HISTORIA MATHEMATICA 14 (1987), 3 I l-324 The Calculus of the Trigonometric Fun
HISTORIA MATHEMATICA 14 (1987), 3 I l-324 The Calculus of the Trigonometric Functions VICTOR J. KATZ Department of Mathematics, University of the District of Columbia. 4200 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washington, D.C. 20008 The trigonometric functions entered “analysis” when Isaac Newton derived the power series for the sine in his De Analysi of 1669. On the other hand, no textbook until 1748 dealt with the calculus of these functions. That is, in none of the dozen or so calculus texts written in England and the continent during the first half of the 18th century was there a treatment of the derivative and integral of the sine or cosine or any discussion of the periodicity or addition properties of these functions. This contrasts sharply with what occurred in the case of the exponential and logarithmic functions. We attempt here to explain why the trigono- metric functions did not enter calculus until about 1739. In that year, however, Leonhard Euler invented this calculus. He was led to this invention by the need for the trigonometric functions as solutions of linear differential equations. In addition, his discovery of a general method for solving linear differential equations with constant coefficients was influenced by his knowledge that these functions must provide part of that solution. o 19x7 Academic Press. Inc. Les fonctions trigonometriques sont entrees dans I’analyse lorsque Isaac Newton a ob- tenu une serie de puissances pour le sinus dans son De Anafysi de 1669. Par contre, aucun manuel jusqu’a 1748 n’a portt sur le calcul de ces fonctions. C’est-a-dire que, dans aucun des douzaines d’ecrits portant sur Ie calculs publies en Angleterre ou sur le continent pendant la premiere moitie du XVIII’ sitcle, il n’y avait pas d’etude de la dtrivte et de I’integrale du sinus ou du cosinus, ni d’examen des prop&t& de ptriodicitt ou d’addition de ces fonctions. Cela contraste fortement avec ce qui est arrive pour les fonctions exponen- tielle et logarithme. Nous essayons d’expliquer ici pourquoi les fonctions trigonometriques ne sont entrees dans I’analyse qu’aux environs de 1739. D’ailleurs, en cette an&e, Leonhard Euler a inventt ce calcul. II a ete conduit a cette decouverte par la necessitt d’utiliser les fonctions trigonomttriques comme solutions des equations differentielles lineaires. En outre, sa decouverte d’une methode g&&ale de resolution des equations differentielles lineaires a coefficients constants a Ctt influencee par sa connaissance que ces fonctions doivent foumir une partie de Cette sohrtion. 0 1987 Academic Press, h. Die trigonometrische Funktionen traten in die “Analysis” ein, als Isaac Newton die Potenzreihe der Sinusfunktion in seiner Arbeit De Analysi von 1669 herleitete. Andererseits betrachtete kein Lehrbuch vor 1748 den Kalktil dieser Funktionen. Das heisst, man findet weder eine Behandlung der Ableitung und des Integrals vom Sinus oder Cosinus noch eine Behandlung der Periodizitlits- oder Additionseigenschaften dieser Funktionen in irgen- deinem Lehrbuch tiber Differential- und Integralrechnung aus der ersten Htifte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. Hierin liegt ein deutlicher Gegensatz zum Falle der Exponen- tialfunktion und der logarithmischen Funktionen. lm vorliegenden Aufsatz versuchen wir zu erkhiren, weshalb die trigonometrischen Funktionen bis urn 1739 rechnerisch nicht behan- delt wurden. In diesem Jahr erfand Leonhard Euler den betreffenden Kalkiil. Er wurde zu dieser Ertindung durch den Bedarf an trigonometrischen Funktionen als Liisungen linearer 311 0315-0860187 $3.00 Copyright 0 1987 by Academic Press. Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 312 VICTOR J. KATZ HM 14 Differentialgleichungen gefiihrt. Zusltzlich beeinfluRte sein Wissen darum, daR diese Funktionen einen Teil der Liisung linearer Differentialgleichungen mit konstanten Koeffi- zienten liefern miissen, seine Entdeckung eines allgemeinen LGsungsverfahrens fiir solche Gleichungen. 