Breath of Fire IV: FAQ/Walkthrough by Billy Lee Version 4.30, Last Updated 2001

Breath of Fire IV: FAQ/Walkthrough by Billy Lee Version 4.30, Last Updated 2001-12-29 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Breath of Fire IV (PS) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click to recommend it to other GameFAQs users. Breath of Fire 4 Spoiler Free Walkthrough with Game Compendium -Pretty fancy, huh? written by Billy Lee Version 4.30 12/29/01 =====\ ======\ =====\ /\===========\= === | \ | \ | / \ | | | | / | / | / \ | | | |====\ | / |====|/ \ | |======| | \|====\ | /========\ | | | | /| \ | / \| | | =====/ | \======/ | === === \ / = /=\ === ======| // =====\ =====\ \========/==== ==== | | |= | \\ | \ | || || || \=/ | | // | / | || || || |=====| | | / |====| || || || | | |====\ | || || || | | | \ | || || || | | | \======/ || || || | \ || || || | || || || /=\ || || || || || || || || || || |||| || |||| /========\ || ***************************************************************************** Disclaimer This document (c)2000-2001 Billy Lee. This FAQ may not be used or distributed for commercial use. It may not be distributed at all without written permission from the author(that's me). Breath of Fire IV and the Breath of Fire IV Logo are (c)2000 Capcom Entertainment. The BoF series theories contained in this FAQ are (c)2000-2001 to their respective authors. This guide must be displayed in its entirety. No pieces of it may be removed and/or copied to another location for public display. ***************************************************************************** UPDATES: Version 4.30: Fixed various glitches and minor mistakes throughout the document. Updated Disclaimer. Added a trick to the walkthrough when fighting the Maman. Updated FAQ and Walkthrough for navigating the Golden Plains. Put some finishing touches on various sections. The guide is pretty much finished now. Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Flames? Send them to me at: ----------------------- Table of Contents ================= 1. FAQ + 2. Characters 3. Basics 3-A: Battle 3-A-a: Speed 3-A-b: Learning Skills From Enemies 3-A-c: Magic Combos 3-A-d: Item Magic 3-A-e: Elements 3-A-f: EXP 3-A-g: Running Away 3-B: Equipment 3-C: World Map 3-D: Compass 3-E: Dual hero explanation 3-F: Game Points 4. Walkthrough + 5. Maps 6. Fishing 6-A: Basics 6-B: Hints 6-C: Fishing Spots 6-D: Fish 6-E: Fish Finding 6-F: Fishing Gear 6-F-a: Rods 6-F-b: Bait 6-F-c: Fishing Level 6-G: Manillo Shops 6-H: Fish Uses as Items 7. Fairy Village 7-A: Feeding the Faeries 7-B: Building Buildings 7-C: Growing Food 7-D: Jobs 7-D-a: Faerie Shopping Lists 7-D-b: Searching 7-D-c: Troops 7-D-d: Paintings 7-D-e: Games 7-D-f: Bonds 8. Enemies 8-A: Enemy List 8-B: The Rider 8-C: Trunked/Trean 9. Masters 10. Skills 11. Magic and Combos + 11-A: Combos with Elements 11-A-a: Level 3 Combo Magic 11-A-b: Level 4 Combo Magic 11-A-c: Adding Elements to Melee Skills 11-A-d: Character Combos 11-A-e: Breath Attack Combos * 11-B: Magic Armor 11-C: Item Magic 11-D: Normal Combos 12. Dragon Forms 12-A: Dragon Type Equals 12-B: Dragon Forms/Abilities 12-C: Dragon God Locations 12-D: Dragon Evolutions 13. Miscellaneous + 14. Tips and Tricks 14-A: Stealing 14-B: Exp 14-C: Weapons 15. Mini-Games 16. Theories ====================== 17. Version History + 18. Acknowledgments ---------------------- * = Section is new + = Section has been updated ============================================================================= 1. FAQ These are some of the most common questions that people ask me, so in order to save time I will put them here. In other words, please stop mailing me asking these questions. 1 How come some of my characters will do stuff even if I didn't tell them to? 2 How do I combine Elements? 3 Where and what is Shift? 4 How do I evolve dragons? 5 How do I get to Cray's mom on the Golden Plains? 6 Where is the Sea Dragon? 