Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Reverie: FAQ/Walkthrough by Bkstunt_31 Last Upda

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Reverie: FAQ/Walkthrough by Bkstunt_31 Last Updated 2011-03-28 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Reverie (PS3) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click here to recommend this item to other users. ^ _____________________________________________________ ^ ^/ \^ .' '. ^/ \^  // \\ | Please click the link above to recommend this FAQ | // \\ / | | \ | to other users. This is the best way you can show | / | | \     | | | | | your appreciation for my FAQs. Thank you very much! | | | | |     | | | | '._______________________________________________________.' | | | | |_| |_| |_| |_|    BLITZ KNIGHT STUNT PRESENTS: ,- _~. , ,, (' /| _ || || ; _ ' _ (( || < \, _-_, =||= || _-_ \\/\ < \, \\/\\ \\ < \, <> (( || /-|| ||_. || || || \\ || | /-|| || || || /-|| ( / | (( || ~ || || || ||/ || | (( || || || || (( || -____- \/\\ ,-_- \\, \\ \\,/ \\/ \/\\ \\ \\ \\ \/\\ <> _-_- |\ /\ /, \\ || || /'\\ ,._-_ / \\ _-_, /'\\ =||= ~|| || || || || || ||_. || || || || || || || || || ~ || || || || ( -__, \\,/ \\, \\/ ,-_- \\,/ \\, -_-/ ,, |\ (_ / || _ \\ ; (_ --_ ||/\\ < \, / \\ /'\\ \\/\/\ --_ ) || || /-|| || || || || || | | _/ )) || || (( || || || || || || | | (_-_- \\ |/ \/\\ \\/ \\,/ \\/\\/ <> <> <> _/ -__ /\ /\ || \, ; ' \/ /|| / _-_ \\/\ _-_ ,._-_ \\ _-_ }{ \||/- || \\ || | || \\ || || || \\ \/ || \ ||/ || | ||/ || || ||/ _---_-|, \\,/ \\/ \\,/ \\, \\ \\,/ <> FAQ/WALKTHROUGH Authored by: Bkstunt_31 ( Gregorio31 @ gmail . com ) Puzzles by: NICK FASTNER (Snake2410) ============================================================================== \/ \/ \/ INTRODUCTIONS \/ \/ \/ ======================================================================== Hello ladies and gents! It is I, Bkstunt, here to bring you a quick guide on Castlevania Lord of Shadows: Reverie!, the FIRST Lord od Shadows DLC to come out (It SHOULD be followed soon by "Ressurection"). "Reverie" is essentially chapter 13 in the ongoing story of Lords of Shadow! If you're looking for a guide for the FIRST 12 chapters, you are in the wrong place my friend! But fret not, for THAT guide can be found here: 1: (My horror website, remember to "like" us on facebook for all your horror news and updates.) 2: (The best place to go for video-game guides on the net! Remember to support your favorite guide writers since they don't see a penny!) Ok, on to the guide! ============================================================================== \/ \/ \/ Table Of Contents \/ \/ \/ ======================================================================== Note: Press Ctrl+F and enter in the code to skip to that section. Walkthrough: Chapter XIII: Part I: Castle Hall .................................(LoS 13-1) Part II: Abandoned Wing .................................(LoS 13-2) Part III: Founder's Quarters .................................(LoS 13-3) Trials .......................................................(LoS 2.0) Trophies .....................................................(LoS 3.0) FAQ ..........................................................(LoS 4.0) Credits and other ramblings ..................................(LoS 5.0) ============================================================================== \/ \/ \/ Walkthrough \/ \/ \/ ======================================================================== (Note: This guide was written in "Warrior" (Normal) Difficulty). ============= Chapter XIII: ============= ------------------------------ Part I: Castle Hall (LoS 13-1) ------------------------------ "It seems like only yesterday that I stood there upon that cliff top, looking down into the abyss of my life." Ah, good to be back in Belmont's shoes... After the opening scene's, we'll be back in Carmilla's old castle, trying to meet up with Laura. Take a moment to get used to the controls again, and note that you have all your subweapons at your disposal (The holy water will be a great ally up ahead). Remember you can break the various items around you to get more subweapons! Walk forward into the first room to get your first taste of combat against some