www.clusterforum.org Cluster Management Guide – Guidelines for the Development
www.clusterforum.org Cluster Management Guide – Guidelines for the Development and Management of Cluster Initiatives Karlsruhe Germany Linz Austria Lyon France Tartu Estonia Wermland Sweden Timisoara Romania Kaliningrad Russia Nottingham UK CLOE Guide cover.indd 1 18/5/06 10:35:15 1 Project part-financed by the European Union Table of contents Foreword 2 1. Executive summary 5 2. Preamble 5 2.1 Challenges for European industries in the face of global competition 6 2.2 Benefits of cluster initiatives 7 2.3 Cluster policy 7 3. Cluster management guide in overview 9 3.1 Development of cluster initiatives 9 3.2 Management of cluster initiatives – five fields of action 10 4. Development of cluster initiatives 11 4.1 Pre-analysis for background information – feasibility study 13 4.2 Preparation of framework and internal organisation 15 4.2.1 Strategic positioning within the region 15 4.2.2 Definition of objectives, tasks and activities 16 4.2.3 Definition of responsible body / legal entity 16 4.2.4 Establishment of a project team 17 4.2.5 Establishment of a cluster advisory board 17 4.2.6 Information and communication concept 18 4.3 Financing 18 4.4 Launching of cluster initiatives 19 5. Management of cluster initiatives – five fields of action 20 5.1 Information and communication 20 5.2 Training 22 5.3 Co-operation 23 5.4 Marketing and PR 24 5.5 Internationalisation 25 6. Benchmarking indicators for cluster initiatives 26 7. References 28 8. Appendix 29 8.1 Checklist for development and management of cluster initiatives 29 8.2 Description of cluster initiatives 32 8.3 List of cluster initiatives of partner regions and other international cluster initiatives 41 8.4 Benchmarking of cluster initiatives 43 2 Project part-financed by the European Union 1. Foreword International networking – a formula for regional success Cluster initiatives facilitate and accelerate innovations and then bring them to market maturity, thus ensuring the long- term, economic success of the companies involved. They represent an efficient instrument for the concentration of re- sources and funding, the achievement of critical dimensions and the guaranteeing of the dissemination of knowledge and expertise, which represent factors strengthening both loca- tions and the economy on a sustained basis. Therefore, it is especially important that clusters also estab- lish international networking, and that they act as a bridge- head in the promotion of regional and cross-border co- operation. Upper Austria began the successful implementation of a clus- ter-oriented innovation policy in 1998, and has ever since co- operated with other innovative regions. In particular, Upper Austria shows excellent progress in the areas of cluster for- mation and further development. As a result, our federal ter initiative competence – a position which guarantees clear ad- vantages for both business and industry. This Cluster Management Guide is the first document to de- fine the most important steps for the installation of a cluster initiative. The Guide shows how a cluster can be successfully established, financed and expanded. Best practice examples from the CLOE regions clarify this process further. In this way, Upper Austria has put its experience at the service of other regions and has thus made an important contribution to the success of the CLOE project. Viktor Sigl Upper Austrian Economics Secretary 3 Project part-financed by the European Union CLOE – linking regions, creating the future By initiating in 2004 the project „CLOE: Clusters linked over Europe“ (www.clusterforum.org), Karlsruhe created a network with the European regions of Lyon/France, Linz/Upper Aus- tria, Wermland/Sweden, Tartu/Estonia, Timisoara/Romania and Kaliningrad/Russia to build the „European Network of Excellence for Cluster Experience, Management, Matching and Promotion“. The partners – mostly economic develop- ment agencies and chambers of industry and commerce – in- tend to establish closer links between their regions’ highly developed sectors reinforcing their activities and services in the field of economic development. In this way, the regions can be marketed as locations for commerce and investment within Europe and beyond, for example in the USA or Asia, and they can promote themselves to particular industrial sec- tors. Karlsruhe as the so-called Lead Partner and initiator of the project contributes to CLOE regional and supraregional net- works such as the “Automotive Engineering Network Süd- west” - AEN (www.aen-network.de), “Mobile Region Karlsruhe” (www.mobileregionkarlsruhe.de), the “CyberFo- rum” (www.cyberforum.de) and the nanotechnology network “Nanomat” (www.nanomat.de) that give companies in Karlsruhe and the Technology Region valuable impetus for innovation and bring together partners from research, science and industry. This Cluster Management Guide reflects the experiences made by the CLOE partners in the field of cluster creation and development. It is the first guide on the creation and management of clusters that takes into