LES ADAPTATIONS THEATRALES ET CINEMATOGRAPHIQUES DE L'OEUVRE D'HONORE DE BALZAC AUX ETATS-UNIS by HUGUETTE M. HALLOUIN PARRISU A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR IN PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1972 UNIVERSITV OF FLORID^^^ 3 1262 08552 8999 illl Copyright by Huguette M. Hallouin Parrish 1972 A mes parents. REMERCIEMENTS Sans le Professeur J. Wayne Conner, Chef du Département des Langues et Littératures Romanes à l'Université de Floride, qui a bien voulu me pro- poser ce sujet et grandement en améliorer le texte de ses suggestions et de ses conseils, la rédaction de cette étude n'aurait pu être menée à terme. Sans le Professeur Douglas A. Bonneville, qui a patiemment lu son ébauche et indiqué certaines modifications, et Monsieur Jesse R. Jones, Bi- bliothécaire-Associé à l'Université de Floride, qui a su aplanir dans toute la mesure du possible les difficultés de la recherche, de nombreux problè- mes techniques n'auraient pu être résolus. Que soient ici également remerciés les Professeurs Albert B. Smith, Jr. , et John A. Allen, du Département des Langues et Littératures Romanes à l'Université de Floride; Monsieur Thomas Nichols et Mademoiselle Pauline Pero, du Bureau des Patentes de la "Library of Congress," et Monsieur G. Spehr, de son Service Cinématographique; Transworld Films Company, qui m'a obligeamment donné un exemplaire du film français Les Chouans ; Madame Edith Whiteford, Monsieur Kenneth Marsden et la National Broadcasting Company qui m'ont confié une copie de leur pièce et scénarios; Monsieur R. Tessonneau, Directeur de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes Cinématographiques de Paris; Monsieur Jay Leyda, Directeur de la "Filmarchiv" de Berlin-Est, et tout spécialement mes parents. Madame et Monsieur Henri Hallouin, qui ont eu l'obligeance de faire pour moi certaines recherches indispensables à la Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal de Paris. Enfin, que les Professeurs Maxwell J. Wallace, Francis C. Hayes , Irving R. Wershow et William Ruff , qui n'ont cessé de m' encourager , trouvent ici l'expression de ma gratitude. iv TABLE DES MATIERES Page REMERCIEMENTS iv LISTE DES SIGLES EMPLOYES vi ABSTRACT viii AVANT-PROPOS 1 PREMIERE PARTIE BALZAC AU THEATRE 4 LES PIECES 12 DEUXIEME PARTIE BALZAC AU CINEMA 120 LES FILMS ET LES SCENARIOS 129 CONCLUSION 193 BIBLIOGRAPHIE 198 INDEX DES OUVRAGES DE BALZAC ADAPTES 210 INDEX DES ADAPTATIONS 211 INDEX DES ADAPTATEURS 213 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 215 LISTE DES SIGLES EMPLOYES Plusieurs livres et articles sont souvent cités dans le texte ou dans les notes de cette étude. Ils seront indiqués par les abréviations suivantes : Boyd Marilyn J. Boyd, "Stage and Screen Adaptations of Honoré de Balzac 's Eugénie Grandet ." (M. A. Thesis, University of Florida, 1964). CCE, 1891-1906 Catalog of Copyright Entries, July 1, 1891-June 28, 1906 . no. 1-782 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1891-1906). CCE, 1906-1946 Catalog of Copyright Entries, New Séries, July 5, 1906- 1946 , Group III (Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1906-1947). CCE, January-June 1947 Catalog of Copyright Entries, Third Sé r ies, January- June 1947 , Group III (Washington, D.C: U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, 1947). CCE, 1947-1971 Catalog of Copyright Entries, Third Séries, 1947-1971 , Group III (Washington, D.C; U.S. Government Printing Office, 1947-1971). Cohen Rubin Cohen, Balzac in the United States During the Nine- teenth Century - A Study in Franco-American Cultural Relations . ^Ph.D. Dissertation, Columbia University, 1950). DCC, 1870-1916 Dramatic Compositions Copyrighted in the United States, 1870-1916 , 2 vols. (Washington, D.C: U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, 1918). Enciclopedia dello spettacolo Enciclopedia dello spettacolo , 9 vols. (Roma: Casa Editrice de Maschere, 1954-1962). Gauthier Guy Gauthier, "Balzac au cinéma. Essai de filmographie," Europe , no. 429-430 (Janvier-février, 1965), pp. 339- 348. Jeanne et Ford, BC René Jeanne et Charles Ford, "Balzac et le cinéma," L'Année Balzacienne (1961), pp. 341-344. Jeanne et Ford, HEC René Jeanne et Charles Ford, Histoire encyclopédique du cinéma , 4 vols. (Paris: R. Laffont, 1947-1955). vi Knaurs Buch vom Film Rune Waldekranz uni Vemer Arpe, Knaurs Buch vom Film (Munchen: Verlag Th. Knaur Nachf, 1956), pp. A24-425. Lotte Fernand Lotte, Dictionnaire biographique des personnages fictifs de la Comédie Humaine (Paris: J, Corti, 1952). MP, 1894-1912 Howard Lamarr Walls, Motion Pictures, 1894-1912, Identified from the Records of the United States Copyright Office (Washington, D.C.: The Library of Congress, Copyright Office, 1953). MP, PPC, 1894-1912 Kemp R. Niver, Motion Pictures from the Library of Congress Paper Print Collection, 1894-1912 