ghouls. A pretty easy enemy to get warmed up on. Soon, Laura will teleport in and join you in the battle, controlled by the AI. She uses lightning magic. Soon three skeletons will join in the fight, so whip out the combos (I like chainsaw and DHC (Direct-Heavy Combo)) to take them out. Don't forget you need to use a "HEAVY" attack (like DHC) to "kill" the skeleton's one they turn into bones... After killing the enemies, Laura will tell you why she summoned you here. Pretty heavy stuff! Looks like life isn't getting any easier for Gabe... This next section takes place in the vampire wargame room. At the far end, past the puzzle is a knight who holds a scroll, which gives you the answer to the puzzle. Also, be sure to check out the small cubby up the stairs in the far left for the first .:FRANKENSTEIN FINGER:. Ok, the gist of this puzzle is to move the pieces on the board in a certain place. Go interact with the glowing book (R2). On this screen you will notice you can move pieces and use the directional buttons to look at the flags in the rafters. The puzzle is down below if you need it, but if you don't want to just let Snake solve it for you, here's a hint that will help: Look at the left flag. Notice how it has the book (which you're standing at) at the bottom? Look at the other two flags? See how their books are on the west and north? Yeah, the north and east flags are turned around.... If THAT tip didn't give it away, here's the solution. --------------- PUZZLE SOLUTION --------------- Chessboard puzzle solution: (Starting with the bottom horizontal row and working up to the top horizontal row.) Bottom row: -Fourth square from the right = Dark Vampire Third row up: -Third square from the right = Light Vampire -Fifth square from the rigth = Light Necromancer Fourth row up: -Second square from the right = Dark Necromancer Fifth row up: -Third square from the right = Light Werewolf -Fifth square from the right = Dark Werewolf And... How about a visual!: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [DW] [ ] [LW] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [DN] [ ] [ ] [LN] [ ] [LV] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [DV] [ ] [ ] [ ] Legend: DV = Dark Vampire LV = Light Vampire DN = Dark Necromancer LN = Light Necromancer DW = Dark Werewolf LW = Light Werewolf Head down the path to end this level. ---------------------------------- Part II: Abandoned Wing (LoS 13-2) ---------------------------------- "A tale of heroes who strove to save humanity only to lose our own." Ok, the first real new area of the game. Check out the scene (this area is GORGEOUS). Head down the path and Laura will tell you about the monsters (and you'll see an entry for them in your book). These "Spawns of Leviathan" are, as far as I know, just there to make you time your sprinting and can't be killed. Yes, you must SPRINT over the water in this level. If you fall down in the water, you'll see a unique death scene. Remember that you need to double tap a direction to sprint! Wait for the monster to pass, then sprint towards laura through the gap in the fence. Head up the stairs and double jump to the ledge on the right (the flashing one). Head up it and around the corner, then jump over to the left. Head down and jump over again so you can get on the beam. (Remember that if you are about to fall, hold "R2" to catch yourself! Falling into the water is certain death!). Go out on the beam and hit "R2" to whip the ring up ahead and pull yourself up. QUICKLY shimmy left and upwards twice to get onto another beam (the wood here will fall), and then shimmy left and use "R2" to grab another grapple point. Over here use the wood to head left and use the ring to drop down to the ground below you. Ok, more water running time. Don't forget you can always jump (or double jump) to make up some extra distance. Sprint to the first set of concrete once the monsters pass. Ahead of you Laura will be standing on some ice, but don't forget to stop at the concrete on your right for a .:FRANKENSTEIN FINGER:.. (It's hard to miss this one). Once you spring to the ice, it will start to break uploads/Litterature/ castlevania-reverie.pdf

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