Divise italiane EUP per LSPDFR 0.4.7 - Italian uniforms INSTALLATION GUIDE Curr

Divise italiane EUP per LSPDFR 0.4.7 - Italian uniforms INSTALLATION GUIDE Current version: 2.0 released in 22/06/2020 Credits: In this mod has been used third parts mods like: LSPDFR EUP Configurations 1.0.3 – EUP Serve & Rescue 1.3 - EUP 8.1 Info: The new version of LSPDFR 0.4 has added a more customization of the game player, and also new many functions on it. After its released has been necessary to develop new uniforms, compatible with the new script. This mod is a working in progress release, new versions could be released soon. It is important to be updates, because new versions could fix problems or bugs. In case of errors please notice it to the developer. Known bugs: The following bugs has been detected: - Sometimes the game freeze and close, specially at the on duty join. Probable cause, too many mods installed on your game, or a not updated mod. Solution, if the problem happens rarely just try restarting the game and trying again, otherwise reinstall the whole game and try to reinstall one by one the mod to find the mod which cause the problem. - As already posted in the mod developer page, the EUP 8.1 for LSPDFR 0.4.7 does not work with EUP Menu addon. - Sometimes when you join on duty you could display “lspdfr has stopped to work”. This could be caused by a delay on the lspdfr plugin. Solution, with F4 button open the command console and digit “reload all plugins”, then open the game menu and go in lspdfr page, to select switch character. Cancel this operation with back button to return to the game and join in duty again. - With the long distance view you have a distortion effect on the uniforms, especially if you call the reinforces of you using this mod on fivem. Unknown causes, no solution at moment. - If you select the ispettori di polizia uniform, with the first person view you will have like a helmet view. Cause eup. No solution at the moment. UPDATES HISTORY 2.0 version (released in 22/06/2020). Released the new set of male and female outfits of Guardia di Finanza with different versions; Modified the Carabinieri Forestali women pant; Added customized on duty icons; Completely changed the xml files of the lspdfr, both on custom and data folders, replacing in this way the outfits and the agencies. 1.8.5 version (released in 02/06/2020). Released the new set of male and female outfits of Polizia Stradale with different versions; Modified also the Polizia di Stato uniforms: Modified the male hat in all its variants (agenti, ispettori and funzionari); Upgraded the Polizia di Stato ranks, due the change of July 2019. 1.8.0 version (released in 23/05/2020). Released the new uniforms of Polizia Locale both for male and female, in different versions. Modified also some parts of previous uniforms, so, I suggest you to reinstall the whole mod. Many files are also installed on sup mod, you will find the paths in the path txt files. 1.7.0 version (released in 11/05/2020). Fixed the incompatibility with the new lspdfr 0.4.7 and eup 8.1 versions. Released the new carabinieri uniform pack, for both male and female sex. Reinstall again this mod, if you had installed it previously, because has been set some parameters of the previous uniforms. Fixed the “fabric” effect in close view for divise invernali of polizia di stato and penitenziaria. 1.6.4 version (released at 16/04/2020). Fixed the bug about the disappear of the bulletproof vest. Who had already installed previous version of this mod, just simple install the files in the folders “lspdfr” and “Divisa polizia di stato uomo/ Giubbotto antiproiettile” and “Divisa polizia di stato donna/ Giubbotto antiproiettile” or install using the fast installation link (installazione rapida) Needed requirements: To install this mod in your gtav game, you need to have the following requirements: - Open IV (available on http://openiv.com/) - Rage Plugin Hook (available on ragepluginhook.net) - LSPDFR 0.4.7 (available on http://www.lcpdfr.com/) - EUP 8.1 (available on https://www.lcpdfr.com/) - EUP - Serve & Rescue 1.3 (available on https://www.lcpdfr.com) - LSPDFR EUP Configurations 1.0.3 (available on https://www.lcpdfr.com) - A bit of experience about installing games mod (you will need to modify data files) Advised requirements: I advise you to have also the following mods installed in your game for a better experience: - RadianceV (A mod that increase the game lights. I advise to install the medium version. Available on