VpCI SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Cortec Electricorr™ VpCI aerosol products and Cortec V

VpCI SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Cortec Electricorr™ VpCI aerosol products and Cortec VpCI emitting devices are designed for use ininterior enclosures that are covered, closed or sealed. Cortec's VpCI technology provides multi-metal protection against rust, corrosion, oxidation, and tarnishing. Cortec's VpCI Protection system can be used in both indoor and outdoor confined space applications. Length of protection depends on integrity of sealing and atmospheric conditions. VpCI SYSTEM PRODUCTS - ElectriCorr™ VpCI-248 Spray (Non flammable Inhibitor/Cleaner Antistat CFC Free) - VpCI-101 Emitter Strip (protects 1 Cubic Foot Enclosure) - VpCI-105 Emitter Cup (protects 5 Cubit Foot Enclosure) - VpCI-111 Emitter Cup (protects 11 Cubit Foot Enclosure) -Corrosorber (Hydrogen Sulfide scavenger) 1 1 1 1 1 ElectriCorr VpCI-248 Cleaner - Non-flammable - Does not alter electrical resistance - Protects electronic/electrical contacts - Fast drying -Non-conductive -Excellent cleaning action VpCI Emitter Cup 105/111 - One way Tyvek release membrane - Nitrite, silicone, and phosphate free - Economical protection - Long-lasting protection - Non-toxic - Easy installation - No residue VpCI PROTECTION SYSTEM FOR ELECTRICAL/ ELECTRONIC ENCLOSURES - Corrosorber Cup - Absorbs corrosive gases - Irreversible reaction - Non-toxic -Superior performance against Hydrogen Sulfide - Changes color as it is used up - Quick installation VpCI Foam Emitter 101 - Patented VpCI impregnated foam - Continuous corrosion protection - Non-toxic - NSN #6850-01-338-1392 - MIL-B-81705C - FDA & USDA Approved VpCI Emitter T VpCI Emitter T VpCI Emitter T VpCI Emitter T VpCI Emitter Technical Support echnical Support echnical Support echnical Support echnical Support Common Questions Common Questions Common Questions Common Questions Common Questions • Protected surfaces should be contained in a way that prevents direct exposure to rain water spray, etc. Occasional opening of enclosure for brief periods will not adversely affect protection. • Record date when products were treated with Electricorr™ VpCI-248 and emitter products and attach dated marker to protected enclosure, box or container. Depending on atmospheric conditions and integrity of sealing, check condition of product at intervals of 6 and 12 months. Reapply as conditions warrant. Corrosorber Method of Application - • In environments where Hydrogen Sulfide is present, use Corrosorber in addition to emitters to absorb and scavenge corrosive gases. • Peel the protective strip from the bottom of the Corrosorber and affix to clean surface. • When Corrosorber needs to be replaced, the powder inside the cup will appear brown. Removal Method: Unless stated in the procedural steps, Electricorr™ VpCI- 248 and emitting products typically do not require removal prior to product use. If removal is desired, remove with solvent suitable for electronics. Precautions: While applying Electricorr™ VpCI aerosol product, observe the accepted good practices for working with chemical liquids. Maintain adequate ventilation in work areas; wear suitable respirator, and hand and eye protection. Do not use on energized equipment Electricorr™ VpCI-248 Method of Application - • Apply Electricorr™ VpCI-248 by lightly misting the entire interior surface or surfaces to be protected. • Apply in a “Z” pattern while misting to avoid running or sagging. • It is recommended to apply 30 cc of Electricorr™ VpCI-248 per cubic foot (1,059 cc/ m3) of interior space to be protected. Coat product to a film thickness of 0.25-0.5 mils (6.25-12.5 microns). • Allow 15 minutes dry time before affixing emitters. VpCI Emitters Method of Application - Ensure the surface to which the device will be affixed is clean and free of debris. • Peel off the protective peel strip from the bottom of the device and attach it to the clean surface. • Install emitters per specification: VpCI-101 – 1 cubit foot protection VpCI-105 – 5 cubic feet protection VpCI-111 - 11 cubic feet protection • Devices can be installed in any position. • If the enclosure is not totally airtight, or if the access doors are opened frequently, replace the emitter devices as needed. • Under periods of heavy maintenance it is recommended to spray the enclosure very lightly with Cortec® Electricorr™ VpCI-248. • After application, cover, close, or seal the opening to the interior of the panel or enclosure. An airtight seal is not necessary. VpCI Field Application Recommendations 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 ASTM D-1748 (Humidity Chamber) Test Results No Protection vs. VpCI Protection ASTM D-1748 Standard Test Method for Rust Protection by Metal Preservation in the Humidity Cabinet This test method is used for evaluating the rust preventive properties of metal preservatives under conditions of high humidity. One circuit board was left untreated (Control) while the other was treated with Electricorr VpCI-248. The two boards were then suspended in a humidity cabinet at 120 degrees F (48.9 degrees C) for a period of four weeks. The criteria for passing or failing the test is the size and number of rust dots on the test surfaces. 