Enclosure No.4: Session Guide Template v.2 - School Level MABILAO NATIONAL HIGH

Enclosure No.4: Session Guide Template v.2 - School Level MABILAO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SESSION GUIDE TITLE OF THE SESSION SLAC on Digital Literacy: An Innovative Tool to Enhance Teachers Competence and Creativity DURATION, DATE AND VENUE 3 Hours / October 23, 2021 TARGET PARTICIPANTS AND PROFILE Curriculum Chairmen of JHS and SHS OBJECTIVES: TERMINAL OBJECTIVE/S To upskill teachers on the use of appropriate digital software responsive and adaptive to remote learning ENABLING OBJECTIVE/S 1. To develop an interactive instructional resources and presentations to make learning innovative and engaging 2. To enhance teachers’ ICT skills on creating Google links needed to fast track communication and data gathering with parents and students in the digital spaces 3. To improve creativity and productivity by utilizing Adobe Photoshop to create graphics designs KEY UNDERSTANDING - ICT software and hardware for Video Making and Editing - Using Google Forms and Google Links to fast track information and communication - Adobe Photoshop for Graphic Designing REFERENCES DepEd Order 35, s. 2016 PPST for Teachers OBJECTIVES KEY METHODOLOGY/ PROCEDURE MATERIALS TIME 1 | P a g e Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region I SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE II OF PANGASINAN Binalonan, Pangasinan Enclosure No.4: Session Guide Template v.2 - School Level UNDERSTANDING ALLOTMENT 1. To develop an interactive instructional resources and presentations to make learning innovative and engaging 2. To enhance teachers’ ICT skills on creating Google links needed to fast track communication and data gathering with parents and students in the digital spaces 3. To improve creativity and productivity by utilizing Adobe Photoshop to create graphics designs Design instructional resources to digitized Learning materials through Video lessons Creating Google links to fast track information and communication through Google Forms Creating graphic designs to foster creativity through Adobe Photoshop Introduction: 1. LAC Team leads the Preliminaries 2. LAC Proponent presents the Objectives of the session ACTIVITY - Picture Analysis 1. The participants will be group into 3. The group will be ask to interpret the animated pictures the Resource Speaker will show in his slides. 2. After 10 minutes, a group representative will present their output ANALYSIS 1. How did you find the activity? 2. What insights did you gain from the presentation of the output? 3. Process responses until the idea of ICT comes in ABSTRACTION 1. Discussion of the Resource Speakers on the following Topics a. Creating Video Lessons and Video Editing b. Using Google Links and Google Forms c. Adobe Photo editing and Designing 2. Hands on Approach and Learning by Doing APPLICATION 1. Workshop Activity – develop a creative presentation that highlight key learning a. Video Lesson b. Google Forms Survey c. Designing a Tarp CLOSURE: 1. Wrap Up Activities Laptop, Smartphone Notebook 10 mins 60 mins 60 mins 60 mins 2 | P a g e Enclosure No.4: Session Guide Template v.2 - School Level 2. Challenge the participants to support the digitization of learning materials despite connectivity challenges PREPARED BY: NOTED: CHECKED/EVALUATED: NORMITA R. SIBAYAN Mater Teacher/ Proponent JANE M.VIVAR, EdD Principal III MARIA LUISA C. CATALAN, PhD Senior Education Program Specialist Human Resource Development 3 | P a g e uploads/Management/ lac-session-guide 1 .pdf

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  • Publié le Oct 19, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.0919MB