Katalin Ladik in the World Her many-sided oeuvre has been presented in two majo
Katalin Ladik in the World Her many-sided oeuvre has been presented in two major retrospective exhibitions in the past two years: The Power of a Woman - Katalin Ladik Retrospective 1962-2010, MSUV, Novi Sad, Serbia (November 2010); 2010: The Power of a Woman Katalin Ladik Retrospective: 1962 – 2010 Interpretive Narratives about Subject, Woman and Art between Cold War and Transition in Central Europe Roots and Wings - Katalin Ladik Retrospective 1962-2010, Székesfehérvár, Hungary (May 2011) 2011: Roots and Wings Katalin Ladik a Retrospective 1962-2010 If you wouldn´t grow wings, you wouldn´t be able to grow roots. Roots and wings. Both are very important to me. You can´t constantly soar, because then you wouldn´t be able to relate to and to value the soaring moments. Most representative links: http://www.katalinladikretrospective.net/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katalin_Ladik http://mek.oszk.hu/01300/01329/mp3/index.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcmMAFTQEI4 http://monoskop.org/Katalin_Ladik http://poetrydepot.wordpress.com/2010/12/06/katalin-ladik/ http://straight.com/article-396812/vancouver/kontakt-examines-conceptual-works-former-yugoslavia http://www.kontakt-collection.net/artists/Ladik+Katalin/ http://www.macba.cat/controller.php?p_action=show_page&pagina_id=29&inst_id=26857 (from the MACBA collection) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xmlzr0_katalin-ladik-le-grand-menage_creation http://www.mediawavearchivum.hu/index.php?nyelv=eng&modul=filmek&kod=3949&nf=1 (Cleaning-Up – documentary of the performance) Katalin Ladik Magical Voice, Sound Poetry and Metamorphosis Henri Chopin wrote about her sound art: “Elle possède vocalement tout un orchestre "verbophonique", avec sa seul voix qui peut être aiguë, grave, modulée, aux variations inattendues, abruptes, faisant jaillir de la bouche et de la gorge des phonations très rares. Un tel mécanisme vocal, qui paraît spontané, naturel, mai qui, en fait, est très contrôlé, ne puvait qu être amplifié par le relais des microphone. Cette amplification donne une telle présence sonore que nous sommes surprise qu'un résultat semblable puisse venir d'un corps fragile, gracile, et qui ne cherche pas à séduire le public, ce qu'elle pourrait faire par sa beauté. Ce n est pas la séduction qu'elle recherche, mais la son vocal pur. Le seul disque que nous ayons d'elle (Phonopoetica, Disque 17 cm, 1976, Edition Dunja Blazevic, Belgrade) nous donne une faible idée de ce que nous recevrons quand elle paraît sur scène. Une grande magie vocale s'entend dans l'espace, couvre le lieu du théâtre du concert.”( Henri Chopin: Poesie Sonore Internationale, Jean-Michel Place Éditeur, Paris, 1979. 44, 254.) Henri Chopin: Sound Magic in Space Katalin Ladik conducts a verbophonic orchestra with her voice: it is sometimes shrill, sometimes deep; it is characterized by sudden variations, voice shifts, rare modulations. This vocal activity that appears spontaneous and natural, is, in fact, very much controlled. The microphone emphasizes and amplifies its colours. The amplification produces such an intense vocal presence, that we are positively surprised by how this slender, fragile body can produce these results. A body that, though she could, doesn’t try to entice the public with her beauty. It is not seduction she seeks, but pure vocal sound. The single record we have (Phonopoetica, 7ʺ LP, 1976, published by Dunja Blaževid, Belgrade) gives us only a faint idea of what we