1 / UESC-2-L- 2007.1 LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA INGLÊS QUESTÕES de 1 a 20 QUESTÕES de 1 a 7 INSTRUÇÃO: Para responder a essas questões, identifique APENAS UMA ÚNICA alternativa correta e marque o número correspondente na Folha de Respostas. ING- Questão 3 According to the text, Michael Uehara and Hideo Morita 01) provide the native people with regular jobs. 02) are not liked by the indigenous local tribe. 03) do not accept any interference on the part of the local tribe. 04) refused to sign a recent agreement with the Gitga’at people. 05) are against the payment of any amount of money to the native people. Questão 4 When Uehara says, “My business is dependent on leaving the area untouched.” (l.12-13), he refers to 01) business competition. 02) tourist safety. 03) local opposition. 04) environmental protection. 05) management difficulties. Questão 5 We do not want to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. (l. 14-15) This sentence means that the Lodge is 01) idyllic. 04) luxurious. 02) peaceful. 05) profitable. 03) loss-making. the lodge charges guests a 3 percent conservation tax (l. 10) In the passive construction, this sentence can be correctly rephrased as: 01) A 3 percent conservation tax was charged by the lodge. 02) Guests have been charged a 3 percent conservation tax. 03) Guests are charged a 3 percent conservation tax. 04) The lodge is charged a 3 percent conservation tax. 05) A 3 percent conservation tax will be charged by the lodge. Questão 6 In the text, 01) “teach” (l. 23) is in the imperative. 02) “people” (l. 18) is a singular noun. 03) “which” (l. 11) can be replaced by whose. 04) “that” (l. 4) is a conjunction. 05) “without” (l. 2) is a preposition. TEXTO: Parte I Friendlier footprints Improving relations with the locals It’s not easy to provide five-star luxury in the most of a treasured wilderness without damaging the environment. But the King Pacific Lodge in British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest manages that difficult 5 feat. For one thing, the lodge doesn’t even take up permanent space. Its 17 rooms sit on a floating boat, which is towed from May to September into a cove containing large numbers of whales and rare white Kermode bears. Accessible only by boat or floatplane, 10 the lodge charges guests a 3 percent conservation tax, which goes toward everything from building bear platforms to youth programs for the indigenous local tribe. “My business is dependent on leaving the area untouched,” says lodge president Michael Uehara. “We do not want 15 to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.” Uehara and King Pacific owner Hideo Morita are pioneers in community cooperation. Both were adopted by the indigenous Gitga’at people in 2000 after their tourist company became the first to sign a protocol agreement 20 with a native tribe. The Lodge recognizes the tribe as owners of the land, pays a co-management fee, mentors local youth and employs Gitga’at people, who, in turn, teach their culture to the guests. HONTZ, Jenny. Newsweek, Apr 10, 2006/Apr. 17, 2006. p.59. Adaptado “towed” (l. 7): rebocado Questão 1 Questão 2 It’s stated in the text that the King Pacific Lodge 01) is open all year round. 02) is a kind of boat hotel. 03) can be easily reached on foot. 04) is in the downtown area of British Columbia. 05) is located far from the jungle. About the King Pacific Lodge, it’s true to say: ( ) It must be a cheap hotel. ( ) It offers its guests high-quality service. ( ) Its only owners are the indigenous Gitga’at people. ( ) Its guests can watch wild animals in their natural habitat. The correct sequence, from top to bottom, is in alternative 01) True / True / False / False. 02) True /False / True / False. 03) False / True / False / True. 04) False / False / True / True. 05) False / True / True / True. Parte II The Lodge is just one of a growing number of tourism companies that are going beyond basic ecotourism to obey the rules — and win the acceptance — of local communities and regulatory groups. Deirdre Wallace, 5 owner of the Ambrose Hotel in Santa Monica, Calif., recently won a state environment award for using air hoses instead of water to clean the driveway, recycling waste and shuttling guests to Oscar parties via hybrid vehicles. The Miraval, a destination spa in Arizona, hired 10 a sustainability director to focus full-time on making the Questão 7 QUESTÕES de 8 a 15 2 / UESC-2 -L- 2007.1 ING- Questão 13 Questão 16 The only alternative that does not contain a pair of opposites is 01) “win” (l. 3) — lose. 02) “clean” (l. 7) — dirty. 