William Morris: an annotated bibliography 1986-87 David and Sheila Latham This

William Morris: an annotated bibliography 1986-87 David and Sheila Latham This bibliography is the fourth in~{:lllllelHof j bicllni:d fe:uure of The jourJldl. Some items il13dverrenrly omirred from the 1984-85 bibliography 3fe :ldded here. Though we exclude book reviews. we include reviews of exhibition!> ;b :1 record of rempor;tl ("vems. We give ('.\Ch original entry :1 brief ~lnnor.l[ion mc.lOt to dc!>cribe its suhjc('[ fJrher rh:m c\'alu:ltc its ~lrgumenr. This re,lf we h;1\'(' .lrranged the bibliogr:lphr inlO "t."VC;'11 "ubic:cr c.Hl'gories. The enrne!> in Part I include new editions. reprints, :ll1d lram-boons of Morri~::5 own publications, .lIld are .ufanged :l1ph:lberic:lllr by title. The enrrie!> in Parr 11 include hoob. p:ullphlers. 3nl...-lc5, exhibition l'.H:llogucs. ,lIld di<,<;errations on Mom ...._ arr~lIlged .tlphabc:ticallr br amhor within e,lCh of the following !lix c,ltl'goril'~: Hibliographies General Lirerature Decorative Arts Book Design Politics 10-13 14-33 34-64 65-94 95-100 101-109 The General caregory includes biographical surveys ~lIld mi~cdlaneol1sdetail~ as well as studies that bridge twO or more subject!o.. Though we ~till believe rhat each of Morris's inreresrs is besr lIndersrood in the context of his whole life's work, we hope that the new format will save the imp::ttienr speci::tlist from having to browse through descriptions of woven tapestries in search of critiques of '111e Haystack in the Floods'. PART I: PUBLICATIONS BY MORRIS I. Aims il1 FOlmdil1g the Kelmscoll Press. London: Cadenza, 1985. 14pp A reprint uf the 1898 J.:.elmscoll edition. 2. The Collected Letters of William Morris. Vol. 2. Part A: 1881-1884. Part B: 1885-1888. Ed. Norman Kelvin. Princeron: Princeron U.P., 1987. 2 Vols. liii, 921pp. The Introduction notes how Morris changed from optimism that political ideas can influence public events to 'disillusiml about the people holding the ideas'. Morris first defines politics as 'preachiflg the idea/'; but with the corruption of language by the middle dass, he shifts his attention from the verbal to the visual, from words to craftsma1lship, cOllduding that 'only when we are out of history will the (vord become truth again'. 3. A Dream ofjohn Ball London: Journeyman Press, 1987. 80pp A paperback reprint of the 1888 Reeves & Tumer edition. 4. Die Goldene Maid Ulld Andere Erziihlugen. Trans. Annerre Van Charpenrier. Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei-Ltibbe, 1986. 189pp. A Germo1l tra1lslation ofstories from The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine. 5. Dos ldeale Buch: Aufsiitu und Vortriige Ober die K,mst Des Schoneren Bitches. Ed. William S. Peterson. Trans. Norberr Selting. Gottingen: Steidle, 1986. 112pp. A German translation ofThe Ideal Book (1982). 6. Ktmst Und Die Schonheit der Erde: Vier Vortiige Ober Asthetik. Trans. Jan Piitzold. Berlin: Stattbuch Verlag, 1986. 157pp. A German translation of 'Art and the Beauty of the Earth' and three other lectures. 7. Die Quelle Am Ende Der \Velt. Trans, Annene Van Charpenrier. Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei-Ltibbe, 1986. 583pp. A German translation ofThe Well at the World's End. 8. The Story of the Glittering Plain; or, The Land of Living Men. London: Dover, 1987. 177pp. A reprhlt of the 1894 Kelmscott edition with 23 woodcuts by Waiter Crane. 9. Useful Work Versus Useless Toil. London: Communist Parry of Britain Marxist- Leninist, 1986. 28pp. A reprint ofthe 1885 Socialist League edition. PART n: PUBLICATIONS ON MORRJS BIBLIOGRAPHIES 10. Colbeck, Norman. A Bookman's Catalogue: The Norman Colbeck Collection of Nineteenth·Century and Edwardian Poetry and Belles Le/tres in the Special Collections of The University of British Columbia. Vancouver: U. British Columbia P., 1987, vol.11, 578-89. Colbeck gives detailed a1lnotations for 128 items by or about Morris. 11 11. Felsenstein, Frank. 'William Morris and the Brotherton Collection'. University of Leeds Review, 28 (1985), 97-113. The Brotherton Collection at the U"iversity of Leeds includes two incunabula from Morris's library (with his book label illustrated), tl complete set of Kelmscott Press volumes, an unpublished manuscript ofhis trmlslation (with Magmisson) of 'The Story of Olaf the Holy', and Alf Mattison's collection of Socialist pamphlets and placards. 12. Latham, David and Sheila Latham. 'William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 1984-85'. The Journal of the William Morris Society, 7 (Autumn 1987) i-xxiv. The 189 publications are divided i"to three categories: 11 publications by Morris, 171 publications on Morris, and 7 catalogues o(exhibitions. 13. Schulte, Edvige. 'Morris in Italian Today'. The journal o( the William Morris SocietY,7 (Spring 1987), 29. Schulte lists ten works by Morris translated into Italian between the years 1963 and 1985. GENERAL 14. Dufty, A.R. 