http://www.lcpdfr.com) - Sirene italiane dei mezzi di emergenza (Pack of italian emergency sirens, like police, ambulance and firetruk. Available on http://www.lcpdfr.com) - Police and carabinieri cars. (available on https://www.gta5- mods.com) - Before to modify any file, save a backup copy. INSTALLATION - Who is still using the previous version of LSPDFR, for first time install a clean copy of the game, removing all old files and reinstalling a new copy of the game (as recommended in the LSPDFR 0.4.7 installation instructions) - One time installed a new copy of the game, proceed with the installation of the LSPDFR 0.4.7 (you can ignore these two steps if you already done them in the past) - Install the Emergency uniforms pack - Law & Order 8.1 mod (also known as EUP). This mod adds more uniforms to the game player. Follow the instructions of the EUP, because it works with a “mods” folder that you can create with Open IV, but if you want you can do all automatically with the auto install program. - After to have installed the EUP mod, check the correct working of the game, and if all is ok proceed to install the EUP - Serve & Rescue 1.3 mod. This mod adds more uniform like service and emergency, not included in the EUP 8.1 mod. - After to have installed the mod, check the correct working of the game, and if all is ok proceed to install the LSPDFR EUP Configurations 1.0.3. This mod makes the EUP script compatible with LSPDFR 0.4 ones, adding a lot of uniforms and agencies on the game - After to have installed all, check the correct working of the game. FAST INSTALL OF THE UNIFORMS: - With this way of installation, you will install the mod faster than before, but if you have already installed third mods of EUP they will replaced with this one. To avoid this problem, just follow the Manual install instructions. - Inside the “Installazione rapida” folder there is a txt file called “links” which contains all available links to download the “Divise italiane EUP Installazione rapida.zip” file. Choose so one of those links to download that file, and if the link is not working, you can choose another one. For size limits (over 700 MB) I been forced to upload the mod on external servers and to release it in this way. - EUP: You must take now the eup files “eup_componentpeds” and “eup_componentpeds_p” of this mod and replace them with those files of your game placed at: \mods\update\x64\dlcpacks\eup\dlc.rpf\x64\ - SUP: You must take now the sup files “sup_componentpeds” and “sup_componentpeds_p” of this mod and replace them with those files of your game placed at: \mods\update\x64\dlcpacks\sup\dlc.rpf\x64\ - To replace the XML files is important to delete the older one first, so go on lspdfr/data folder and delete all files inside it, then copy and paste there the xml files of this mod MANUAL INSTALL OF THE OUTFITS: - This way of installation is slower than the other ones, but it will allow you to avoid the replace other EUP mods already installed that you don’t want to lose. - Open the “Files sostituzione manual” folder and use Open IV to copy and replace all files inside those folders with those installed by the EUP and SUP mods and placed in the “mods” folder on the main directory of the game. You will find the path of each file to replace in the “path.txt” file. - To replace the XML files is important to delete the older one first, so go on lspdfr/data folder and delete all files inside it, then copy and paste there the xml files of this mod BACKUP – AGENCIES – OUTFITS AND CARS SCHEME After the released of the 2.0 version of this mod, the previous scheme of backup calls, outfits and cars has been changed. At the moment the police agencies are: POLIZIA LOCALE (with the car police2) POLZIA DI STATO (with the cars police and police3) CARABINIERI (with the cars sheriff and sheriff2) CARABINIERI FORESTALI (with the car pranger) POLIZIA STRADALE (with the car police3 and the bike policeb) GUARDIA DI FINANZA (with the car fbi) POLIZIA PENITENZIARIA (with the car or bus pbus) The Swat units (renamed in Squadre Intervento) will come with the vehicle policet (so better you install a transport vehicle without livery because the swat is used for different police agencies. Noose Swat (renamed in Antisommossa and Antiterrorismo) will have the riot vehicle (at the moment only the Guardia di Finanza agency with At-PI outfit) LocalAir (renamed uploads/Litterature/ installation-guide-divise-italiane-eup-per-lspdfr-0-4-7-italian-uniforms.pdf

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