BSB80515 Graduate Certificate of Management (Learning) BSBLDR805 Lead and influ
BSB80515 Graduate Certificate of Management (Learning) BSBLDR805 Lead and influence change Page 2 of 22 | BSB80515 | Unit Outline: BSBLDR805 Lead and influence change Lennox College RTO : 90923 CRICOS Provider No. 03566D LEARNER GUIDE Mode | Distance/Online Delivery Table of Contents 1. Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Unit Description ......................................................................................................................................... 4 3. Learning outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 4 4. Structure and Schedule .............................................................................................................................. 4 5. Competency Standards .............................................................................................................................. 5 BSBLDR805 Lead and influence change ........................................................................................................... 5 Foundation Skills .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Performance Evidence .................................................................................................................................. 6 Knowledge Evidence ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Assessment Conditions ................................................................................................................................. 7 6. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) ............................................................................................................ 7 7. Assessment Summary ................................................................................................................................ 7 8. Learning Resources .................................................................................................................................... 8 Prescribed text ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Recommended readings .................................................................................................................................. 8 9. Learning Expectations and Teaching Strategies .......................................................................................... 9 Learning and teaching arrangements .............................................................................................................. 9 Topic outlines and Prescribed Readings and Topic Notes ............................................................................... 9 Academic referencing and style guide ............................................................................................................. 9 Communication and consultation .................................................................................................................... 9 10. Lennox Institute Policies and Processes ................................................................................................. 10 Learners with special needs .......................................................................................................................... 10 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and credit transfers ............................................................................... 10 Academic policies and procedures................................................................................................................. 11 Academic misconduct and plagiarism ............................................................................................................ 11 11. Assessment ............................................................................................................................................ 11 Purpose of assessment .................................................................................................................................. 11 Assessment process ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Submission of assessments ............................................................................................................................ 12 Word Count .................................................................................................................................................... 12 Penalties ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Assessment tasks and schedule ..................................................................................................................... 13 Page 3 of 22 | BSB80515 | Unit Outline: BSBLDR805 Lead and influence change Lennox College RTO : 90923 CRICOS Provider No. 03566D Competency assessment matrix .................................................................................................................... 14 Assessment Tasks and competency coverage ............................................................................................... 14 Specific performance requirements .............................................................................................................. 15 12. Assessment tasks ................................................................................................................................... 16 Assessment cover sheet ................................................................................................................................. 16 Assessment Task 1: ........................................................................................................................................ 17 Assessment Task 2: ........................................................................................................................................ 19 Assessment Task 3: ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Page 4 of 22 | BSB80515 | Unit Outline: BSBLDR805 Lead and influence change Lennox College RTO : 90923 CRICOS Provider No. 03566D Unit of Competency : BSBLDR805 Lead and influence change Total Delivery Hours : Two Hundred (200) Schedule : Distance/Online Delivery 1. Overview Welcome to the Unit Outline for BSBLDR805 Lead and influence change, a unit of competency in the qualification BSB80215 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership. This document provides you with essential information on competency standards, learning outcomes, delivery schedule, assessment tasks and learning resources for this unit of competency. 2. Unit Description This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to apply organisational leadership in change management through influencing and shaping an organisational culture that is receptive to and embraces opportunities for change. The unit includes influencing organisational culture, anticipating change and providing strategic leadership in change management. You will also study the role of the change leader and the tools used to set-up, execute and sustain an organisational change project. 