Kuno Guide (Created 8.10.17) The purpose of this guide is to give players a bac

Kuno Guide (Created 8.10.17) The purpose of this guide is to give players a background into the Kunoichi (Kuno) class in Black Desert Online (BDO). The guide will go into the very basics of the game, basics of each class, and then basics and more advanced aspects of the Kuno class. The guide will not be perfect, but it will have information, tips, and tricks from my point of view as a Kuno player. I will try to give as many specific tips, tricks, and combos as possible, but I won’t be able to cover everything. ​Take the guide as a set of tools that you can use to form your own style of gameplay​. I will try to keep this guide as free of text as possible (the first few sections and last few sections will have a lot of text). There will be gifs, video clips, and references to other sources throughout the guide. This guide assumes at least basic knowledge of the BDO pvp system (cc’s, etc.). If you have any suggestions leave them in the Kuno/Ninja discord and/or ask for my discord handle to pm me. I would like to thank Quenthell, Paiz, Skyforth, Farhan, Zyui, StrobeWalker, Gavin, Fai, Overlord, Queen, Wolfe, Daunzo, Nikes, CyanPhoenix, Duke, Rena and a special thanks to Azuline, for their help and suggestions during the creation of this guide. They also provided some clips and content used in the guide. Link to Kuno/Ninja discord found ​here​. Link to resources for Kuno and Ninja players ​here​. Link to a recent Ninja guide ​here​. Revision History Date Version Description Contributor/Author 8/10/2017 1.0 Creation of Guide Cid 8/11/2017 1.1 Slight grammatical edits. Updates to class matchups. Cid 8/18/17 1.2 Updates to sections: ​2.1​ ; ​2.5​ ; 2.7​. ; ​3.6.2.x Cid 8/29/2017 1.3 Housekeeping. Updated ​spree based on new KR patch knowledge. Cid 8/30/2017 1.4 Included info from Cid patch on 8/30/17. Sah Spree of Sonan​ is still lackluster; ​do not invest sp​. ​New combo possibilities with ​Wheel of Wrath update​. 9/06/2017 1.5 Updated ​Delighted Blast​ description. Super Armor lasts until the end of the animation​. Cid 9/20/2017 1.6 Updated ​ninja evasion​ description to show that the skill ​provides i frame when the character is in the air​. Cid/Koko/Paiz 10/20/2017 1.7 Updated section 2.7.3​ with new BON/WON/JIN crystals. Cid 11/1/2017 1.8 Updated skills with skill icons. Cid/CyanPhoenix 12/24/2017 1.9 Updated gearing guidelines with Grana quest earring​ and gear links with JIN/BON/WON gems. Ghost step distance increased, Damage increased starting at 270 ap (until 300 ap) on 12/20/ patch (at level 60). Cid 1/20/2018 2.0 Updated section​ with mystic-specific tips. Cid 2/21/2018 2.1 Updated skill builds with lower sp-cost builds. Cid 3/5/2018 2.2 Updated section 2.3.1​ with new JIN (Absolute skills). Updated the end-game builds in section ​2.7.3 drastically. Cid 3/15/2018 2.3 Updated ​Kunai Block​ to show how its s-walk properties function. Video example provided. Cid/Duke Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 1.1 Intro to BDO 4 1.2 Introduction to classes in BDO 4 1.3 Is Kuno the right class for me? 4 1.3.1 Kuno or Ninja? 5 2. Introduction to Kunoichi 5 2.1 Pre-awakening skills 5 2.1.1 Farming 22 2.2 Awakening skills 23 2.2.1 Farming 27 2.3 Rahm’s Enlightenment (TBD) 27 2.4 Skill builds 27 2.5 Skill addons 28 2.6 Basic skill combos and animation cancels 30 2.6.1 Building a combo 33 2.7 Gear and builds 37 2.7.1 Early-game build 37 2.7.2 Mid-game build 38 2.7.3 Late-game builds 38 2.7.4 Other stats 39 3. Kuno gameplay after getting comfortable with the basics 39 3.1 Movement and weapon swapping (important) 39 3.2 Damage combos 55 3.3 Survivability 56 3.4 Large-scale gameplay 58 3.4.1 Cannon teams 58 3.4.2 Disruption 59 3.4.3 Slayer 59 3.5 Small-scale gameplay 59 3.6 Dueling 60 3.6.1 General tips 60 3.6.2 Class-specific tips 60 Warrior 60 Ranger 61 Sorceress 61 Berserker 61 Tamer 61 Musa 61 Maehwa 62 Valkyrie 62 Witch 62 Wizard 62 Ninja 62 Kunoichi 63 Dark Knight 63 Striker 63 Mystic 63 4. Some useful resources (links to Kuno channels, streams, and gameplay) 63 1. Introduction 1.1 Intro to BDO Black Desert Online (​BDO​) is an action-combat mmorpg. The main reason I play mmo’s is for the Player-vs-Player (pvp), so that is what I will focus on here. BDO pvp is centered around large scale combat, with wars of large scale (generally 100+ people) as the main focus. There are node wars throughout the week, except for Saturday nights, in