0 1987 Academic Press, Inc. AMS 1980 subject classifications: OlASO, 34-03, 26-03. KEY WORDS: Trigonometric functions, Leonhard Euler, linear differential equations, Johann Ber- noulli, exponential function. The trigonometric functions entered “analysis” with Isaac Newton. It is well known that in De Analysi [ 16691, Newton derived the power series for the sine by inverting the power series for the arcsine; the latter he had derived from the binomial theorem and geometrical considerations. Within the next decade, these series showed up in various places, including the correspondence between New- ton and Leibniz in 1676. Leibniz noted in particular that the sine series could be derived from the cosine series by term-by-term integration since “the sum of the sines of the complement to the arc . . . is equal to the right sine multiplied by the radius, as is known to geometers” [Turnbull 1960, 651. Nevertheless, as we will see, the calculus of the trigonometric functions did not come into existence until 1739. That is, until that date there was no sense of the sine and cosine being expressed, like the algebraic functions, as formulas involving letters and numbers, whose relationship to other such formulas could be studied using the developing techniques of the calculus. Since such was not the case for the other large class of what we call the transcendental functions, the exponential and logarithmic func- tions, this 70-year gap calls out for explanation. Not only will we attempt that explanation here, but we will also see why and how the trigonometric functions finally did enter calculus. First, however, we want to review what was known about the sine and cosine in the last quarter of the 17th century and then briefly discuss their rare appearance in the first calculus textbooks of the early 18th century. Given that the sine and cosine are the most familiar examples of periodic functions, one might expect that they would make an appearance whenever there was any discussion of a periodic physical phenomenon. In fact, they did, but in ways so geometrical that there was no development of the analytic ideas. For example, in 1678 Hooke’s law ap- peared in print in the published version of his Cutlerian lecture [Hooke 16781. In an effort to describe the motion of a weight on a stretched spring based on his law, Hooke drew a rather complex diagram and showed that the velocity of this weight is as certain ordinates in a circle; these ordinates may be thought of as the sines of the arcs cut off. He also drew a curve which represented the time for the weight to be in any given location; this curve is in fact an arccosine curve. Hooke, however, does not use these trigonometric terms; he is content with the geometry of the situation. A few years later, a more explicit result appears in Newton’s Principia as Proposition XXXVIII, Theorem XII: HM 14 TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 313 Supposing that the centripetal force is proportional to the altitude or distance of places from the centre, I say, that the times and velocities of falling bodies, and the spaces which they describe, are respectively proportional to the arcs, and the right and versed sines of the arcs. [Newton 16871 It may be, as Truesdell says in referring to this theorem, that “for Newton, simple harmonic motion was a familiar and completely mastered concept” [Trues- dell 19601. The theorem, however, occurs in the section entitled “Concerning the Rectilinear Ascent and Descent of Bodies” and Newton makes no reference there to motions repeating themselves. He simply describes the motion of bodies mov- ing on certain curves subject to various types of forces. Newton’s proof of the theorem involves taking the limit of a body moving on an arc of an ellipse which is an affine transform of a circle, as the ellipse is squeezed onto its diameter. But his diagram to the theorem shows only one quadrant of a circle; the right sine of the statement is, as is usual for that time, simply a line from the circle’s diameter to its circumference. To a modern reader, the calculus of the sine and cosine is only a hair’s breadth away from Newton’s discussion; but Newton himself says no more about it and there is little reference to this idea in any other work over the next 30 years. One might also expect the sine and the cosine to appear as the solution to a simple differential equation, in particular as the solution to y” = -ky. Again, one does find, in effect, this equation. Leibniz in [1693] derives from his differential method the infinitesimal relation between the arc and its sine in a circle of radius a: a2dy2 = a2dx2 + x2dy2 (Fig. l), assuming dy is constant. Leibniz takes the differential of this equation to get 2a2dxd2x + 2xdxdy2 = 0 or a2d2x + xdy2 = 0. We would write this equation as d2xldy2 = -x/a=, the standard differential equation for x = sin (y/a). Leibniz does in. fact derive this solution, by his method of undetermined coefficients, and writes it as a power series. Again, we wonder why Leibniz did not go further and discuss the properties of this series. But neither he nor Johann Bernoulli, who discussed the same differential equation and power series in a paper of the following year, moved any closer to the calculus of these functions. (a’-x2)dy2= a2dx2 a2dy2=a2dx%2dy2 FIGURE 1 314 VICTOR J. KATZ HM 14 A physical uploads/Litterature/ the-calculus-of-the-trigonometric-functions.pdf
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