3. Learning outcomes On completion of this unit, you should be able to: 1. Critically analyse and review change models; 2. Analyse the external drivers, internal culture, and capabilities impacting an organisation’s change readiness, and determine the appropriate change leadership method; 3. Develop a stakeholder engagement plan to support a change initiative; and 4. Lead the development of a change project plan. 4. Structure and Schedule This unit has 10 main topics as outlined in the study schedule below. The following is the delivery schedule for this unit. While working with the structure and times for a session times, trainers may expand or modify activities. However the assessment tasks – both progressive and submitted – are set and can only be modified by the student in consultation with the trainer. Topic title Activities to Note 1. What is change management? 2. Change theories and models Tool 1 Mapping the change journey 3. Anticipating external change Tool 2 PEST(LE) analysis Tool 3 SWOT analysis 4. Assessing internal change: culture and capabilities Tool 4 Cultural capital & maturity assessment tool 5. Audit change readiness Tool 5 Change readiness audit tool Tool 6 Change scale assessment Tool 7 Mapping leadership methods to change audit results Page 5 of 22 | BSB80515 | Unit Outline: BSBLDR805 Lead and influence change Lennox College RTO : 90923 CRICOS Provider No. 03566D 6. Establishing change project governance Tool 8 Change Project Team Roles 7. Leading development of a change project plan Tool 9 Change Project Planning Template 8. Leading change project set-up Tool 10 Set the change vision Tool 11 Stakeholder analysis Tool 12 Elevator pitch Tool 13 Stakeholder engagement plan Tool 14 Scoping the change priorities and setting goals 9. Leading change project execution Tool 15 Change plan action plan Tool 16 Change learning plan Tool 17 Risk analysis Tool 18 Financial resource review 10. Leading change project evaluation and improvement Tool 19 Change project review template Tool 20 Change project final gate review template 5. Competency Standards This unit is derived from the Business Services Training Package (BSB), for packaging of the qualification BSB80215 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership (view course). Competency standards for this unit are made up of unit descriptor, performance criteria, required skills, required knowledge, embedded employability skills components, assessment requirements and evidence guide. The full competency can also be viewed online at (View Unit). BSBLDR805 Lead and influence change Element Performance criteria Relevant topic 1 Influence organisational culture 1.1 Undertake a strategic review of organisational culture to establish existing attitudes to change and identify key issues for action 1,2,4 1.2 Identify, support and actively promote the strategic advantages of ongoing change for individuals, groups and the organisation to foster commitment to workplace change 2,8 1.3 Embed the acceptance of new ideas and management methods and challenges to existing practices and structures in managerial practice and decision making 2,8 1.4 Embed change management activities and related performance indicators for managers in organisational strategies, policies and plans as an ongoing requirement 7,9 1.5 Recruit, develop and deploy staff with a range of attributes that are reflective of a diverse workforce to maximise the organisation's strategic advantage in dealing with change 6, 7 1.6 Embed learning and development opportunities for managing change in induction and professional development 7,8,9 2 Anticipate change 2.1 Identify the likelihood of significant change for the organisation through strategic networking and ongoing consideration of factors impacting upon the community, the industry, the organisation or within the external environment 3,4,5 2.2 Consult key stakeholders in identifying external drivers for change, and analyse likely change in relation to its potential effect on organisational purpose, functions, structure, strategic objectives and the people in the organisation 7,8 2.3 Undertake early planning with managers, human resource personnel and staff to ensure maximum lead time and support for those likely to be affected by change, and to allow thoughtful, proactive responses to be generated 7,8 Page 6 of 22 | BSB80515 | Unit Outline: BSBLDR805 Lead and influence change Lennox College RTO : 90923 CRICOS Provider No. 03566D 2.4 Anticipate and plan for resourcing challenges of both implementing and sustaining change in accordance with organisational policies, procedures guidelines and legislative requirements 5,8,9 3 Provide strategic leadership in change management 3.1 Formulate strategic priorities in consultation with key stakeholders in the organisation and the community, and set out a vision for the future that provides challenging but realistic objectives to address change and maximise outcomes 7 3.2 Research and use current best practice information on change management to ensure change is managed effectively for sustained positive outcomes 2,4,7 3.3 Use leadership strategies to assist others to deal with ambiguity and to be creative and innovative in their approaches to dealing with change 6,7 3.4 Design strategies to address the transition from present to future arrangements and provide guidance for dealing with ambiguity in roles, functions, organisational priorities or structures 6,8,9 3.5 Monitor organisational culture, business outcomes and client feedback and identify and celebrate positive achievements in accordance with organisational policy 4,8,9 Foundation Skills This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills incorporated in the performance criteria that are required for competent performance. Skill Performance Criteria Description Reading 1.1, 3.2 Sources, evaluates and critiques ideas and information from a range of complex texts Writing 1.6, 3.1 Develops texts dealing with complex concepts using specialised and detailed language to convey strategy context, intent and organisational requirements Navigate the world of work 2.4, 3.1 Leads planning and resource allocation processes which are in accordance with organisational policies and procedures and legal requirements Interact with others 2.2, 3.1 Plays a lead role in situations requiring effective collaboration, demonstrating high-level influencing skills, focusing and shaping awareness, and engaging and motivating others Get the work done 1.1-1.6, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.2-3.5 Accepts responsibility for planning and sequencing complex tasks and workload Monitors progress of plans and agreed outcomes Systematically gathers and analyses relevant information and evaluates options to inform decisions about complex organisational strategies Performance Evidence Evidence of the ability to: plan and implement a strategic review of organisational culture in an organisation and develop a vision for the future research and anticipate the likelihood of change for the organisation identify, support and promote the advantages of change to stakeholders by communication, role modelling and celebrating success embed uploads/Management/ bsb80215-learner-guide-bsbldr805.pdf
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- Publié le Oct 21, 2022
- Catégorie Management
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