Includes: HR Technologist GreenZone and Comprehensive Vendor List THE ULTIMATE

Includes: HR Technologist GreenZone and Comprehensive Vendor List THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO HCM SUITES FOR HIGH-GROWTH ENTERPRISES Buyers Guide 2019 Edition HCM SUITES © 2019 HR Technologist. All rights reserved. Vendor Directory Page 13 to 21 Table of Contents © 2019 HR Technologist. All rights reserved. Page 6 to 12 2.1 HCM Suites: Comprehensive List of Features and FuncƟonaliƟes 2.2 HRT GreenZone 2.4 Deployment Models: Onsite, Offsite or on the Cloud? 2.3 Comprehensive HRTech Vendor SelecƟon and ImplementaƟon Checklist SECTION 2 SECTION 3 THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO HCM SUITES FOR HIGH-GROWTH ENTERPRISES HCM SUITES Page 1 to 5 SECTION 1 1.1 IntroducƟon 1.2 High-growth OrganizaƟons have Unique Needs and Challenges 1.3 The Suite Spot: Why Pick an HCM SoŌware Suite over a Stand-alone SoluƟon? 1.4 Choosing the Right HCM SoluƟon: Major SoŌware Industry Trends to Consider SECTION 1 SECTION 1 © 2019 HR Technologist. All rights reserved. The Suite Spot for High-Growth Enterprises © 2019 HR Technologist. All rights reserved. Human Capital Management started out as a rudimentary support function, grew into the role of business partner and has ïnally evolved into a strategic business leader today. These phases of growth correspond rather interestingly to the stages that the enabling technology has grown through as well. Despite this kinship and correlation in evolutionary phases, global HR still seems to be dedicating 60 per cent of their time at work to routine, transactional functions. That is not acceptable in this era of inevitable digital growth, where eíciency and effectiveness are the highest priorities for all business leaders. Human Capital Management systems are leading the charge for progressive HR leaders to embrace and empower change at every stage of the cycle. Choosing the right HCM vendor becomes a crucial step in this transformation. Human Capital Management (HCM) is deïned as a set of practices for managing human resources, with the goal of achieving organizational competency for workforce acquisition, management and optimization. HCM software is an umbrella system that impacts all people processes and drives automation, eíciency, and effectiveness to achieve tangible business outcomes. Whether you know it as Human Capital Management (HCM), Human Resource Information System (HRIS) or Human Resource Management System (HRMS), chances are you use it at work. Even though there are minor differences between HCM, HRIS and HRMS, for the purpose of this eBook, we’ll treat them as being the same and refer to them as HCM, as this term fully encompasses what people management is all about. THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO HCM SUITES FOR HIGH-GROWTH ENTERPRISES HCM SUITES 1.1 IntroducƟon | 1 — Increased productivity from shortened recruitment cycles — Lower employee turnover as a result of better employee lifecycle management — Ability to attract the best talent with delightful employee experiences. We know that navigating the crowded, often-confusing HCM market is a challenge - especially if you’re a high-growth organization with several urgent and resource-guzzling items on your plate. A buyers’ guide - not a biased guide! The effective use of HCM systems is a conversation that has matured over the last decade and evolved in jumps over the last 4-5 years. Today, there is a diverse range of solutions available in the market of course, but also a diverse set of challenges and considerations that HR leaders of high-growth organizations particularly need to address. While the keystone remains ïnding the best-ït HCM solution for each organization’s unique context, the needs of a high-growth organization, on its path from mid-to-large-to-enterprise scale, are different from those of an SME or an established enterprise. High-growth organizations have growing talent demands, and quickly evolving talent management, engagement and experience strategies. They need a need vendor that can not only scale with them in terms of size and number of users, but can manage increasing levels of complexity with a stable system. Finding the right vendor-partner means: — Signiïcant cost savings from resume sorting automation — Intelligent and data-based compensation and rewards systems — The ability to scale and increase complexity with a reliable partner and a stable platform — Operational beneïts such as ease of deployment, use and adoption for optimal ROI Clarity on business outcomes and corresponding talent needs, aided by a compass in the crowded marketplace is a great combination to start with. That is exactly the support role this guide offers - an objective checklist to assess your unique needs and ït requirements better, and a comprehensive listing of vendors to pick from, for your consideration set. THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO HCM SUITES FOR HIGH-GROWTH ENTERPRISES HCM SUITES 1.2 High-growth OrganizaƟons have Unique Needs and | Challenges © 2019 HR Technologist. All rights reserved. 