'A Benefactor to Kelmscott.' Antiquaries journal, 67, Pt. 2 (1987), 352-54, plate 29. From his barge 011 the Seine in Paris, Ney Lannes MacMitm bequeathed to Kelmscott Mallor his collection o( Morris books, letters, and Charles Fair(ax Murray's death-bed pencil portrait o( Morris. "15. Henderson, Philip, William Morris: His Li(e Work and Friends. London: Andre Deursch, 1986. 400pp. A paperback reprillt o( the 1967 Thames & Hudsoll edition, 16, Hughes, G. 'William Morris Gallery', Arts Review, 23 October 1987,706. If this '(irst nationally important small museum to be threatened with closure' is lost, then 'it may set a ghastly precedent (or other local authorities,' 17. Jonsdottir, Gudrull. 'May Morris and Miss Lobb in Iceland', The Journal o(the William Morris Society, 7 (Autumn 1986), 17-20. jonsdottir recalls May lodging at her (amily's manse, paiming Icelandic landscapes in watercolours, and kindly sendi,zg gifts of English books, 18. Kirchhoff, Frederick. 'William Morris', Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 58: Victorian Prose Writers After 1867. Detroit: Gale, 1987, 194-216. This survey delineates the important stages in Morris's life. The lectures on art and socialism - 'his most important literary work' - reveal him as a transitional figure whose dialectical conception ofhistory spiraJIing toward a new order requires the communion between past and present. 111 19. LeMire, Eugene D. 'The "First" William Morris and the 39 Articles'. The Joumal of the William Morris Society, 7 (Spring 1987), 9-14. The effective enforcement ofthe University Reform Act of Ig54, prohibiting tests, made it possible for Morris to graduate without either sigtling the 39 Articles or officially re;ectitlg his religion by declaring himself 'extra Ecclesiam Anglicanam'. 20. Marsh, Jan. 'The Defence of Janey'. The Joumal of the William Morris Society, 7 (Autumn 1987), 18-22. A loyal friend, an affectionate mother, alld a busy embroiderer who dabbled in bookbinding and illuminated keepsakes, lalley may be the model in News from Nowhere for the handsome. graceful homemaker who warmly welcomes the arrival of the haymakers at the riverside. 21. Marsh, Jan. Jane and May MOrTis,' A Biographical Story 1839°1938. London and New York: Pandora, 1986. 328pp. An intellige1lt, self-educated lover of music and books, lane had a marriage that survived two love affairs, used her illness to secure a leisurely lifestyle, and in her old age helped May with details for a biography of Morris. May worked hard to publish Morris's writings, corresponded with his friends and acquaintances 011 biographical matters, and defended Love Is Enough as the key to all of Morris's work. 22. Miller, Susan Fisher. 'Hopes and Fears for the Tower; William Morris's Spirit at Years' Ballylee.' Eire-Ireland, 21 (Summer 1986),43-56. Morris provided Yeats with a 'reassuring model for an integrated life' in his Tower at Ballylee where he eujoyed the 'i,Jtersection of visi01lary grandeur and "popular" life'. 23. MoneH, Charles M. 'Edward Burne-Jones, WiIliam Morris, Dame Rossetti, and Sir Thomas Malory's "Morre D'Arthur"" California State Library Foundation Bulletin, 14 Uanuary 1986}, 9-13. This sketch of Morris and his circle was delivered at the opening of the 1985 Califomia State Library exhibition celebrating the quincentennial of Caxton's Morre D'Arthur. 24. Morris, Jane and Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. lane Morris to Wilfrid Scawen Blunt: The Letters ofJane Morris to Wi/fred Scawen Blunt Together with Extracts from Blunt's Diaries. Ed. Peter Faulkner. Exeter, Devon: U. of Exeter P., 1986. 146pp. Jane's flattering letters appeal to Blunt's ego, encourage his visits. and reveal her anxiety about Jenny's epilepsy, her own health, and political events in Ireland and Egypt. Blunt's unexpurgated diaries infer an intimate relationship, describe a sympathetic kiss, and state that Morris had no imerest ill women or in nationalism. 25. 'Museum Protest: The Times, 27 October 1987, 2. The Waltham Forest Council's proposal to close down the William Morris Gallery iv will be protested by art and social historians. This issue sparked a series of letters to The Times dated 26 November p.13, 12 December p.9, 22 December p.9, alld 29 December p.9. 26. Ponzi, Frank. Icelalld a 19 Old. Nilletewth Celltury Icelalld: Artists alld Odysseys. Reykjavik: Almanna Bokalelagio, 1986. 159pp. Morris's 1871 and 1873 journeys are included in this study of the European travellers who verbally and visually documented their impressions of Iceland. 27. Rubens, Godlrey. William Richard Lethaby: His Life alld Work 1857-1931. London: Archirecrural Press, 1986, 79-80, 109-11, 233-4. Lethaby was influenced by Morris's fusion of art with politics and theory with practice, was hired by Morris and Co. to partially decorate Stanmore HaU. and worked closely with Morris for the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildillgs. 28. Swenarton. Mark. 'Morris Under Siege.' Building Design, 13 November 1987, 36-39 The William Morris Gallery was established through dOllatiolls from Edward Lloyd, Frallk Brallgwyll, A.H. Mackmurdo, alld J. W. Mackait, but is 1I0W threatened with uploads/Litterature/ biblio-sur-morris-william.pdf

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