1 Lexis 5 : « Lexicology & Stylistics / Lexicologie & stylistique » © Lexis 201
1 Lexis 5 : « Lexicology & Stylistics / Lexicologie & stylistique » © Lexis 2010 Lexis E-Journal in English Lexicology Director: Denis Jamet http://screcherche.univ-lyon3.fr/lexis/ L L Le e ex x xi i ic c co o ol l lo o og g gy y y & & & S S St t ty y yl l li i is s st t ti i ic c cs s s L L Le e ex x xi i ic c co o ol l lo o og g gi i ie e e & & & s s st t ty y yl l li i is s st t ti i iq q qu u ue e e Editors in charge of this issue: Manuel Jobert Université de Lyon (Jean Moulin – Lyon 3), France Nathalie Vincent-Arnaud Université Toulouse – Le Mirail, France September 2010 2 Lexis 5 : « Lexicology & Stylistics / Lexicologie & stylistique » © Lexis 2010 C Co on nt te en nt ts s / / T Ta ab bl le e d de es s m ma at ti iè èr re es s Manuel Jobert (Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3) & athalie Vincent-Arnaud (Université Toulouse – Le Mirail, France) Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3 Papers / Articles .................................................................................................................. 5 Philippe Rapatel (Université Blaise Pascal – Clermont 2, France) Petit voyage en tram ou quand le lexique et le style se véhiculent ...................................... 5 Elise Mignot (Université Sorbonne – Paris 4, France) Exploitation stylistique du processus de composition nominale en anglais contemporain .. 23 Geneviève Lheureux (Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3, France) Polysémie du verbe « aimer » dans Le roi Lear, de W. Shakespeare ................................... 35 Cynthia L. Hallen (Brigham Young University, USA) & Tracy B. Spackman (Brigham Young University, USA) Biblical Citations as a Stylistic Standard in Johnson’s and Webster’s Dictionaries ............ 47 Kate James (Université d’Auvergne, IUT, France) A Corpus-Based Case Study in Prepositional AT/TO- Infinitive Alternation using the Lemma “AIM” ................................................................................................................................... 61 Catherine Paulin (Université de Franche Comté – Besançon, France) Entre sémantique lexicale et sémantique textuelle : une analyse lexicale et stylistique de Before I Say Goodbye de Ruth Picardie ............................................................................... 77 Beatrix Busse (University of Bern, Switzerland), Dan McIntyre (University of Huddersfield, England), ina ørgaard (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) & Michael Toolan (University of Birmingham, England) John McGahern’s Stylistic and Narratological Art .............................................................. 101 Lexis 5 : « Lexicology & Stylistics / Lexicologie & stylistique » 3 I In nt tr ro od du uc ct ti io on n The relationship between lexicology and stylistics has always been, quite understandably, somewhat ambivalent. While lexicologists are mainly concerned with meaning and word- formation, stylisticians endeavour to reach beyond linguistic analysis to the various connotations and shades of meaning produced. Lexicologists are sometimes prone, however, to tackle stylistic issues just as stylisticians are not always averse to coming to grips with lexical matters. Despite their apparently different modes of investigation and aims, these two domains do meet on common ground. The various lexical prospects opened up by interpretative semantics range from the study of “mots themes” to the exploration of lexical networks and isotopies in a given corpus. From a lexicological viewpoint, etymological as well as derivational and compositional parameters can indeed provide ready-to-use material for stylistic analysis. The different modes of syntactic arrangement of lexical units are also major interpretative criteria. In addition to these semantic and morphological considerations, a number of lexis-dependent acoustic phenomena are, more often than not, highly relevant. All these issues, as well as others, are discussed in the following papers. The chief aim of this issue of Lexis has been to trigger dialogue between stylisticians and lexicologists by enabling them to confront their approaches in order to lay definite emphasis on words. This dialogue has taken place and has been extremely fruitful as this collection of papers will make abundantly clear. This collection opens, quite aptly, with Philippe Rapatel’s meticulous analysis of a passage from D. H. Lawrence’s England, My England entitled “Petit voyage en tram ou quand le lexique et le style se véhiculent”. The author shows that stylistics and lexicology are intrinsically linked and his micro-analysis of the Lawrence passage alone would be sufficient to justify the title of this special issue of Lexis. In “Une exploitation stylistique du processus de