A R C H I T E C T U R E , E T H I C S , A N D T E C H N O L O G Y A R C H I T E
A R C H I T E C T U R E , E T H I C S , A N D T E C H N O L O G Y A R C H I T E C T U R E , É T H I Q U E E T T E C H N O L O G I E This page intentionally left blank A R C H I T E C T U R E , E T H I C S , A N D T E C H N O L O G Y E d i t e d b y L O U I S E P E L L E T I E R a n d A L B E R T O P É R E Z - G Ô M E Z A R C H I T E C T U R E , É T H I Q U E E T T E C H N O L O G I E T e x t e s r é u n i s p a r L O U I S E P E L L E T I E R e t A L B E R T O P É R E Z - G Ô M E Z Institut de recherche en histoire de l'architecture Canadian Centre for Architecture • Centre canadien d'architecture McGill University Université de Montréal McGill-Queen's University Press Montréal & Kingston • London • Buffalo McGill-Queen's University Press 1994 ISBN 0-7735-1148-2 Légal deposit first quaner 1994 Bibliothèque nationale du Québec Printed in Canada on acid-free paper. Données de cataiogage avant publication (Canada) Vedette principale au titre: Architecture, ethics and technology - Architecture, éthique et technologie Texte en anglais et en français. Textes d'un symposium organisé par l'Institut de recherche en histoire de l'architecture et présenté au Centre canadien d'architecture, les 15-16 novembre 1991. ISBN 0-7735-1148-2 1. Architecture — Innovations - Congrès. 2. Architecture - Aspect moral - Congrès. 3. Architecture - Art d'écrire - Congrès. I. Pelletier, Louise, 1963- . II. Pérez Gômez, Alberto, 1949— . III. Institut de recherche en histoire de l'architecture. IV. Titre: Architecture, éthique et technologie. NA2I.A73 1994 72o'.i'o5 C93-O9O63O-6F Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Main entry under title: Architecture, ethics and technology - Architecture, éthique et technologie Text in English and French. Texts from a symposium organized by thé Institut de recherche en histoire de l'architecture and held in thé Canadian Centre for Architecture, Novembre 15-16, 1991. ISBN 0-7735-1148-2 I. Architecture - Technological innovations — Congresses. 2. Architecture - Moral and ethical aspects - Congresses. 3. Architectural writing - Congresses. I. Pelletier, Louise, 1963- . II. Pérez Gômez, Alberto, 1949- . III. Institut de recherche en histoire de l'architecture. IV. Title: Architecture, éthique et technologie. NA2I.A73 1994 72o'.i'o5 C93-09o63o-6e- INSTITUT DE RECHERCHE EN HISTOIRE DE L'ARCHITECTURE Mtmbfrs ofthe Bonrd l Membres du Conseil Phyllis Lambert, Canadian Centre for Architecture William C. Leggett, McGill University René Simard, Université de Montréal Nicholas Olsberg, Canadian Centre for Architecture Jean-Claude Marsan, Université de Montréal Alberto Pérez-Gomez, McGill University IRHA Faailty Members I Membres de l'Institut Alberto Pérez-G6mez, Director of IRHA, editor Eve Blau, Canadian Centre for Architecture Peter Daly, McGill University John Dickinson, Université de Montréal François Duchesneau, Université de Montréal Michael Lewis, Canadian Centre for Architecture Hélène Lipstadt, Université de Montréal Robert Melançon, Université de Montréal Irena Murray, McGill University Nicholas Olsberg, Canadian Centre for Architecture Myra Rosenfeld, Canadian Centre for Architecture Darko Suvin, McGill University Brian Young, McGill University This book was typeset by Typo Litho composition Inc. in Garamond and Futura. C O N T E N T S / T A B L E D E S M A T I È R E S Acknowledgments vii • Remerciements ix Alberto Pérez-Gómez Introduction / Alberto Pérez-Gómez English 3 • Français 15 Architecture and the Question of Technology / Dalibor Vesely 28 Que peut être ou faire l'éthique en architecture? / Lukas K. Sosoe 50 Ethics and Architects: Spaces, Voids, and Travelling-in-Hope / Margaret A. Somerville 61 PART ONE • ETHICS AND A R C H I T E C T U R A L R E P R E S E N T A T I O N IN THE AGE OF SIMULATION PREMIÈRE PARTIE • ÉTHIQUE ET R E P R É S E N T A T I O N A R C H I T E C T U R A L E À L ' È R E DE LA SIMULATION Master Plan for the Old Port of Montréal / Peter Rose 83 