Josh’s Megaminx Guide: Edges First A revitalized & intuitive beginners method.

Josh’s Megaminx Guide: Edges First A revitalized & intuitive beginners method. My last layer algs. Orient edges: You could use edge control before inserting the last edge pair to skip these algs. F (U R U’ R’) F’ F (R U R’ U’) F’ R U2 R2’F R F’ U2’ R’F R’ F’ Permute edges: The 3-cycle edges are always R ? R’ ? R ? R’ where ? is some U move. The first R ? R’ takes the right edge and moves it to it’s destination. The next two up moves stop at the other edges to be exchanged. R U R’ U R U2’ R’ R U2 R’ U’ R U’ R’ R U2’ R’ U’ R U2’ R’ R U2 R’ U R U2 R’ R U2’ R’ U’ R U’ R’ U R U2’ R’ Permute corners: Do this before orienting the corners. Ignore the U face color and permute based on color. For 3 cycles rotate the minx so the point of the U face is pointing at you & use the right-back face for R and left-back for L. R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L U L’ U R U’ L U R’ U’ F (R U R’ U’)3 F’ L F (R U R’U’)3 F’L’ Rf R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L U Rf’ Lf’ L’ U R U’ L U R’ U’ Lf R U2 R’U’ (R U R’U’)2 R U’R’ Final step orient the corners: Orient the corners one at a time in place. In these examples the green face is the down-front-right (Dfr) face and we are going to simply call it D from now on. Look at the UFR corner. If it needs to be twisted clockwise execute (D’R’D R)2. Do a U move to bring another corner into the UFR slot. If that corner needs to be twisted counter-clockwise execute (R’D’R D)2. Continue adjusting the up face and twisting corners until the megaminx is solved. Example #1 Example #2 Example #3 (R’D’R D)2 U’ (D’R’D R)2 U (D’R’D R)2 U’ (D’R’D R)2 U2 (R’D’R D)2 U’ (D’R’D R)2 U’ (D’R’D R)2 U’ (R’D’RD)2 U2’ (D’R’DR)2 U’ Twist the blue-yellow corner Counter- Clockwise. Move pink-yellow corner into Twisting all three corners clockwise a long combination place, twist it clockwise then fix U using U’s to 360° the U face Seriously, use edge control & skip this case <--Using five up face moves to swap 4 edges. Careful - one U is not prime. <--Sexy move--> times three in the middle of these algs. <--The left two algs use a setup move on the right front or left front face to move a corner into position then execute the alg above them. The setup move is reversed at the end. L R L R L R Rf L R Lf’ uploads/Litterature/ josh-x27-s-megaminx-guide.pdf

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