Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources: "H.Res.583 - Recognizing the Remarkable

Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources: "H.Res.583 - Recognizing the Remarkable Example of Sir Nicholas Winton Who Organized the Rescue of 669 Jewish Czechoslovakian Children from Nazi Death Camps Prior to the Outbreak of World War II.110th Congress (2007-2008)." Text. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. This document showed us that the United States Congress officially acknowledged Nicholas Winton’s efforts before the Holocaust and helped give us an official view of his actions. "Nicholas Winton." Nicholas Winton. American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2015. <>. This webpage contained a very useful primary letter from Nicholas Winton to FDR showing an American connection to Winton and how America was involved in the British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia. "Oral History Interview with Nicholas Winton." - USHMM Collections Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. This audio-recording was very useful for getting a first-person view on how Nicholas Winton felt about what he did. It gives an insight to Winton’s thoughts and reflections of the operation and even now. Secondary Sources: "Author Barbara Winton, Daughter of Sir Nicholas Winton, Visits USC Shoah Foundation." USC Shoah Foundation. University of Southern California, 28 Nov. 2014. Web. 4 Feb. 2015. < daughter-sir-nicholas-winton-visits-usc-shoah-foundation> We used this website article to get good quotes from Nicholas Winton to use on our site pages as headers. Cohen, Roger. "An Old Man in Prague." The New York Times. The New York Times, 31 Oct. 2014. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. < discretion-of-nicholas-winton.html?_r=0> This article was very useful in finding out how Winton came to Prague, and why he chose to move to Prague. "Czechoslovakia." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 20 June 2014. Web. 12 Feb. 2015. < ModuleId=10005688>. This page taught us more about the history of Czechoslovakia during the time when Nicholas Winton's operation. "Honour for Briton Who Saved Jews." BBC News. N.p., 28 Oct. 2014. Web. 03 Feb. 2015. <> This website page created a good connection between Winton's past life and his present life. Howard, Emma. "‘British Schindler’ Honoured for Saving 669 Children from the Nazis." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 28 Oct. 2014. Web. 3 Feb. 2015. < of-the-white-lion-czech-republic> This article was useful because it helped show how grateful the Czech people were for Winton’s actions and how they thanked him with the Order of The White Lion Award. This award is this highest award that anyone can receive from the Czech Government. Howard, Emma. "If It's Not Impossible … The Life of Sir Nicholas Winton – Review." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 19 June 2014. Web. 3 Feb. 2015. < barbara-winton-review> This review was a very good overview of this book, and it was the reason that we discovered the book, If It's Not Impossible, which is a biography of Nicholas Winton written by his daughter. Howard, Emma. "Sir Nicholas Winton: 105th Birthday Party for Man Who Saved 669 Children from the Nazis." The Guardian. The Guardian News and Media, 20 May 2014. Web. 3 Feb. 2015. < children-nazis> This article showed us about Nicholas Winton’s 105th birthday and what his life looks like today. infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <> This website gave us a brief history of Czechoslovakia. We used this on one of our website pages to get a brief overview of history of the country in which our project is taking place. "Nicholas Winton and the Rescue of Children from Czechoslovakia, 1938–1939." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 20 June 2014. Web. 27 Jan. 2015. <> The United States Holocaust Museum website was very useful for getting an unbiased approach and overview of Nicholas Winton's life, especially his early life and career. It also went into greater depth regarding Winton’s role in the British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia before the invasion of the Nazis. "Nicholas Winton." - Key Stage 3. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2015. < do/nicholas-winton/> This webpage was helpful because it explained to us how Nicholas Winton felt when people found out about his actions and about how people thought about him after they found out. "Nicholas Winton's Story." Nobel Peace Prize for Sir Nicholas Winton. N.p., 02 Feb. 2013. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. <> This website showed us how Nicholas Winton’s operation began, and it gave us information on how the adoption process worked. Singh, Anita. "Sir Nicholas Winton: Britain's Schindler Honoured by Czech Republic." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. < Schindler-honoured-by-Czech-Republic.html> We used this article to find more information about Winton’s legacy today. "Sir Nicholas Winton Receives Czech Republic's Highest Honor." CBSNews. CBS Interactive, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. < republic-the-order-of-the-white-lion/> We used this article to see how Nicholas Winton is still remembered by the Czech people today. "The History Place - Triumph of Hitler: Nazis Take Czechoslovakia." The History Place - Triumph of Hitler: Nazis Take Czechoslovakia. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. <>. This website was very useful in finding information on when the Nazis overtook Czechoslovakia and how that affected Winton's Operation. "The Power of Good - The Nicholas Winton Story." The Power of Good - The Nicholas Winton Story. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2015. <> This website was very useful because it has side text that gives extra information on certain topics that we did not have very much background knowledge on. "The Text Message » Nicholas Winton and Refugee Children: A Follow-up to “60 Minutes”." The Text Message » Nicholas Winton and Refugee Children: A Follow-up to “60 Minutes”. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. < follow-up-to-60-minutes/> We used this blog to find information from the embedded documents and to see other perspectives on Winton. Watt, Nick. "Rescuer of 669 Holocaust Children Honored by Survivors." ABC News. ABC News Network, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. < saved/story?id=8493151> We used this article to see the lasting impact that Nicholas Winton had on the children he saved. Winton, Barbara. If It's Not Impossible--: The Life of Sir Nicholas Winton. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. This book was very useful because it was by Nicholas Winton’s daughter, so this secondary source provided a lot of primary sources, and it really helped us get true and exclusive information on him. "Winton's List." Winton's List. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. <>. This chart was very useful in learning how Nicholas Winton affected the lives of the children he saved, and where they are today. "Winton's Scrapbook (extracts)." Winton's Scrapbook (extracts). N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <> Winton created a scrapbook of the operation that held many primary sources for our research. This secondary source website had links to recovered pages of the scrapbook. This helped us find many primary sources, including letters from those directly involved in the operation. uploads/Geographie/ bibliography - 2023-03-27T231225.026.pdf

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