get when she appears on stage. A great, magical voice can be heard in space, covering the concert theater. (Henri Chopin: Poésie Sonore International, Editions Jean-Michel Place,1979.) Endre Szkárosi: Words embodied Poets shape words and shape the language with their presence, their voices, or with their imagination encoded in writing. People shape language even in everyday interactions with their voices – the realization of linguistic expression – mostly without being conscious of what they do. An artist, on the other hand, who uses language consciously, keeps this in mind. This is especially true for poets like Katalin Ladik, who uses all dimensions of language in her poetry. Her written poetry already gets treated properly, now and then, by Hungarian criticism. Her phonic – or sound – poetry, either based on her written poetry or independent of it, is considered only by the international art community to be among its best. (Szkárosi Endre: A szó teste, http://www.c3.hu/othercontent/kritika/1ford/szkarosi3.html) Katalin Ladik’s Sound Poetry (vinyls, gramphone records, audio CDs ) 1969 – Ballada az ezüstbicikliről (Ballad of Silver Bike) vinyl, Forum, Novi Sad; 1976 – Phonopoetica, vinyl, phonetic interpretation of visual poetry, Galerija Studentskog Kulturnog Centra, Beograd; 1978 – Ernő Király, LP album, Udruženje Kompozitora Vojvodine, Novi Sad; 1979 – Poesie Sonore Internationale, audiocasette, Paris; 1980 – La Nouvelle Revue d’Art Moderne (special 2.) Rencontres Internationales de Poésie Sonore, audiocasette, Le Havre, Rennes, Paris; 1982 – Baobab Femme, BAOBAB 11. (La fable; Avec sa voix ciseaux; Chanson populaire hongroise; La septième aspiration), audiocasette, Ed. Adriano Spatola, Pubbliart Bazar, Reggio, Emilia; 1987 – Yugoslavian Sound Poetry audiocasette, Anthology of Sound Poetry, Yugoslavia; 1987 – Hangár/Hangar audiokasette, Anthology of Sound Poetry, Amsterdam-Budapest; 1988 – Aki darazsakról álmodik (Who is Dreamning About Wasps), radio play, LP album, Radio Novi Sad; 1996 – Spiritus Noister – Nemzeti zajzárványok (National Noise-Inclusions), audiocasette, Bahia Music, Budapest; 1998 – Vajdasági Magyar Zenei Esték ( Vojvodina Hungarian Music Evenings 1988), CD, JMMT, Novi Sad ; 1999 – Vízisámán / Water Shaman, audio CD, Sound Poetry, Budapest; 1999 – Ernő Király – Spectrum, audio CD (Autobus), Paris; 2003 – Spiritus Noister – Kurt Schwitters: Ursonate, audio CD, Hungaroton, Budapest 2011 – Vodeni anđeo / Water Angel, audio CD, Nova Misao, Novi Sad Her latest performances: „Le grand menage”(Spring Cleaning) at Musée d'Art Contemporain de Marseille during the 8th Festival of Poetry and Performances in Marseille, France (5 November 2011), “Nagytakarítás“ (Spring Cleaning) at Film Museum in Fort Monostor, Mediawave 2012 Festival, Komárom, Hungary, “Alicja w krainie kodów” (Alice in Codeland) as the closing performance of the exhibition Sounding the Body Electric at Muzeum Sztuky (MS2), Lodz, Poland (26 May 2012). “Alice Kódországban” (Alice in Codeland), performance at Óbudai Társaskör, Budapest, Hungary (6 February 2013) Katalin Ladik: Metamorphosis in my Bestiary The poems I selected here are new "animal poems", and, I would say, as such they are almost 'human " if this attribute would not be too depressing. Still, I am sometimes trying to show the possibility of a brighter "human" life in these verses. How do these creatures called "animals" feel the "human" in themselves, and how do we live out in ourselves the "animal", when they dwell in our bodies? Will be given us the opportunity once again to exist in