are mainly for enemy supports since they tend to do magic damage, but some marksmen also do a little magic damage with their skills. You can use Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist instead, but flat is stronger at level 1 when you walk into lane and at level 6 when people get their ultimates. If you want extra mana regen, you can mix in a few Greater Glyph of Mana Regeneration. Lastly, 1 Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage and 2 Greater Quintessence of Life Steal are used for laning. Life steal helps you sustain, and since they're percent based, they'll also scale into late game once you have more AD. The 1 AD rune is so you have enough AD to last hit ranged minions if you're forced under your tower. If you don't have enough IP for life steal quints, Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage or whatever you'd like to use that isn't AP or energy is fine, but you should get Vampiric Scepter early game to make up for the lack of life steal. Summoner Spells and For summoner spells, Flash and Barrier are pretty standard for marksmen (and women). Flash is always going to be required for positioning. For a 2nd summoner spell, 90% of the time, Barrier is a great choice. This can be attributed to the popularity of assassins (like Zed or Kha'Zix) who are going to jump on you and stay there. If you can't get them off of you, you might as well take Barrier and soak up some of their damage. Of course, Barrier has more general functions. Fighting vs the enemy marksman and support? Pop Barrier to soak damage. Karthus or Caitlyn using their ults? Pop Barrier to soak damage. For the 10% of the time when you don't take Barrier, there's also Cleanse to take when going against teams with a ton of crowd control , and Ghost which is a playstyle preference spell for kiting with Frost Shot. Heal, Ignite and Exhaust make okay summoner spells, but Ignite is better with some kind of early game killing power (not Ashe's forte), and Heal/ Exhaust get better mileage on a support - they can AoE Heal you or Exhaust/ Ignite an enemy for you, but they can't take Barrier, Cleanse, or Ghost to use on you. Masteries The mastery page I recommend is 21/9/0. The 21 points in Offense increases your damage output, and the 9 points in Defense are to help you survive the onslaught of assassins and bruisers. Due to the new masteries for season 4, I am going to try and be as in-depth as possible about masteries. >> Offense Brute Force , Martial Mastery , Executioner , Devastating Strikes and Havoc are all self-explanatory - they're all damage-related masteries. Butcher helps you last hit ranged minions if you're under your tower. Feast (combined with Doran's Blade and Greater Quintessence of Life Steal) helps you sustain in lane, and Dangerous Game helps you sustain in team fights. Later when you have Infinity Edge and Statikk Shiv, you'll be critting fairly frequently to make use of Frenzy 's buff. The filler masteries in the Offense tree are Fury and Warlord . Fury is a tier 1 mastery, so you'll need at least 3 points of it to unlock tier 2. Warlord scales on your bonus AD. At perfect conditions with a 6 item build and AD masteries, max Warlord uploads/Geographie/ ashe-build-guide.pdf

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