composition nominale en anglais contemporain”, Elise Mignot compares the structure of compound nouns with that of compound adjectives (and their respective lengths), which enables her to shed light on the properties of nouns and adjectives at large. Although the starting point is lexical and grammatical, the stylistic dimension is always present, if only in the creation of new compounds. Conversely, the starting point of Geneviève Lheureux’s study of King Lear in “Polysémie du verbe aimer dans Le Roi Lear” is clearly a literary one. The author explores the several shades of meaning associated with certain keywords of the play, starting with ‘love’, and shows the importance of lexical semantics in literary interpretation. Yet another approach is offered by Cynthia L. Hallen and Tracy B. Spackman in “Biblical Citations as a Stylistic Standard in Johnson’s and Webster’s Dictionaries”. They show that both Johnson and Webster used biblical citations generously in order to offer examples of sound expressions, pointing towards stylistic perfection. The contrastive approach enables the authors to highlight the common points as well as the differences between two famous lexicographers. With Kate James, stylistic variation is apprehended through the differences between aim at and aim to. In “A corpus-based case study in prepositional at/to- infinitive alternation using the lemma AIM”, the author offers an in-depth study of the possible motivations for choosing one form rather than the other. Catherine Paulin, with “Entre sémantique lexicale et sémantique textuelle: une analyse lexicale et stylistique de Before I Say Goodbye de Ruth Picardie” studies lexical phenomena at the interface between language and discourse. Finally, Beatrix Busse, Dan McIntyre, 4 Lexis 5 : « Lexicology & Stylistics / Lexicologie & stylistique » © Lexis 2010 ina ørgaard and Michael Toolan present a thorough study of three short stories by John McGahern in which crucial notions such as negativity, speech and thought presentation and keyness are used in conjunction, to unveil the art of the Irish short story writer and novelist, arguing for a close relationship between rigorous lexicological analysis and literary interpretation via the study of stylistic and narratological features. Manuel Jobert athalie Vincent-Arnaud Lexis 5 : « Lexicology & Stylistics / Lexicologie & stylistique » 5 P Pe et ti it t v vo oy ya ag ge e e en n t tr ra am m o ou u q qu ua an nd d l le e l le ex xi iq qu ue e e et t l le e s st ty yl le e s se e v vé éh hi ic cu ul le en nt t Philippe Rapatel1 Abstract The reading of an excerpt of England, My England (“Tickets, please”) by D. H. Lawrence leads the reader into an adventurous journey where speed and pause, acceleration and slowing down, appeal and repulsion, relief and fear combine into a varied and eventful trip through the Midlands. The author makes use of all his art together with the means offered by language so as to take him/her on a small country train/tramcar. Our goal is to display and study the skilful range of stylistic devices, visual effects, pace, choice of metaphors and lexis implemented to give the story the most evocative dynamics. Keywords: trajector – landmark – metaphor – preposition – rhythm - motion – anthropomorphism – symmetry – punctuation – sentence *** Résumé La lecture d’un passage de England, My England (« Tickets, please ») de D. H. Lawrence entraîne le lecteur dans un voyage mouvementé où vitesse et pause, accélération et ralentissement, seduction et répulsion, soulagement et crainte se combinent en un périple varié et mouvementé. L’auteur y use de tout son art ainsi que de tous les moyens que lui offre la langue pour l’emmener à bord d’un petit train/tram de campagne. Notre objet est de faire état du jeu savant des figures de style, des effets visuels, de la cadence, du choix des métaphores et du lexique mis en œuvre pour donner au récit une dynamique des plus evocatrices. Mots-clés : cible – site – métaphore – préposition – rythme – mouvement – anthropomorphisme – symétrie – ponctuation – phrase 1 Université Blaise Pascal – Clermont 2, Laboratoire LRL EA999 : phil.rapatel@wanadoo.fr 6 Lexis 5 : « Lexicology & Stylistics / Lexicologie & stylistique » © Lexis 2010 Later generations will react to the novels of Lawrence much as we now react to the novels of Hardy. The philosophical rumblings will date; the wonderful pictures, the life directly projected, will remain. H. E. Bates The Modern Short Story: A Critical Survey (1943) Introduction Il est des productions, littéraires ou non, dont l’écriture entraîne irrésistiblement le lecteur dans un univers, une dynamique uploads/Litterature/ lexis-5 1 .pdf
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- Publié le Aoû 19, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
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