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967). MP, 1912-1939 Catalog of Copyright Entries , Cumulative Séries, Motion Pictures, 1912-1939 (Washington, D.C. : The Library of Congress, Copyright Office, 1951). MP, 1940-1949 Catalog of Copyright Entries, Cumulative Séries, Motion Pictures, 1940-1949 (Washington, D.C: The Library of Congress, Copyright Office, 1953). MP, 1950-1959 Catalog of Copyright Entries, Cumulative Séries, Motion Pictures, 1950-1959 (Washington, D.C: The Library of Congress, Copyright Office, 1960). Pléiade Honoré de Balzac, La Comédie Humaine , éd. Marcel Bouteron, 10 vols. (Paris: Gallimard, 1949-1959). Pléiade, CD Honoré de Balzac, Contes drolatiques, précédés de La Comédie Humaine (oeuvres ébauchées, II. Préfaces) , éd. Roger Pierrot (Paris: Gallimard, 1959). Royce William Hobart Royce, A Balzac Bibliography (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1929). vil Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy LES ADAPTATIONS THEATRALES ET CINEMATOGRAPHIQUES DE L'OEUVRE D'HONORE DE BALZAC AUX ETATS-UNIS by Huguette M. Hallouin Parrish August, 1972 Chairman: Dr. J. Wayne Conner Major Department: Romance Languages and Literatures This study surveys the numerous stage and screen adaptations of the Works of Honoré de Balzac in the United States, and thus offers further évidence of the fortune and influence of the famous novelist outside of France. When this study was begun in 1967, earlier research had called attention to a total of fourteen American theatrical adaptations and eleven film adaptations. Building on this base, I hâve attempted to establish a complète listing of ail American adaptations, not limited to those actually published, performed or shown on the screen. I hâve examined carefully the catalogs published by the Library of Congress Copyright Office indicating compositions registered from 1870 to 1971; catalogs published by distributing film companies, référence books written on the theater and the movies, news- papers, and theatrical and movie magazines. I corresponded with the studios and the authors of unpublished works, and travelled on three occasions to Washington to read the works protected by copyright law and view the films deposited in the archives. The total of adaptations now stands at forty-three plays, elghteen viii films, and four scénarios, a total of sixty-five adaptations spread over a period of a century. In the two média, Balzac seems particularly popular during and after the period of the two world wars , and almost completely ignored in the 1930's. A large group of stage adaptations follows the trans- lation of his complète works (1887-1909) . Film versions are equally divided between silent movies and talkies ; but it is noteworthy that no film or télévision adaptation bas been produced since 1956. The variety of thèse adaptations is as impressive as their number. We find tragédies, dramas , romantic dramas , tragi-comédies, musical comédies, and even opéras. In one play, Balzac himself appears to introduce the charac- ters and comments upon the action. Balzac 's best works are generally the most appreciated. On stage. Le Përe Goriot et La Duchesse de Langeais bave been the most popular, and a definite interest is shown in Le Colonel Chabert , La Peau de chagrin , and Eugénie Grandet , while Hollywood 's imagination bas been fascinated by La Peau de chagrin , and, to a lesser extent, by La Grande Bretèche , Le Père Goriot , La Rabouilleuse , Eugénie Grandet , and La Duchesse de Langeais . Many of the plays hâve not been produced. Of those that were performed, several provided star rôles for well-known actors and actresses, such as Otis Skinner as Philippe Bridau on the stage, and Mary Pickford, Rudolph Valentino, Lionel Barrymore and later Dick Powell and Linda Damell on the screea. Many of thèse adaptations hâve not remained faithful to the original work. The demands of the new média and the taste of the twentieth century spectators account for certain modifications. The authors hâve also eliminated psychological discussions, simplified the plot, eliminated some characters and sometimes modified their personality, and revised the conclusion. ix But many of the changes made hâve been awkward or, at best, unfortunate. However great Balzac' s influence is on the stage and screen, one wonders why he has not been adapted more often on télévision. It is regrettable that the quality of the adaptations (except for a few) is not higher, and that, so far, no single adaptation can be compared to the Russian version of Eugénie Grandet or certain récent French télévision productions. X AVANT-PROPOS Les dramaturges et, plus récemment, les réalisateurs du cinéma et de la télévision se sont souvent inspirés des oeuvres d'Honoré de Balzac. Un nombre d'études bibliographiques uploads/Litterature/ lesadaptationsth-00-parr 1 .pdf

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