Infraction procedure guide

MAGIC INFRACTION PROCEDURE GUIDE E ?ective May INTRODUCTION The Magic Infraction Procedure Guide provides judges the appropriate penalties and procedures to handle rules violations that occur during a tournament held at Competitive or Professional Rules Enforcement Level REL as well as the underlying philosophy that guides their implementation It exists to protect players from potential misconduct and to protect the integrity of the tournament itself Rules violations usually require a penalty or they are unenforceable Tournaments run at Regular REL use the Judging at Regular REL document FRAMEWORK OF THIS DOCUMENT This document is divided into two major parts General De ?nitions and Philosophy section and Infractions sections - Infractions are broken down into general classes Game Play Errors Tournament Errors and Unsporting Conduct and further into subclasses for speci ?c infractions See the Magic Tournament Rules for further de ?nitions of terms in this document This document is published in multiple languages If a discrepancy exists between the English version and a non-English version of this document tournament participants must refer to the English version to settle disputes concerning interpretations of the Infraction Procedure Guide This document is updated periodically Please obtain the most current version at http www wizards com wpn Events Rules aspx CCONTENTS Introduction Framework of this Document General Philosophy De ?nition of Penalties Applying Penalties Randomizing a Library Backing Up Sets Game Play Errors Game Play Error ?? Missed Trigger Game Play Error ?? Looking at Extra Cards Game Play Error ?? Hidden Card Error Game Play Error ?? Mulligan Procedure Error Game Play Error ?? Game Rule Violation Game Play Error ?? Failure to Maintain Game State Tournament Errors Tournament Error ?? Tardiness Tournament Error ?? Outside Assistance Tournament Error ?? Slow Play Tournament Error ?? Decklist Problem Tournament Error ?? Deck Problem Tournament Error ?? Limited Procedure Violation Tournament Error ?? Communication Policy Violation Tournament Error ?? Marked Cards Tournament Error ?? Insu ?cient Shu ing Unsporting Conduct Unsporting Conduct ?? Minor Unsporting Conduct ?? Major Unsporting Conduct ?? Improperly Determining a Winner Unsporting Conduct ?? Bribery and Wagering Unsporting Conduct ?? Aggressive Behavior Unsporting Conduct ?? Theft of Tournament Material Unsporting Conduct ?? Stalling Unsporting Conduct ?? Cheating Appendix A ?? Penalty Quick Reference Appendix B ?? Changes from Previous Versions C GENERAL PHILOSOPHY Judges are neutral arbiters and enforcers of policy and rules A judge shouldn ? t intervene in a game unless they believe a rules violation has occurred a player with a concern or question requests assistance or the judge wishes to prevent a situation from escalating Judges don ? t stop play errors from occurring but instead deal with errors that have occurred penalize those who violate rules or policy and promote fair play and sporting conduct by example and diplomacy Judges may intervene to prevent or preempt errors occurring outside of a game Knowledge of a player ? s history or skill does not alter an infraction but it may be taken into account during an investigation

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  • Publié le Jul 09, 2022
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 117.8kB