Pour que la vie ait lieu (fragments) / Philippe Madec 98 Architecture virtuelle et infographie - Quelques questions posées à l'architecture / Jean-Pierre Hardenne no Représentation in the Age of Simulation / Dan Hoffman 123 DEUXIÈME P A R T I E • ÉTHIQUE ET POÉTIQUE DANS LE C O N T E X T E DE LA PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIQUE P A R T TWO • ETHICS AND P O E T I C S IN THE C O N T E X T 0F T E C H N O L O G I C A L P R O D U C T I O N Éthique et tact / Jacques Rousseau 137 L'architecture considérée sous l'angle du processus - Les enjeux éthiques / Robert Prost 151 Architecture et techno-éthique - Contribution à une éthique de l'architecture / Alain Findeli 163 P A R T THREE • THE A R C H I T E C T U R A L U S E S OF HISTORY AND N A R R A T I V E IN A T E C H N O C R A T I C WORLD TROISIÈME P A R T I E • LA FONCTION DE L'HISTOIRE ET DU R É C I T EN A R C H I T E C T U R E DANS UN MONDE T E C H N O C R A T I Q U E The Ethics of Narrative at Trent / Richard Henriquez and Gregory Henriquez 189 "The Problem with the Architect as Writer ...": Time and Narrative in the Work of Aldo Rossi and John Hejduk / Lily Chi 199 La ville telle quelle - Un thème de représentation architecturale / Irena Latek 222 The Authors • Les auteurs 237 v i / C O N T E N T S / T A B L E D E S M A T I È R E S A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S In 1990, the Canadian Centre for Architecture, the Universite" de Montreal, and McGill University signed a protocol creating the Institut de recherche en histoire de I'architecture. The main purpose of this body is to promote inter- disciplinary research in the field of architectural history, addressing issues of concern to architects from the point of view of both the creation of archi- tecture and its relevance to the contemporary world. The symposium on "Architecture, Ethics, and Technology," which took place in Montreal at the Canadian Centre for Architecture on November ijth and i6th, 1991, was the first public event organized and funded by IRHA. The essays included in this volume were initially delivered as papers during that event. A symposium such as this would not have taken place without the gen- erous participation of the important architects and academics who unself- ishly accepted our invitation and contributed their time. On behalf of IRHA, I would also like to thank many other people who contributed both to the symposium and to this book. Deserving of special mention is Louise Pelletier, executive coordinator, who worked tirelessly to see the project through from its inception to its culmination in the present publication. While I must accept responsibility for the initial idea, the faculty members of IRHA played a major role in clarifying the symposium's objectives and in determining its final structure. Members of the faculty also kindly volun- teered their time to serve on the editorial board that made this publication possible. Invaluable throughout this process was the assistance of staff mem- bers of the Canadian Centre for Architecture, particularly Nicholas Olsberg. Professor Steve Parcell of the Technical University of Nova Scotia read and edited the introduction. At McGill University, Susie Spurdens, secretary to the Saidye Rosner Bronfman Chair in the History of Architecture, provided devoted assistance. Indra McEwen provided the English translation of the abstracts for the papers written by Alain Findeli, Jean-Pierre Hardenne, Irena Latek, Robert Prost, and Jacques Rousseau; Alberto Perez-G6mez was responsible for the abstracts of the contributions prepared by Philipe Madec and Lukas Sosoe. The French translations of the introduction and of the ab- stracts of English papers were prepared by Marie-Andre'e Lamontagne. Michel Forand edited both French and English papers and summaries. Dr Alberto Peiez-G6mez, Director, IRHA uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ louise-pelletier-alberto-perez-gomez-architectu-b-ok-xyz.pdf
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