03) “crucial” (l. 15) — important. 04) “new” (l. 16) — old. 05) “light” (l. 25) — heavy. Questão 14 The only regular verb is in alternative 01) “win” (l. 3) 04) “can” (l. 23) 02) “making” (l. 10) 05) “leave” (l. 25) 03) “develop” (l. 18) Questão 15 In the text, 01) “can” (l. 23) expresses permission. 02) “closely” (l. 17) is functioning as an adjective. 03) “hired” (l. 9) is the past participle of the verb. 04) “using” (l. 6) is forming a continuous verb tense. 05) “acceptance” (l. 3) is formed by adding a suffix. The sidewalk brick mentioned in the text 01) increases pollution. 02) contributes to global warming. 03) damages the environment. 04) improves air quality. 05) contains poisonous chemicals. TEXTO : ENVIRONMENT: Smog Beaters Smog is a fact of life in most cities, but several Italian municipalities think they’ve found a way to beat it. A new type of sidewalk brick breaks down carbon monoxide, a poisonous byproduct of automobile engines 5 that also contributes to global warming. The bricks are made with a blend of titanium dioxide. When exposed to light, the compound interacts chemically with the carbon monoxide, turning it into water and carbon dioxide – the gas that produces bubbles in soda pop. “I expected it to 10 work, but not so well,” says Rossano Amadelli, who led tests for the Italian National Research Council. “It stunned me.” In September, the cities of Cagliari, Sassari and Selargiius plan to begin the pollution-eating bricks in their sidewalks and plazas. The bricks cost 19 euros per square 15 meter, a 46 percent premium over conventional brick at 13 euros. That’s the price of fresh air. SUTHERLAND, Benjamin. Newsweek, Aug. 14, 2006, p. 8. Adaptado. “Smog” (título): mistura de novoeiro e poluição. Questão 12 Questão 8 Questão 9 Questão 11 About Deirdre Wallace, it’s correct to say that she 01) thinks that recycling is a waste of time. 02) was given a prize for her management methods. 03) got a medal for winning a competition among hotels. 04) was reproached by the government for not preserving the environment. 05) refused to obey the rules of the local community. According to the text, the task of the director hired by the Miraval is to make the spa 01) cause as little harm to the environment as possible. 02) well-known worldwide. 03) the biggest in the United States. 04) a refuge for victims of ecological disasters. 05) increase its profits. Concerning the local population’s reaction to the construction of Paraiso del Mar, it’s true to say that the measures taken were 01) considered suspicious. 02) seen as inadequate. 03) strongly approved. 04) unanimously rejected. 05) totally misunderstood. We try to leave a light footprint (l. 25) This sentence means that the Lodge owners 01) try not to get into conflict with the locals. 02) try to avoid nature’s destruction as much as possible. 03) find it difficult not to damage the environment. 04) want to leave a visible and well-defined mark of human actions. 05) need to interact with the local population. Among some measures taken by the owners of Paraiso del Mar, the only one not mentioned in the text is 01) preventing threatened plant species from being destroyed. 02) moving reptiles to a different place. 03) not building wide and busy roads. 04) killing any other kind of wildlife. 05) keeping the area as natural as possible. Questão 10 company eco-friendly. Among his goals: to ensure that every future building is certified by the U.S. Green Building Council as a leader in Energy and Environment design. 15 Awareness at the top is crucial. The owners of the new residential resort development Paraiso del Mar, in La Paz, Mexico, worked closely with the nonprofit group Audubon International to develop a natural resource management plan. It mandated, among other things, 20 preserving threatened plant species, relocating reptiles and other wildlife and minimal grading of roads – measures that won overwhelming support from the local population. “Tourism can be incredibly destructive,” Uehara says. “We want to avoid the love-it-death destruction of tourism 25 legacy evident elsewhere. We try to leave a light footprint.” And follow those already uploads/Geographie/ uesc-2007-biologia-prova-laranja.pdf
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