Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle 31 st 1982 2012 Volume 35, No. 9 Phone: 304
Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle 31 st 1982 2012 Volume 35, No. 9 Phone: 304-267-9983 • Web: www.yourbg.com • E-mail: ads@yourbg.com February 27, 2013 86 Somerset Blvd., Charles Town, WV 25414 • (304)725-1461 36 Month 0 % SALE N O EXCLUSIONS” ULTRA 25 ® STAIN WARRANTY Covers Stains Other Carpet Warranties Don’t INTEREST NEW 2013 KIA SOUL PLUS $ 16,774 ** Stk#121050 Sale Ends 3/5/13 *On Select In Stock Models. Parsons Kia and the Buyers Guide are not responsible for typographical e rrors. Ad must be brought in prior to sale. Sale price not valid after purchase. See Dealer for Det ails. Prices include all rebates, owner loyalty or competitive rebates and KIA financial incentives for qualified buyers with KMF 506 program. Prices do not include taxes, tags, freight ($775-$850), a $199 processing fee. Credit score s over 700 with Equifax. Payment does not include taxes, tags, $199.00 processing fee, and freight ( $850). See Dealer for details. **Payment/Price includes $1500 Cash or Trade Equity. Rates & Rebates subject to change without notice. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.PARSONSKIAOFWINCHESTER.COM 540-667-8400 • 800-490-4447 2525 Valley Avenue, Winchester, Va. 22601 CHECK OUT OUR GREAT DEALS ON ALL OUR NEW 2013 KIA’S! Stk#13088 PW, PL, Keyless, Sirius, Bluetooth, Auto-Dim Mirrors, Back-Up Camera, Back-Up Sensors, Heated Front Seats, Fog Lamps New 2014 0.9 % Financing For 60 Months! For 60 Month @ 0.9% Financing $ 389 25** per month NEW 2013 KIA OPTIMA LX NEW 2013 KIA RIO EX NEW 2013 KIA SPORTAGE $ 18,851 ** $ 13,880 ** $ 20,109 ** Stk#13043 Stk#121098 Stk#13054 NEW 2013 KIA FORTE EX $ 14,492 ** Stk#121099 Kia Sorento LX $ 22,795 ** ITCHING WE’RE TO SELL CARS! Martinsburg 304-267-9888 Coupons not valid w/any other offers • 1 coupon per customer 14 PIECES 2 Large Sides • 7 Biscuits $ 21 99 with coupon thru 3/31/13 22 PIECES Mixed, Mild or Spicy $ 21 99 with coupon thru 3/31/13 23 Elwood St. (Next to Big Lots) RED BARRON F L O O R I N G 1340 Wesel Boulevard Hagerstown, MD 21740 301-582-2258 www.redbarronflooring.com 10 % 10 % any purchase over $ 1,000 Shop our 26,000 sq.ft. facility for Carpet, Vinyl, Laminate, Hardwood, Tile and Area Rugs . Expires 4/30/13 Financing Available OFF OFF Your TOTAL Energy Experts 304.267.3029 35,000 SQUARE FEET AND HUNDREDS OF OPTIONS Your TOTAL Energy Experts AND HUNDREDS OF OPTIONS PTIONS 10% Off All In-Stock Stoves Offer expires 2/28/2013. See sales associate for details. Time For Home Improvements? Don’t Miss Our Special Section... Safety Measures Help to reduce bathroom injuries Discover Ways To fireproof a home Prepare a patio for entertaining Featuring... Inside Today! Page 2 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Ruritan Hall The Tuscarora Ruritan Hall is available for a $150 donation- com- mercial $175 donation. Air conditioned. Seats 115. Call 304-263-3090 or 304-264-8411 for information. Ruritan Hall Tomahawk Rur itan Club Rentals avail- able for Birthday par- ties, wedding recep- tions, reunions, sem- inars and workshops. Small dining room $ 7 5 a n d L a r g e Dining Room $125. Please call 304-754- 3 8 6 0 fo r r e s e r va - tions. WEEKLY Bingo at the Shepherdstown Fire Dept. on Wednesday Evening. Doors open 5:30, Bingo starts at 7pm. Plenty of parking. This is our 23rd year. Longaberger Basket Bingo to benefit AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Relay For Life Heros Team Sunday, March 17th, 2013 at the Moose Lodge 120- 201 Woodbur y Ave., Martinsburg. Doors open at 12;00pm. Games begin at 1:30pm. All Baskets filled, Raffles, King Tut, Tips. Tickets $15.00 in advance, $20.00 at the door. Food by Ladies of the Moose. Wear green & get free Raffle Ticket! Tickets: Diana 304- 676-3446. COACH/Cash Bingo to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters March 10, 2013 at Moose Lodge – 201 W o o d b u r y A v e . Martinsburg. Doors open at Noon, Games begin at 1:30pm. Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door No outside food allowed in the Moose Lodge-No one under the age of 18 permit- ted. For tickets, please call 304-263-5522 BASKET Bingo for Burke Street School Thursday, March 21st at Martinsburg High School. Doors open at 5:00pm, games begin at 6:00pm. Tickets $20.00 paid in advance or $25 at the door. Concessions, King Tut, Raffles, Door Prizes, Silent Auction and Extra Cards. Call 304-267- 3525. 50 Game Money Bingo Saturday, April 13 for the b e n e f i t o f t h e Shepherdstown Fire Dept. Doors open at noon, Bingo starts at 2pm, advance tickets not required. Admission includes a com- plimentary meal. 50 Game Basket Bingo for the benifit of the S h e p h e r d s t ow n F i r e Dept. Saturday, May 25th. Doors open at noon, Bingo starts at 2pm, advance tickets not required. Baskets filled, King Tuts. SPAGHETTI Supper- Friday, March 8th, 2 0 1 3 , 4 p m - 7 p m . B e d i n g t o n U n i t e d Methodist Church, 580 Bedington Road, M a r t i n s b u r g , W V. S a l a d , S p g h e t t i , Bread, Apple Sauce, Coffee & Tea. Adults: $ 8 . 0 0 , c h i l d r e n : $4.00, children under 4 arefree. 304-274- 2011. Bake Sale Too! P L E A S A N T V i e w Community Center is having their annual Ham Pot Pie Dinner on March 9, 2013 from 4pm-7pm. Adults: $8.50, kids 6-12: $5.00, Quarts: $5.00 PANCAKE & Sausage Supper at Darksville U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h , R t . 1 1 Darksville, WV ( 1 mile N o r t h o f I n w o o d ) . Tuesday, March 12th, 4:0pm-7;00pm. Cost: Donation to benefit our Y o u t h / O u t r e a c h Programs. Carr y-Out available $6.00. Country Breakfast & Pork Sale Marlowe Ruritan Club A d u l t s $ 6 . 5 0 , C h i l d r e n $ 3 . 0 0 , February 9th, March 9 t h & A p r i l 1 3 t h , 2013. Call for meat orders 304-274-3409 and 304-274-2448. M e a t i s U S D A Inspected. REGISTRATION is now open for the Martinsburg- Berkeley County Girls Softball League. Girls ages from 5-18 as of 12/31/2012 from Berkeley, Jefferson, Morgan coun- ties of WV & any out of state counties that adjoin those WV counties are eligible. Play runs from May 28 through July 26. Registrations must be received no later that April 6. Forms are avail- able on the league’s web site. www.mbcgsl.org. They can be printed & sent to MBCGSL, PO Box 603, Martinsburg, WV 25402-0603. Be sure to read the instruc- tion form prior to com- pleting your application. There are still some manager and coaches p o s i t i o n s a v a i l a b l e . Contact MBCGSL through the web site. 2 N D A n n u a l A P U S Volunteer Warriors Corn Hole Tournament for ACS’s Relay for Life. Saturday, March 23rd at 5pm at the Ranson Civic Center. 1st prize $400, 2nd prize $200, and 3rd prize is $100. Entry fee is $25.00 per player (includes food & drink). Please mail entries to: APUS Attention: HR, 111 West Congress Street, Charles Town, WV 25414 Make checks payable to: American Cancer Society. Call 304-885-5466 for more details. DEVELOP long-lasting relationships with business women in the eastern pan- handle. For over 17 years, PBWA has provided sup- port to aspiring business women throughout the area. Wednesday, March 6 2 0 1 3 , @ 1 1 : 4 5 - 1:15Purple Iris Restaurant, Martinsburg WVIncludes Lunch $15.00 Guests are welcome! Register online: http://pbwamarch2013.eve ntbrite.com/ Free Horse Camp Eagles Wings has sev- eral programs that allows girls 11-18yrs to enjoy horses for FREE through our work schol- arship programs. Call 304-754-4414 or go to eagleswingsgirls.org. THE Musselman High School Alumni Association is having a Magic Show March 16th, at 6pm at the school. Mario Prsini will be performing illusions and magic to help support the scholorship fund. Tickets go on sale at the school February 18th, 47.00 for student, 410.00 for adults in advance and $12.00 at the door. LEFT a container of Bibles at the Sunset Car Wash on 1/29. Please call 304- 229-0032. C a l v a r y U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r uploads/Geographie/ new-2014-kia-sorento-lx-we-x27-re.pdf
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