ACT6000 Advanced Communication Tester User Guide Revision Advanced 1.18 July 20
ACT6000 Advanced Communication Tester User Guide Revision Advanced 1.18 July 2013 ACT6000 User Guide 1.18 Page 2 of 38 ACT000 Advanced Communication Tester INDEX Page 1 General description..............................................................................................3 2 Safety and conformity information.........................................................................4 3 Community directive 2002/96/EC..........................................................................4 4 Functions and measurements type .......................................................................5 4.1 Functions....................................................................................................5 4.2 Measurement types.....................................................................................5 4.3 Measure Saving & Exporty (release 1.18). ...................................................6 4.4 Power Supply and Battery charge................................................................6 5 Technical Specifications.......................................................................................7 6 Commands and Connections description ............................................................13 6.1 Front panel Commands description ...........................................................13 6.2 Upper panel Connections Description........................................................14 7 Use mode (frequent commands, menu hierarchy ..) ............................................15 7.1 Events Tests.............................................................................................16 7.1.1 Micro-interruptions Test........................................................................16 7.1.2 Impulsive Noise Test ............................................................................18 7.2 TDR Fault Locator.....................................................................................19 7.3 Digital Multimeter ......................................................................................21 7.3.1 DC/AC Voltage Measurement...............................................................21 7.3.2 DC/AC Capacitance Measurement........................................................21 7.3.3 Resistance Measurement (Loop and/or Insulation) ................................22 7.3.4 Low Insulation Localization (RFL)..........................................................23 7.3.5 Resistive Balancement €R-bal• measurement........................................23 7.4 Subscriber Simulator.................................................................................24 7.5 Signal Analyzer.........................................................................................25 7.5.1 Generator & Meter................................................................................26 7.5.2 Spectrum & Network Analyzer (for Base and Medium Band)..................27 7.5.3 Spectrum & Network Analyzer (for High Band) ......................................28 8 Guide for generic manual transmissive measurements........................................29 9 Configurations and Utilities.................................................................................33 10 File Manager .................................................................................................34 11 Appendix 1 - Pre-configured Single End Line Testing Sequences....................35 11.1 Appendix 2 ‚ Pre-configured single transmissive measurements:ƒƒƒƒ..38 Noise, Return-Loss, Longitudinal Balance, NEXT and PSD ACT6000 User Guide 1.18 Page 3 of 38 1 General description The ACT6000 combines various kinds of transmission, metallic and special tests. It can be considered to be the most advanced Test Set today for qualifying and maintenance of advanced transmission systems and copper pairs used for various telecommunication services: from POTS to ADSL and VDSL. One of ACT6000€s most interesting features is the new high resolution color graphic display, a real €window• on the most advanced measurements„ world. The alphanumeric keypad, as well as the function-keys, grant to the instrument a high operating level. Moreover, take note that, due to its accurate and intuitive €Human Machine and Graphics User Interface•, this instrument needs the help of the user„s manual to arrange and carry out unusual measurements and/or settings. One ACT6000, suitably configured, can perform easily and quickly €Single-End Tests• or very accurate €End-to-End Tests• together with another ACT6000. The wide range of measurements of the ACT6000 allows the qualification and certification of various communication carriers and copper pairs used for digital streams with a frequency span up to 6 MHz (or 30 MHz optional); moreover, the instrument can automatically extrapolate the ADSL and VDSL maximum expected data rate of the copper line under test. ACT6000 can be configured for in-depth analysis, by special functions and internal optional modules. The complete adoption of these modules allows the simple and fast finding of anomalies and/or faults on the copper line and communication systems. Package The package of the instrument (base version) contains: the carrying case, this guide, the AC / DC battery-charger, Banana/Crocodile cable and Ground Cable. Make sure that, on receipt, this pack and its contents have not been damaged by bumps or careless handling. For possible shipment of the instrument for repair or calibration it is suggested to use the original pack. Instrument identification The Part-Number, Serial Number, Hardware Configuration, and date of production or Calibration are pointed out on the factory label applied on the rear panel. Copyright advice The information contained in this document is the property of Aten S.r.l. and is supplied without