Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle 32 nd 1982 2013 Volume 36, No. 32 Phone: 30

Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle 32 nd 1982 2013 Volume 36, No. 32 Phone: 304-267-9983 • Web: www.yourbg.com • E-mail: ads@yourbg.com August 6, 2014 How college students can eat healthy * Eat breakfast. College students tend to stay up late and sleep in, but sleeping in at the expense of a healthy breakfast can impact performance in the classroom and make students more likely to overeat later in the day. A bowl of cereal with some fresh fruit is not an especially expensive breakfast, but it can help college students start their day off on an energetic and healthy note. * Snack healthy. Many students find snacks are an integral part of hours-long study sessions. But trips to the vending machine for candy bars or potato chips won’t add much nutritional value to your diet. Instead of being at the mercy of vending machines, bring healthy snacks along during study sessions. Fresh fruit, raw vegetables, Greek yogurt, and whole wheat crackers are just a few snacks that pack a more nutritious punch than traditional vending machine fare. Healthy snacks also tend to provide more energy, making it easier to endure late-night study sessions. * Make pizza healthier. Pizza is a staple of many college students’ diets, so it’s likely unrealistic for them to quit pizza cold turkey, especially since there are ways to make pizza healthier. When ordering a pizza, college students can request their pizza be prepared with whole wheat dough, which is healthier than traditional pizza dough. In addition, ask for less cheese and more tomato sauce. Such alterations are simple and healthy without sacrificing taste. * Scale back on sugar. Sugar can cause weight gain without providing much in the way of nutrition. College students can cut back on their sugar intake by avoiding sugary beverages, including soda and drinks like sweetened iced tea or lemonade. College is also when many young men and women first start drinking coffee, which some people prefer to take with sugar. But students looking to keep weight off and reduce their sugar intake can choose to drink their coffee black or with just light cream or fat-free milk to ensure their morning cup of joe is not contributing to a bigger waistline. * Drink more water. The symptoms of dehydration mimic those of hunger, and college students might turn to snacks when all they really need is a glass of water. If you find yourself snacking shortly after eating a meal, then you might just need to drink more water. Great Prices, and We Install everything we sell! VALUABLE COUPON 2330 WINCHESTER AVE., MARTINSBURG, WV 25405 MON. & FRI. 9-8 • TUES.-THURS. 9-6 • SAT. 9-5 304-263-6957 www.carpetworldofmartinsburg.com Add Beauty and Value to Your Home - For Less! $ 100 OFF $ 100 OFF Any Special Order Over $1,000 Not valid with any other offers. Coupon must be presented at the time of the sale. Expires 8/31/14 is in! Most Insurances Accepted Britt • Reed Law Offices 263-5000 INJURED? ZZZ6XQÀUH(QHUJ\6ROXWLRQVFRP 304-267-3029 3UHSXUFKDVHSHOOHWVIRU\RXU VWRYHWKLV\HDUDQGVDYHELJ Must purchase before August 15th! Only $239 a Ton! P e l l e t P r e b u y Page 2 Buyers Guide 304-267-9983 Wednesday, August 6, 2014 Community Calendar Ruritan Hall The Tuscarora Ruritan Hall is available for a $150 donation- com- mercial $175 donation. Air conditioned. Seats 115. Call 304-263-3090 or 304-264-8411 for in- formation. Ruritan Hall Tomahawk Ruritan Club Rentals available for Birthday parties, wedding receptions, reunions, seminars and workshops. Small dining room $100 and Large Dining Room $150. Please call 304- 754-3860 for reserva- tions. Reunions ASHTON Reunion: De- cendants of Daniel Jan- ney and Mariah DeHav- en Ashton will hold their 56th annual reunion on Sunday, August 17th, 2014 at 1pm at JOUAM (Junior Order of United American Mechanics) Hall in Ganotown, WV. Bring meat, covered dish & bev- erage. For more info. call 304-754-8979. BARNEY Reunion- Au- gust 17th at Ganotown Church, Back Creek Val- ley starting at 11am, eat at 1pm. Please bring cov- ered dish, dessert and drinks. (304) 263-9853 Beard-Riner family re- union set August 17, 2013. Descendants of Frank Beard and Cora May Beard Riner will hold their annual family reunion on Sunday August 17th at the Berkeley Coun- ty Youth Fair Grounds. Doors will open at 9 a. m. and lunch will be served around 1 p.m.. Again this year, fried chicken, roast beef, ham, rolls, paper products and drinks will be provided. