CREATE YOUR OWN INFOMERCIAL LES – TEACHER GUIDE Secondary Cycle 2 Document realised by: BAILLARGEON, Sophie CARON, Claudia CLOUTIER, Maude DANNEAU, Vicky KING, Adèle WINTER 2013 CREATE YOUR OWN INFOMERCIAL--- LEARNING AND EVALUATION SITUATION 1 CONTENTS In this lesson, students will make their own infomercial. They will learn the different features associated to infomercials, prepare a script of their own and design the storyboard that goes with it, work with Windows Media Movie Maker or iMovie in order to edit their video, and finally present their infomercial to their classmates. Table of content General Information……………………………………………………………………………...... p. 2 Trigger Activity……………………………………………………………………………..……. p. 3 Task 1 – Deconstruct an infomercial…………………………………………………………….. p. 4 Task 2 – Practice and brainstorm your ideas!................................................................................. p. 5 Task 3 – Write your script and story board!..................................................................................... p. 6 Task 4 – 3, 2, 1, Action!................................................................................................................... p. 7 Task 5 – Present your infomercial!................................................................................................... p. 8 Appendixes Appendix 1 – Evaluation Grid C1 & C3 Appendix 2 – DVD of the infomercial “Magic Sponge” Appendix 3 – Student Booklet CREATE YOUR OWN INFOMERCIAL--- LEARNING AND EVALUATION SITUATION 2 Broad Area of Learning üMedia Literacy üEnvironmental Awareness and Consumer Rights and Responsibilities Educational Aim üTo enable students to exercise critical judgement with respect to infomercials and to be creative in producing one of them. This will help them to learn how to communicate appropriately. Focuses of Development üUse of media-related materials and communication codes. ESL Competencies üC1 –Interacts orally in English üC2 – Reinvests understanding of texts üC3 – Writes and produces texts Cross-Curricular Competencies üTo use creativity üTo communicate appropriately üTo adopt effective work methods Language Repertoire üFunctional language – capabilities, agreements, description üVocabulary – vocabulary associated with infomercials/advertising üGrammar – imperative, present tense, modals Strategies üPlanning üSelf-evaluating / Peer-evaluating üTaking risks GENERAL INFORMATION Secondary Cycle Two CREATE YOUR OWN INFOMERCIAL--- LEARNING AND EVALUATION SITUATION 3 TRIGGER ACTIVITY – LET’S WATCH AN INFOMERCIAL! The students will learn what the components of an infomercial are. Suggested Duration 15 minutes Material • Internet • Computer • Projector or IWB • Videos of the Magic Sponge Infomercial Activity Description Role of the teacher Role of the student 1. Present the video. 2. Tell the students to take notes of the specific aspects associated with infomercial. 3. Discuss with the students what the components of the infomercial are. 1. Watch the video. 2. Notice what are the specific aspects associated with infomercials. 3. Take notes. 4. Discuss about it with the group. CREATE YOUR OWN INFOMERCIAL--- LEARNING AND EVALUATION SITUATION 4 TASK 1 – DECONSTRUCT AN INFOMERCIAL! The students will explore in depth an infomercial. Suggested Duration 60 minutes Material • Computer • Projector or IWB • DVD of the infomercial of the Slap Shop • Student Booklet Competency C2 – Reinvests understanding of texts Task Description Role of the teacher Role of the student 1. Distribute the Student Booklet to the students. 2. Teach the Focus on Forms grammar. 3. Play the Slap Shot Infomercial. 4. Have the students complete page 3 in their Student Booklet. Give them 10 minutes to do so. 5. Have the students read page 5 in their Student Booklet. 6. Give them 15 minutes to complete page 6. 7. Correct cooperatively. 8. Have the students complete the On Going Participation section of their Student Booklet. 1. Listen to the teacher. 2. Watch the video. 3. Fill to page 3 in Student Booklet. 4. Read Mario’s Blog. 5. Complete page 5-6 in Student Booklet. 6. Participate in the correction process. 7. Complete the On Going Participation section of the Student Booklet. CREATE YOUR OWN INFOMERCIAL--- LEARNING AND EVALUATION SITUATION 5 TASK 2 – PRACTICE AND BRAINSTORM YOUR IDEAS! The students will reinvest the knowledge they have on infomercial and will engage in the process of creating their own. Suggested Duration 75 minutes Material • Student Booklet Competency C1 – Interacts orally in English C2 – Reinvests understanding of texts Task Description Role of the teacher Role of the student 1. Have the students complete page 4-7 of their Student Booklet. 2. Correct cooperatively. 3. Have the students brainstorm on their infomercial. 4. Have the students start writing the draft of their script. 5. Have the students complete the On Going Participation section of their Student Booklet. 1. Complete page 4-7 of Student Booklet. 