responsibility for mistakes and omissions. No part of this document can be reproduced without the specific authorization of Aten S.r.l. Aten S.r.l. reserves the right to make modifications of any nature to the present document without notice. All rights are reserved. Aten S.r.l. Via dei Lavoratori, 180 - 04010 LATINA - ITALY Tel. +39 - 0773 • 240.696 - Fax +39- 0773 • 240.676 E-mail: / Web: ACT6000 User Guide 1.18 Page 4 of 38 2 Safety and conformity information The ACT6000 is intended for use by qualified personnel only. The use of this tester is allowed in internal or external environments within the normal human range of climatic characteristics (temperature and damp. It is recommended to work with this tester within declared temperature limits (0 - 50…) and not in contact with water, because it is not waterproof. The ACT6000, like all the ATEN instruments, is "CE" certified for full electromagnetic compatibility and safety. The stage In/Out (RTX connector) of the ACT6000 is designed for use with circuits that have a maximum of 150 Vdc or peak AC wire-to-wire, or 75 Vdc or peak AC wire-to-ground. Warning ! The stage output of the instrument ‚TX connectorƒ is not protected ! Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings in this guide violates the safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the tester. ATEN S.r.l. assumes no liability for the customer„s failure to comply with these requirements. If this product is used in a manner not specified by the ATEN S.r.l. the protections provided by the product may be impaired. The RTX connector of the ACT6000 has an automatic protection device to protect against over-voltage; over specified limits the protection activates and on the following message appears on the display : WARNINGS! OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTION VERIFY LINE CONNECTIONS - PUSH ANY KEY TO RESTORE To restore the operation of the instrument, after verifying the correct state of the line, press any key. In every case, to ensure correct galvanic isolation of the instrument during the execution of high impedance measurements Insulation or DC capacitance, disconnect from the instrument: External AC/DC Battery Charger. 3 Community directive 2002/96/EC Community directive 2002/96/EC for introduction in the market and to disposal of ‚WEEEƒ (waste electrical and electronic equipments) containing ‚RoSHƒ materials damaging to the environment and detrimental to human health. ATEN declare that all the materials, components, products supplied are fully compliance with RoHS & Weee Directives. Nevertheless, the disposal of this equipment cannot be disposed as waste but it has to be returned to the producer or to its official distribution network which will arrange to carry out a separate collection. In order to comply with what is mentioned above is stated that: - even if the equipment does not contain dangerous elements listed on RoHS directives, improper use could be detrimental to human health and damaging to the environment; - the meaning of the symbol shown below and affixed on the equipment is to remind that the same cannot be disposed of as €waste•; - penalties are to be expected in case of an abusive disposing of the equipment. ACT6000 User Guide 1.18 Page 5 of 38 4 Functions and measurements type 4.1 Functions The main functions of the ACT6000 are: † Generator and Meter; † Spectrum and Network Analyzer; † TDR fault locator. To the above are added the following functions: † DMM plug & play module, for metallic measurements (AC/DC Voltage, DC Resistance and AC/DC Capacitance). † POTS-SUB plug & play module, for manual Subscribe Simulator and automatic End-to-End test on POTS lines with the ASW 2 *. † Instrument Configuration (General Setup, Display, Date, Hour, USB ports, Software up-date etc.) † File Manager utility for files storage, management and export. 4.2 Measurement types € Automatic measurements on pre-configured transmissive masks (ETSI or ANSI): † Single-End automatic test for copper pair pre-qualification with the ASW 1*; † End-to-End automatic tests for copper pair qualification with the ASW 2*. † €Slave• configuration for the End-to-End tests on copper pairs and POTS lines with the ASW 2*. € Transmissive measurements: † Signal and white noise generation † Selective Level and Frequency measurements † Noise measurement (wide and weighted band) † Power Spectral Density † Return Loss measurement † Longitudinal Balance Loss measurement † Crosstalk Loss measurement † Insertion Loss measurement † S/N and Distortion (on base band) measurement Note * ASW 1 / 2: optional Advanced Software. ACT6000 User Guide 1.18 Page 6 of 38 ‡ Events test: † Impulsive Noise long term measurement † Micro-interruptions long term measurement † AC ‚ DC Voltage † AC ‚ DC Capacitance † DC ‚ Resistance and Insulation † DC ‚ Resistance Balancement † RFL to Low insulation finding € TDR Fault location: † TDR real time measurement for faults and line length location. † TDR long term measurement to intermittent faults location. 4.3 Measure Saving & Export (release 1.18). All the results of the performed measurements can be saved on internal memory exportable to the external USB Pen-Drive in .CSV format. The CSV files are compatible with the Windows Excel application to visualize and to edit graphics and data base. On the same Pen-Drive it is possible to export the screen in .BMP format. 4.4 Power Supply and Battery charge The internal supply is provided by a rechargeable battery pack (NiMh green), that allows an autonomy of continuous operation for at least 5 hours (8 hour typical). When using the instrument without external supply, it is possible to check continuously the state of charge of the batteries, thanks to the icon shown in the upper right side of the display; the number of the bars contained in uploads/Management/ act6000-user-guide-1-18 1 .pdf
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