1. What is an “Emitter”? Emitters are devices (cups, foams, films, bags, etc.) which contain special compounds called VpCIs (Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors) which evaporate (emit) into the surrounding enclosure or package. This is much like water as it evaporates but it takes place over months or years instead of minutes or hours. Cortec generally refers to Emitters as those products that are individually packaged, such as our VpCI-101, VpCI- 105, VpCI-111 or 1-MUL pouches and used in single applications. However, our VpCI-foams and films are often used in the same manner. In general, most Cortec products contain VpCIs and will act as emitters although they are not normally called emitters. 2. How are Emitters Used? Emitters are used to protect enclosed metal components from corrosion by placing one or more of the devices in a container, package or other enclosure. This includes electronics cabinets of all types, computers and other electronic devices, electrical control boxes used for plant equipment, control boxes containing relays and switches, electronic gear aboard ships and airlines, tool boxes, spare parts boxes and storage units, fuse boxes, telecommunications devices, analytical equipment, gun cabinets and any other enclosure that contains metals that might corrode. They are also used extensively in shipping containers and packaging. 3. How Does an Emitter or VpCI Work? The chemicals (VpCIs) which vaporize into a package or enclosure are usually a blend of several special compounds that form a very thin layer, only a few molecules thick, on the surface as they interact with all metals present. These chemicals are unique in that they prevent the interaction of air and water moisture with the metal, thus preventing corrosion. 4. What Will Emitters Do For Me? Why Use Emitters? Emitters will save money (and time) for almost any company using electronics or doing processing or manufacturing. They do this by reducing corrosion that affects production and product quality in several ways: · Emitters reduce electrical/electronic failures in relays, switches and connectors by preventing corrosion, the Number 1 cause for failure of electronic and electrical devices. · Reduce maintenance by reducing failures and parts replacement. · Extend equipment lifetime. ·I mprove reliability by reducing noise levels, relay chatter and switch reliability and continuity. · Reduce accumulation of contaminants. The quality and performance of electronic devices will also improve in that they will look cleaner, function more reliably, and have lower electronic noise. 5.How Long Does it Take for an Emitter to Become Effective? This depends on the size, shape and temperature of the enclosure. In general, at room temperature, emitters begin working immediately for metals immediately adjacent to them but it may require as much as 24 hours for metals at the extreme ends and internal spaces to become saturated with VpCI vapors. Cortec Technical Support Emitting Systems - Common Questions 4 4 4 4 4 Cortec Technical Support Emitting Systems - Common Questions 6. How Can Emitters be Made Effective Sooner? This can be done in several ways: a. By using more than one emitter and locating them at each end or along each edge of the enclosure. b. By fogging the entire package initially with one of our VpCI powders such as VpCI-307, VpCI-309 or VpCI-609 or with VpCI-337 or VpCI-347. c. By treating some of the internal compounds with a VpCI rinse or cleaner, such as VpCI- 416 or VpCI-238, 248 before placing them in the container or enclosure. d. By increasing the temperature of the parts or atmosphere. 7. Are Emitter Vapors Hazardous? Most emitters contain chemicals which are not known to be hazardous, toxic or flammable. Some of the chemicals are very similar to compounds that have actually been used in foods and beverages. 8. Are Emitters Environmentally Safe? Cortec emitters, like most of our other 400+ products, are very environmentally friendly and contain no known environmentally restricted or harmful compounds. Cortec’s position on the environment is well described in our technical paper CTP#5, presented in Melbourne, Australia, on behalf of the Australian EPA. 9. How Do You Remove Emitter Films? The films left by emitters are only a few molecule thick (~1/25,000th of 1 m or 1/500,000th of 1 mil). They are much thinner than most contamination layers which form on virtually any surface. It is uploads/Management/ emitting-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Aoû 05, 2022
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