7 Where is the Abandoned Village? More will be added as thy appear WARNING: This may contain spoiler material Q How come some of my characters will do stuff even if I didn't tell them to? A Nina, Cray, Ershin, and Scias all have a "Proper Will" as the manual calls it. This will allow them to perform certain abilities during the main fighting round. They will not happen all the time, but each has its own trigger. The instruction manual says Ursula has Covering Fire, but that is only a typo(unless I'm missing something). Nina - Cheering: When someone in the front row goes critical, she will sometimes cast a healing spell that heals for half of Vitalize, but only if she is in the back row. Cray - Guard: If a character in the front row is critical, he may take the damage for them if they get targeted by an attack. It will not work if the attack is a vs. all, and he may still block if he is critical himself, even if it kills him. It only works if he is in the front row. Scias - Rakhasa: When Scias goes critical(his HP turns yellow), this may happen. What it does is make his next attack a critical attack, like when he uses Shining Blade. Ershin - Covering Fire: At the end of a round, Ershin may use this, which all it is, is she will make a normal attack against an enemy(FAQ Authors note: I hate this one, she always attacks when I don't want her to). Ursula - Revival: Her chance of reviving herself is a lot higher than the other characters, almost every other time she dies in battle she will come back to life. ---------------- Q How do I combine Elements? A Magic goes in a circle. Wind / \ Fire Water \ / Earth Just use magic in a combo with the lines that connect them(i.e. Wind+Water) ---------------- Q Where and what is Shift? A Shift is an ability you get at Shyde when the plot takes you there. Go to the sandflier bridge area and talk to the boy with a parrot(the same kid that teaches you various game mechanics). When his list comes up choose Shift, there should be a star next to it. Once the explanation is over you will have the ability. You can use it to travel instantly to any spot on the map that you've been over(you don't have to enter the area, just walk over it) after you get the skill(yes you will have to walk over every dot on the map again). ---------------- Q How do I evolve dragons? A Read the dragon section, evolving has its own 15 minutes of fame. ---------------- Q How do I get to Cray's mom on the Golden Plains? A When you enter the plains, go east(it should be the direction you start out in) until you come to a big rick/boulder. From there turn left about 45 degrees, or in simple terms, turn until the red needle is pointing to the upper-left in it's little box. Go that way and you should see a whitish line coming up from the plains, that is the smoke from her fire. Make for that and you should get to her place soon enough. DO NOT LEAVE THE GOLDEN PLAINS!!! You will see her camp with the smoke coming out of the ground while on the Golden Plains. If you leave the Plains so that the over-the- shoulder view is gone and you are back to the regular 3/4 view without going into the campfire, you left the plains. Don't do that. ---------------- Q Where is the Sea Dragon? A The Sea Dragon is located between Lyp and Shikk, and you have to use Zig's boat to get to him. Go northeast out of Lyp(wait for a SW wind). When you pass the cove(it is on an island and has a lake with a big rock and a ship coming out of it), you should see lighter blue water with an L-shaped rock formation next to it. Search(use triangle) near the bottom of the L and you will wind up on an island. This is where the dragon is. ---------------- Q Where is the Abandoned Village? A Northwest of Chek, you will be there at the end of Chapter 2. ============================================================================= 2. Characters Each character has their own style in this game. In addition, each character is "tuned" into a certain element, which will affect the skills they are able to learn as the game progresses. The rating system will be done as a comparison to the other characters, each stat gets 1-6, based on the other characters, with 1 being the highest. This doesn't mean that if they get a six, they stink in that area, it just means that other characters are better in that area than they are. Ryu: Element: Fire(major), Wind/Earth(minor) Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Magic: 4 Speed: 2 Skill learning: 3 Overall: 1 Ryu is generally an average character uploads/Litterature/ bof-iv.pdf

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