which opposing guilds will fight over small territories. Node wars are usually composed of 1-8 guilds with 20-70 people fighting for the territory. Saturday nights are when sieges, for the territory castles, take place. Sieges generally have hundreds of players in them. This is generally considered the end goal of BDO; to be able to effectively compete in this type of pvp. However, there is other forms of pvp in BDO. For smaller scale pvp, there is Red Battlefield (rbf), in which two teams battle and points are gained for each kill (dependent on the amount of points your slaughtered opponent had). There are multiple duel arenas throughout BDO, with one in each major city, and a new arena that can be teleported to from anywhere in the game. These arena are free pvp and respawn, where anyone can fight another player. The newest pvp feature that has been added in the Arena of Arsha, where 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, and 5v5 fights can take place. Besides pvp, there is a wide variety of activities to do in BDO, including: life skilling (fishing, cooking, trading, etc.), exploring the large map, farming, etc. You will likely never run out of things to do in BDO, even if you don't enjoy pvp. 1.2 Introduction to classes in BDO Each class has a specific role in BDO pvp. Some classes excel at large scale pvp while others excel at small scale and duels. Some classes are very good in all types of pvp, but each class has weaknesses and no one class is unbeatable. However, some classes are certainly weaker than others in terms of damage, mobility, utility, etc. Regardless, you should play the class that you think seems the most fun, whether that be from experience, or watching someone else's gameplay. I assume you have an interest in Kuno since you are reading this guide, so if you enjoy the class, stick with it. 1.3 Is Kuno the right class for me? To be frank, Kuno seems like a weak class in comparison to the most played classes in the game. Her damage and mobility are lacking. Her awakening will seem slow and clunky compared to her pre awakening at first, but this gets better with practice. However, her survivability, aoe crowd controls (ccs), and flexibility allow for gameplay that few other classes can provide. Kuno will require more gear, patience, skill, and practice than most other classes in BDO; you won’t be able to simply “face roll”. If you really enjoy the class then stick with it, but it won’t be very easy to become a force in pvp. I don’t mean to turn anyone off of the class, but it is what it is. If you do stick with the class, then the rewards from her class-specific skills that she shares with ninja (e.g. block jump, invisibility, etc) and her own class-specific skills in awakening are high, and you will feel accomplished when you succeed. 1.3.1 Kuno or Ninja? Ninja and Kuno are similar classes pre awakened. However, they take very different gameplay styles after awakening. Kuno provides more aoe cc’s and defensive capabilities, while ninja provides more enclosed damage and fewer defensive capabilities. A summary comparison is below: Ninja: ● Male ● 2 grapples (one in pre awakening, one in awakening) ● Better lateral mobility; quicker directional changes; etc ● Less intended super armor and frontal guards ● Higher single target damage ● Able to use lower attack power (ap) allowing for easier access to dp/evasion builds Kuno: ● Female ● 1 grapple (pre awakening) ● More super armor and frontal blocks ● More aoe damage and cc abilities ● Better self heals (not including E buff) ● Easier time farming post awakening; not necessarily a “better” farmer 2. Introduction to Kunoichi 2.1 Pre-awakening skills This section of the guide will go through each pre-awakened skill. It will go through the pros/cons of the skill, whether it is useful in pve/pvp (or both), how to use it (hotkey/key input), and any other miscellaneous things about the skill. I will assume you know how the skill works and how to use it. ● Windslash (PVE, key input) ○ This is the basic auto attack for Kuno left mouse button (lmb). It will be useful for early-game player versus environment (pve) since it restores wp. ● Flow: Sky Stepping (PVP, key input) ○ This is the double jump for Kuno. It can be useful when uploads/Management/ bdo-kuno-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Jui 19, 2022
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  • Langue French
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