2 — Automatically have candidates’ data ðow into onboarding workðow plans — Gain visibility into the entire performance and payroll results at any time In a world where we’re prone to choose customization, point solutions for various aspects of HCM - from hire to retire- might often look attractive. HR leaders have to balance the need for ðexibility and best-in-class, with the ability to scale quickly and with complete integration. Managing multiple vendors is also a drain of resources, something high-growth companies can ill-afford. With a suite solution, you get the seamless, uniïed, compatible ability to: — Eliminate double data entry in attendance and time management, payroll and beneïts applications — Share data between HR processes instantly and securely — Calculate zero-to-net pay immediately as attendance is punched in — Access reports that map different aspects of HR to help in gauging correlations and interdependence — Deliver a seamless employee experience through their lifecycle, from hire to retire, via a single system THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO HCM SUITES FOR HIGH-GROWTH ENTERPRISES HCM SUITES 1.3 The Suite Spot: Why Choose an HCM SoŌware Suite | over a Stand-alone SoluƟon? © 2019 HR Technologist. All rights reserved. 3 No matter what system you end up choosing to help manage your HCM strategy, many leaders of high- growth companies, chasing ambitious growth goals and scaling on-the-go, may ïnd the following questions useful to frame the decision on the right HCM solution Why — Why a suite soluƟon over a point soluƟon? — Why invest in an an HCM soluƟon? Before embarking on the HCM selecƟon journey, it is important to know: — Why a SaaS or in-house offering? What Choosing the right soluƟon prerequires an understanding of: — What is the industry-sector context that my organizaƟon operates in? — What are the must-have, good- to-have and great-to-have features needed? — What will success look like? How — How to decide on metrics to measure HCM ROI? To develop a compelling internal business case it is necessary to know: — How to align key stakeholders? — How to get the right budget? — How to match the present budget with growth needs? When Timing is key in all business and people processes. It is vital to ask: — When is the organizaƟon ready to adopt a new HCM soluƟon? — When will the workforce adapt to the changes that the new soluƟon would bring with it? — When should the different phases for deployment be mapped? Section 2 of this guide offers a detailed checklist of questions to ask at every stage of investing an HCM solution - from planning to vendor selection to deployment and post-deployment operations. THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO HCM SUITES FOR HIGH-GROWTH ENTERPRISES HCM SUITES © 2019 HR Technologist. All rights reserved. 4 While all the above questions and the more detailed checklist in Section 2 of this guide are crucial to making the right vendor choice, it is also important to be aware of the larger industry trends that are shaping the way HR leaders need to approach the strategic outcomes of HCM in the near future: 1. All Things Mobile - The mobile-ïrst approach has pervaded the HCM space as well. This is in keeping with the growing demand for ease of access on-the-go. HCM processes need to mirror the user experience that we are attuned to in our daily lives. It seems a logical need to ensure that the vendor chosen allows for mobile access to systems, processes and data. This also leads to greater engagement from candidates and employees by making processes easier, real-time and less work-like. 4. The AI and ML Way - With most solution providers claiming to leverage AI and ML to boost outcomes, it is important to understand the areas of impact that could most beneït from AI and ML technology and choose the functional outcome over shiny new gimmicks. 5. Blended Workforce Management - HCM solutions today need to be able to manage the blend of full-time employees, part-time employees, contract workers, freelancers and all other options that come with the distributed workforce. 3. Secure, Compliant and Protected - The need for compliant and data-secure systems and processes cannot be overstated, not just to keep data conïdential, but to protect the interests of employees and partners as well as meeting regulatory requirements. 2. Going Big on Big Data Analytics - Organizational Network Analysis (ONA), uploads/Management/ hcm-buyers-guide-2019.pdf

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  • Publié le Jan 01, 2023
  • Catégorie Management
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