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish. For More informa- tion, call Missy Winstead at 304-754-5915 BERKELEY Place Friends & Family Reuin- ion on Aug. 31st at Oak Street Park, 4pm. Please bring covered dish to share and lawn chairs (if needed). Any questions call 304-263-8437 Barba- ra Moore or 304-267-4632 Karen Hoffmaster Descendants of Goff and Rosa Margaret McDon- ald Clark and their sons, Foster, Kenneth, Mar- shall, Owen and Ben will meet for a reunion. It will be held on Sunday, August 10, 2:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall of the Mount Zion Episcopal Church in Hedgesville. Bring food to share. Questions – sksher- rard@hotmail.com or 304-229-8000. LARGENT Reunion- De- cendants of Frank and Annie Largent Reunion to be held at Marlowe Ruritain Building of Broad Lane, Marlowe, WV on Aug. 17th, 2014 @ 1pm. Bring covered dish and auction items. Questions call Scott Largent @ 304-267- 1640 or 304-582-9069. ORSINI-PICCOLOMI- NI-SALADINI ANNUAL FAMILY REUNION Sat- urday, August 9, 2014, 2:30pm, Happy Hour 4pm dinner served. Mc- Givney Hall (Knights of Columbus Hall). St. Leo Roman Catholic Church, 2109 Sulphur Springs Road, Inwood, WV. WATCH FOR SIGNS!!!! Bring a Lawn Chair and a covered dish or des- sert of your choice. SHIELDS, Olinger, Fink Family Reunion on Sunday, August 17th, 2014 at Tuscarora Ru- ritan Club, Martinsburg, WV. Lunch at 12:30pm. Bring Meat, Covered Dish, Beverage and “New” Item for uction. Questions call, James Fink 304-268-5104. The 2014 Smith-Butts family reunion will be held at Poor House Farm Park on August 17. Lunch will be served at 1pm. Please bring a covered dish and des- sert. THE Annual Donaldson Reunion will be held Sunday, August 24th at WMP at Hollow Pavilion. Please take note there are 5 Sundays in Au- gust. Please bring your covered dish & eating utensils. Dinner at 1:30. THE Annual John Avey Reunion will be held Sunday, August 10th at WMP at the Hollow Pavilion. Please bring covered dish and eating utensils. Plan to eat at 1:30pm. THE family reunion for the relatives and friends of William and Mabel Butts Myers will be on Satur- day August 9th, 2014 at War Memorial Park the Main Pavilion 12:00 noon. Please bring a covered dish and something to drink, also if you can bring something for the gift table that would be great. For more info call Susie Myers Bonnet at 304-229-0931. THE James Luther and Cora Byers Small Family Reunion will be held Au- gust 24, 2014, 1:30PM at the Mt. Wesley U.M. Church Pavilion, 4622 Scrabble Road, Shepherd- stown, WV 25443. Bring a covered dish, drinks, des- sert, pictures, etc. Need directions, please call 304 267-2298. Meetings RETIRED employees/ spouses of the former C & P Telephone Co., Bell Atlantic, Verizon, or Fron- tier will meet for lunch on Thursday, August 14, 11:30 at the King’s in Inwood. Questions, call Glen Sher- rard, 304-229-8000 or e-mail, gsherrard@frontier. com . Church News ADULT Vacation Bible School at Pikeside Unit- ed Methodist Cgurch on Sunday, August 10, Sep- tember 14th and October 12th, 6:30-8:30pm. Theme: Being A Light In God’s World. Join us for Praise & Worship, Presentations on the Theme, Discussion Groups, Closing Candle- light Service each evening. 25 Paynes Ford Road, Martinsburg, WV 25405. Call 304-263-4633. BETHELS Bread of Life Meal: A free meal is of- fered for those who are in need of assistance with a meal at Bethel Assembly of God every 3rd Tuesday, at 5:00 to 6:15. Our next meal will be Tuesday, Aug. 19, Bethel Assembly of God is located at 2010 Tavern Road, across from City Hospital/University Health care. We look forward to seeing you. Calvary United Meth- odist Church 220 W. Burke Street, Mar- tinsburg, WV 25401 304-267-4542 Pas- tor: Rev. Robert G. Brennan, Jr.8:30 & 10:45am worship, Sunday School: 9:30am. COME one Come All and let us Worship and Cele- brate together the love of Christ. House of Mercy For All Ministries would like to announce out Worship Ser- vices at 10am at Rodeway Inn, 94 McMillan Court, Martinsburg WV, 25401. The House of Mercy For All is under Leadership of Rev. Alexander Emanuel Brown. Call 304-995-2372. EVANGEL Pentecostal Church: New hours Sun- day worship and childrens church at 10am. We are located at 8308 Tusca- rora Pike in Martinsburg, WV (one and a half miles west of I-81 on the left.) For more information contact Paster Ken Alder at (304) 279-0654 EXTREME Truth VBS @ First Baptist of Ranson August 11th-15th, 6:15- 9pm. For all Kids going into grades 1-6. A five-day, fun-filled youth program featuring uploads/Geographie/ only-239-a-ton-injured 2 .pdf

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