UNIVERSITY PRESS <> CLCWeb: Comparative Literatur

UNIVERSITY PRESS <> CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture ISSN 1481-4374 <> Purdue University Press ©Purdue University The Library Series of the peer-reviewed, full-text, and open-access quarterly in the humanities and the social sciences CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture publishes scholarship in the humanities and social sciences following tenets of the discipline of comparative literature and the field of cultural studies designated as "comparative cultural studies." Publications in the Library Series are 1) articles, 2) books, 3) bibliographies, 4) resources, and 5) documents. Contact: <> Document Style Guide for Articles in CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture (ISSN 1481-4374) Purdue University Press ©Purdue University <> Articles in the journal are 6000-7000 words and book review articles are 3000-4000 words in length in the MLA: Modern Language Association of America parenthetical sources and works cited format with further style & format requirements some different from the MLA style, see below. 1) Abbreviations 1.1 Acronyms: Spell out the full name—for example, United States Air Force (USAF)—in the first instance, followed by the acronym in parentheses and then use the acronym in subsequent mentions. 1.2 Author names. When an author or scholar is mentioned for the first time in an article use the first name and surname and thereafter use the surname only unless there are two or more authors with the same surname. Where there is a passing reference to someone like Shakespeare or Goethe, there is no need to include a first name. This rule does not apply to character names. 1.3 Academic ranks and titles are not used. 1.4 Common abbreviations. Abbreviations such as e.g. (for example), i.e. (that is), viz. (namely), or vs. (versus) should be spelled out when used in running text. Abbreviations can be used inside parenthetical comments. 2) Capitalization 2.1 Emphasis. Do not use capitalization for emphasis. 2.2 University. The word "university" should be capitalized in instances where it stands in place of the full name of a particular university. For example: Several famous astronauts have graduated from the University; but: Purdue is a land-grant university. 2.3 When referring to "socialist," communist," "fascist," "nazi" these terms are not capitalized, but "anti- Semitic," Black, or Indigenous are capitalized. 3) Formatting 3.1 Acknowledgments. Acknowledgments, funding statements, citations of previous publications in an earlier version, etc., are written in a Note at the end of the text of the article and above the Works Cited. 3.2 Authors' profiles. In authors' profiles ranks, honorifics, awards, prizes, etc., are not mentioned. The format of author's profiles is as follows: John Fox <URL-of-CV> teaches Spanish-language literature at Harvard University. His interests in scholarship include modern and contemporary Latin American literature and theater. Fox's recent publications include (list two or three of your important and/or recent books or articles with the year of publication only). 3.3 Block quotes. Quotes over eight lines long should be formatted as a block quote and not indented. 3.4 Brackets. Do not use brackets to indicate a letter's change in case at the beginning of a quote, e.g., "[i]s compelled to speak." Use brackets when adding external information to a quote, as in "politicians at the time [in Germany] were referred to negatively" (15). 3.5 Ellipses and brackets. Do not follow the MLA style of bracketing ellipses to indicate that you—rather than the original author—have inserted ellipses into a quote. 3.6 Footnotes & end notes. No footnotes or end notes are used in articles of the journal. Additional discussion or information deemed necessary is placed in parenthesis within the relevant sentence. 3.7 Hyphenation Use a hyphen (not a slash) to join coequal nouns (writer-critic, scholar-athlete). Do not use a hyphen with these prefixes: anti, co, extra, inter, intra, multi, non, over, post, pre, pro, re, semi, socio, sub, trans, un, under, but hyphenate if two like vowels are juxtaposed (semi-invalid), or readability is in question, or if the second element is a number or is capitalized (post-1960s, anti-Semitic). Hyphenate compound adjectives when they precede the noun, including those ending with the present or the past participle and those beginning with an adverb such as better, best, ill, lower, little, or well (stench-loving doggie, ill-conceived plan, short-term effect); if a compound adjective follows the noun it modifies, do not hyphenate (The plan is ill conceived). Use a hyphen in a compound adjective including ordinals (second-semester courses, early-thirteenth-century fashions). Style Guide for Articles in CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture page 2 of 3 <> Do not hyphenate a compound made up of an adverb and an adjective—highly developed plan, for instance—and do not hyphenate compounds beginning with too, very, or much—much maligned editorial assistant, for instance. The hyphenation of the names of ethnic US-American groups is a vexing (and often controversial) issue. "Native American" is never hyphenated even when it appears as a compound adjective as in the phrase "Native American culture." Following this practice, the Press does not hyphenate African American, Asian American, Jewish American, or Latin American even when these group names are used as adjectives. 