account the different conditions prevailing in the participating countries. The CLOE partners are prepared to share their experiences with other regions thus taking up one of the main reasons for the crea- tion of clusters: Small and medium-sized enterprises will have to tighten their co-operation to maintain their competitiveness. Only the co-operation between research agencies and com- panies will ensure the full exploitation of the potential that a region has to offer. For this purpose, the European partners of the CLOE network will establish the international contacts sought by the companies. This will not only lead to cross- 4 Project part-financed by the European Union border collaboration but also help the clusters represented in the network to make themselves and their competence more noticeable world wide. I am convinced that CLOE will have a lasting positive effect on the partners’ economy and on their attraction as a busi- ness location and I appreciate the success that the project has enjoyed to date. In January 2006, for example, Notting- ham joined the CLOE regions as an Associated Partner, a possibility that is also open to other regions with successful clusters. The co-operation between regions which, in their turn, will create international networks, will be the only way to ensure Europe’s competitive strength in the future. Therefore this guide is also a small but important contribution to Europe’s competitiveness. Heinz Fenrich Lord Mayor and President of TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe 5 Project part-financed by the European Union 2. Executive summary Globalisation has a significant impact on the development of industries and regions and their competitiveness. This forces regional policy makers to reconsider their strategy and to de- velop new activities. One of these new activities is the development of cluster building proc- esses and their integration into the regions‘ innovation processes and strategies. Many publications (e.g. Michael Porter) discuss in detail academic and well defined ap- proaches of the development, establishment and management of cluster processes. The present document takes a step forward and offers - based on the experience of success- ful cluster initiatives - a practical handbook giving an overview of essential tasks which are to be undertaken or at least considered within the scope of cluster building processes and their management. This practical handbook is designed to help regional actors, cluster and project managers and their supporting staff to develop and manage cluster activities in a proper and successful way. The cluster management guide was elaborated in co-operation with actors and cluster man- agers from the regions of Karlsruhe, Lyon, Linz, Wermland, Tartu, Timisoara, Nottingham and Kaliningrad. CLOE "clusters linked over Europe" is a co-operation project between currently eight Euro- pean regions set up with the aim of sharing experience, establishing close co-operations and learning from each other in the area of cluster management. Cluster Companies in clusters of CLOE partner organisations operating within the same in- dustry but in different regions can benefit from improved co-operation. CLOE is an effective information channel to find potential business and investment partners in eight fast developing cluster regions in Europe. 3. Preamble During the 1990s, many countries of the European Union started to establish cluster- oriented measures to strengthen the industry’s ability to innovate and increase national competitiveness. Within the scope of establishing innovation supporting instruments, build- ing networks between industry, R&D-centres and academia plays a significant role and has a huge impact on the success of such activities. Cluster initiatives are an adequate and effective instrument to concentrate resources and means in order to achieve a critical mass and to accelerate the transfer of knowledge and know-how. The initiation and co-ordination of cluster initiatives and networks has become 6 Project part-financed by the European Union an important tool for regional governments to support and foster economic growth in high- tech as well as low-tech sectors. 3.1 Challenges for European industries in the face of global competition Nowadays, regions and regional companies face the challenges provided by the global mar- ket. The competitiveness of a region is not determined by single companies, but more and more by the innovative activities of entire industries and branches. For this reason, regional competitiveness has become the central topic for the economic and technology policy of the European Union and its member states. The main objectives of these policies are: Fostering innovation The ability to innovate is crucial for the success of regions in general and industry in par- ticular. Today, the enhancement of economic globalisation and the increasing use of in- formation technologies put massive pressure on the acceleration of innovation proc- uploads/Management/ cluster-management-guide.pdf
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