2. Participate in the correction. 3. Brainstorm in teams on the infomercial they want to create. 4. Start writing the draft of their script. 5. Complete the On Going Participation section of the Student Booklet. CREATE YOUR OWN INFOMERCIAL--- LEARNING AND EVALUATION SITUATION 6 TASK 3 – WRITE YOUR SCRIPT AND STORY BOARD! The students will engage in the writing process of their script and will create the storyboard of their infomercial. Suggested Duration 75 minutes Material • Student Booklet • Draft sheets Competency C1 – Interacts orally in English C3 – Writes and produces texts Task Description Role of the teacher Role of the student 1. Have the students complete the writing of their draft for the script. 2. Have the students complete their peer reviews. 3. Have the students edit their script accordingly to their peers’ comments. 4. Have student transcribe the final version of their script in the Student Booklet. 5. Have students create the storyboard of their infomercial. 6. Have the students plan the filming phase of the infomercial. 7. Have the students complete the On Going Participation section of their Student Booklet. 1. Finish writing the draft of the script. 2. Complete the peer reviews. 3. Edit the script accordingly to their peers’ comments. 4. Transcribe the final version of the script in the Student Booklet. 5. Create the story board of their infomercial. 6. Plan the filming phase of the infomercial by deciding who brings what (objects, costumes, etc.) for next class. 7. Complete the On Going Participation section of the Student Booklet. CREATE YOUR OWN INFOMERCIAL--- LEARNING AND EVALUATION SITUATION 7 TASK 4 – 3, 2, 1, ACTION! The students will engage in the filming phase of their infomercial. Suggested Duration 75 minutes Material • Student Booklet • Camera • Objects and costumes necessary • Computer (Computer Lab reserved) • Windows Media Movie Maker or iMovie software Competency C1 – Interacts orally in English C3 – Writes and produces texts Task Description Role of the teacher Role of the student 1. Reserve the Computer Lab in advance. 2. Have the students film their infomercial. 3. Have the students edit their video on the computer. 4. Have the students complete the On Going Participation section of their Student Booklet. 1. Film their infomercial. 2. Edit the video on a computer. 3. Complete the On Going Participation section of the Student Booklet. CREATE YOUR OWN INFOMERCIAL--- LEARNING AND EVALUATION SITUATION 8 TASK 5 – PRESENT YOUR INFOMERCIAL! The students will present their infomercial to the class. Suggested Duration 75 minutes Material • Student Booklet • Each team’s Infomercial video Competency C1 – Interacts orally in English Task Description Role of the teacher Role of the student 1. Decide of the presentation order. 2. Announce the presentation order. 3. Evaluate the students. 4. Complete the evaluation grid. 1. Present their infomercial. 2. Listen to the other students’ presentations. CREATE YOUR OWN INFOMERCIAL--- LEARNING AND EVALUATION SITUATION 9 APPENDIX 1 – EVALUATION GRID C1 AND C3 Evaluation Criteria Exceeds expectations – A Meets expectations – B Acceptable, but needs improvement – C Does not meet expectation – D Serious difficulties or incomplete – E Task Requirements Participation in the writing and production processes Consistently uses and adapts the writing and production processes to suit the task. Often experiments with personal style. Often uses and adapts the writing and production processes to suit the task. Sometimes experiments with personal style. Sometimes uses and adapts the writing and production processes to suit the task. Experiments with personal style when prompted. Rarely uses and adapts the writing and production processes to suit the task. Rarely experiments with personal style even when prompted. Never uses and adapts the writing and production processes to suit the task. Never experiments with personal style even when prompted. Script Script is complete and it is clear what each actor will say and do. Entries and exits are scripted as are important movements. Script is quite professional. Script is mostly complete. It is clear what each actor will say and do. Script shows planning. Script has a few flaws. It is not always clear what the actors are to say and do. Script shows an attempt at planning, but seems incomplete. Script has major flaws. It is not clear what the actors are to say and do. Script does not show any attempt at planning, and is incomplete. There is no script. Actors are expected to invent what they say and do as they go along. Storyboard Storyboard is complete with sketches for each scene, detailed notes on titles, transitions, special effects, sounds, etc. Storyboard reflects outstanding planning and organization for the visuals in the video. Storyboard is relatively complete with uploads/Geographie/ create-your-own-infomercial-les-teacher-guide.pdf

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