3.8 Images. Images are published in the journal; however images can be published only if the author of the text receives documentation of copyright release from the copyright holder and forwards the copyright release statement to the editor of the series; the Press does not issue payment for the cost of copyright release. Authors are responsible to provide images in .jpg 300dpi. 3.9 In-text citations. Sources in the text are cited by the surname of the author followed by a comma followed by a short title (e.g., Maven for Maven in Blue Jeans; "A Jewish" for "A Jewish Role in American Life" followed by the page numbers of the quotation or reference, e.g., (Frye, Educated 53) or (Frye, "The Code" 25). If the author and/or work are mentioned in-text, only include the missing citation information in the parenthetical citation. Page numbers in hundreds are 112-45 and not 112-145. Do not include URL-s in in-text citations; rather, provide full publication information for the source in the Works Cited and cite the source in-text as you would a printed source. 3.10 In-text translations In quotations from non-English sources the English translation is placed first followed by the original text of the quotation; both sources are listed in the Works Cited. Do not follow the MLA style, where the first quote is in double quotes and the translation immediately follows in single quotes. For example: In speaking of the bandit Antônio Silvino, Lins gives the real definition as follows: "The black women thought the bandit a gentleman, a white man" (My Green Years 64) ("As negras acharam o bandido um homem de tratamento, homem branco" [Meus verdes anos [75]). Translations longer than eight lines are in block quotes and not indented. For translations set off as block quotes no quotation marks are used. Type out the English version first, then ending punctuation, and then the parenthetical citation followed by a line space followed by the original language version with ending punctuation followed by the parenthetical citation. For translations in block quotes no quotation marks are used unless quotations are in the block quotation, in which case use double quotation marks. 3.11 In-text author references. References to authors are made with full first and last name when first referred to by surname only in subsequent mentions. Academic ranks and titles are not used. 3.12 Italics & bold Do not italicize, bold, or underline words for emphasis. When referring to a concept or word of your own, use double quotation marks. Do not italicize common foreign abbreviations (vice versa, realpolitik, a priori). Do italicize less often used foreign words and concepts, for example: Weltanschauung, the citoyen(ne), in nineteenth-century Hungary the essentialist concept of Magyarság (Hungarianness)… Italicize the titles of books, the introduction of new terms and labels (the first time only), words and phrases used as linguistic examples, and letters used as statistical symbols. 3.13 Paragraph indents. The first paragraph of the article is not indented; subsequent paragraphs are indented. 3.14 Paragraph lengths. Paragraphs are of approximately equal lengths. 3.14 Poetry. Unless longer than eight lines, poetry is quoted in running text with lines separated by / and verses separated by //. 3.15 Quotations, epigraphs, mottos. Epigraphs, mottos, or quotations at the beginning of articles are not used. 3.16 Sections. Sections are not used. 3.17 Spacing. Use single space between sentences. 3.18 The title of the article is self-explanatory about its content/topic: metaphorical titles and subtitles are not used (the clarity of the article's title with regard to the content of the article is to optimize searches on the world wide web); in titles of articles the first names of author(s) is/are not used. 3.19 US-American. When using the adjectival form for someone or something from the United States, use "US- American" or U.S. and not "American" 4) Language & punctuation 4.1 Apostrophes & possessives. Add 's to the singular form of the word, even if it ends in -s: James's hat. Add 's to the plural forms that do not end in -s: the geese's honking. Add ' uploads/Litterature/ clc-style-guide.pdf

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