harmony with that being who in the animal does endure us? Consolation: the order and justice in the nature, and the evanescence. The grass cage: self-inhalation in the mirror of impermanence. (Katalin Ladik on the manuscript of the Grass Cage – Bestiary) An example of “morphing” poetry from my Fűketrec (Grass Cage) volume: Katalin Ladik: ONE This cracked wall is pregnant with sleeping sickness. Who is this wasp above me? Who is this woman whitewashing in me? If all that surrounds me – are walls, if I am a wasp, and this insect inside me – a human, then where do I end, and where does the human begin? Katalin Ladik_Presence in Poland (1976-2012) Polish exhibitions and performances 1976: Warsaw (Poland), Contemporary Gallery / Galeria Współczesna: "Nowoczesna Sztuka Jugoslawii" (Modern Yugoslavian Art) /exhibition/ 1977: Kraków (Poland): "Phonopoetica" /performance/ 2010: Warsaw (Poland), Zachęta National Gallery of Art / Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki: "Płed? Sprawdzam! Kobiecośd i męskośd w sztuce Europy Wschodniej (Gender Check - Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe)" (photo: "The Screaming Hole", 1979) (Curated by: Bojana Pejid) /exhibition/ 2012: Gdansk (Poland), Wyspa Institute of Art / Instytut Sztuki Wyspa: Re.Act.Feminism - A Performing Archive (Curated by: Bettina Knaup and Beatrice Ellen Stammer) /exhibition/ 2012: Łódź (Poland), MS2 - Lodz Museum of Art / MS2 - Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi: "Alicja w krainie kodów" (Alice in Codeland) /performance/ 2012: Łódź (Poland), MS2 - Lodz Museum of Art / MS2 - Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi: Sounding the Body Electric. Experiments in Art and Music in Eastern Europe 1957-1984 (visual and sound poetry) (Curated by: David Crowley, Daniel Muzyczuk) Katalin Ladik Wybrane wiersze ludowe Kontakt Collection – The Art Collection of Erste Group / Kontakt – Die Kunstsammlung der Erste Group (5 items of the “Ausgewählte Volkslieder”(Selected Folk Songs) series (1973-1975); http://muzykotekaszkolna.pl/1188-polecamy/1447-dzwiekowe-eksperymenty-z-muzeum-sztuki-w-lodzi Czy mogę żyć na twojej twarzy? Élhetek az arcodon? (Can I Live on Your Face?) (prose) Nyitott Könyvműhely, Budapest, 2007 http://cleofas-myst.blog.onet.pl/Czy-moge-zyc-na-twojej-twarzy,2,ID407101590,n Przyznam się, że do tej pory literatury Węgrów serbskich nie znałem za bardzo. Nawet nie wiem, czy piszę poprawnie. Bo możliwe, iż winienem pisad: Serbów węgierskich. Rzecz jednak nie w nomenklaturze, ona jest wtórna do literatury jako takiej. W każdym razie chodzi o literaturę, która powstaje lub powstawała w Wojwodinie. Niedawno przekonałem się, jak bogata to jest literatura. Do tej pory znałem tylko Otto Tolnai'a. Bardzo dobrze znam literaturę Słowian bałkaoskich, jest wyjątkowo bogata i zawsze byłem zdziwiony, że tak mało otrzymała nagród Nobla. Chyba tylko dwa razy ją w ten sposób honorowano. Ludnośd węgierska z serbskiej Wojwodiny, jak każda mniejszośd, przeszła w historii gehennę swojej nacji. Może do tego tematu jeszcze wrócę. Warto. Mniejsza z tym. W tym wpisie chciałbym skupid się na jednej postaci i zacytowad z niej dwa niewielkie wiersze. Tytuł wpisu jest z autorki z Wojwodiny:Katalin Ladik. To tytuł jej powieści debiutanckiej. Tytuł zachwycający. "Czy mogę żyd na twojej twarzy?" - proszę go posmakowad. Toż w nim jest wszystko. Egzystencja, wspaniała estetyka i erotyzm. Katalin Ladik jest poetką, uploads/Management/ katalin-ladik-in-the-world-1962-2012-and-in-poland-1976-2012.pdf
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