09.10.2020 Project 2020-1-PT01-KA201-078732 MEETING 1 - MARKA: Innovation and i
09.10.2020 Project 2020-1-PT01-KA201-078732 MEETING 1 - MARKA: Innovation and inclusion in the construction of an identity curriculum AGENDA • 1. Team presentation and welcome • 2. Project discussion • 3. Presentation of the Marka methodology • 4. Monitoring/supervision of the project by FPCEUP • 5. Communication and sharing networks • 6. eTwinning project - presentation of countries and partners • 7. Students and teacher’s selection • 8. Project logo contest • 9. Other subjects • PARTNERS • Agrupamento de Escolas Camilo Castelo Branco • DIMOTIKO SCHOLEIO MAKEDONITISSAS 3 - STYLIANOU LENA • LICEO SCIENTIFICO PASTEUR • Kuressaare Gümnaasium • Association Scientia Nova Kavadarci • UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO • 1. Team presentation and welcome 2. THE PROJECT • Main objective of the project: INNOVATION • Acronym: MARKA • Project Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd): 2020-10-02 • Project Total Duration: 30 MESES • Project End Date (yyyy-mm-dd): 2023-04-01 TARGET GROUPS • primary school students (8-14 years old) and secondary school students (15-18 years old), primary and secondary school teachers. PRIORITIES & TOPICS • HORIZONTAL: Social Inclusion • HORIZONTAL: Innovative practices in the digital age • HORIZONTAL: Social and educational value of European cultural heritage • IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF INSTITUTIONS AND / OR METHODS (INC. SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT) NEW INNOVATIVE CURRICULA/EDUCATIONAL METHODS/ DEVELOPMENT OF TRAINING COURSES GOALS Target Group Goals Students - Train students as active participants in the creation and monitoring of pedagogical instruments and educational products - Empower students with 21st century skills, in order to make European citizens more identified with the European project, its history and heritage, more active citizens Teachers - Train teachers with innovative methodological procedures for inclusion, which strengthen the profile of the reflective teacher, capable of facing the educational challenges of the European Education Area Train participants in the most innovative educational trends at European level in terms of curriculum articulation and principles of outdoor education, digital education and heritage education. Institution Promote the participation of partners from the educational territory in the construction of an identity curriculum, qualifying the inclusive educational responses of the partners in this project, and improving their social results Local / Regional / National / International Contribute to the development of building learning tools that facilitate inclusion, with high transferability and sustainability Contribute to the development of European education, through intellectual production in transnational cooperation, fulfilling the European Commission's objectives for education RESULTS • RESULTS DURING THE PROJECT • Participation of all students of one year of schooling, for each teaching cycle, in the project activities, training them in the project methodologies and enabling them in the production of content for the methodological guide and for the application. • Training of students as active participants in the creation and monitoring of pedagogical tools and educational products. • Training of participants in the most innovative educational trends at European level in terms of methodology, curriculum articulation and principles of outdoor education, digital education and heritage education through high quality training in TPM and staff training events. • Training of participants in cooperative work of articulation between cycles. RESULTS • RESULTS DURING THE PROJECT • Creation of territorial and international collaborative work networks and their qualification. • Promote the movement towards joining this project, covering non-formal and informal learning related to the local environment and accessible to all. • Deepen the scientific support of the methodology designed and implemented by the partners, under the supervision of a higher education institution, in line with current trends in literature. • Improvement of the innovative methodology of building an identity curriculum with the contribution of European partners. • Satisfaction of the needs for (in) training of teachers and the community involved. EXPECTED RESULTS ON COMPLETION • (1) - Improve students' skills for the 21st century, within the scope of the project objectives • (2) - To deepen the knowledge of the European cultural heritage • (3) - Teacher training in inclusive educational practices • (4) - Teacher training in innovative practices • (5) - Teacher education at Heritage Education • (6) - Improve the quality of the educational service of the institutions • (7) - Better identification of different internal structures with a European project • (8) - Mobilizing local, regional, national and international educational institutions to adopt the Marka methodology: innovative and inclusive practices in the construction of an identity curriculum • (9) - Enrichment of the national curriculum through local content, creating an opportunity for a CEC, Common European Curriculum. TANGIBLE RESULTS • - eTwinnin project; • -Facebook page; • - Internet page; • - collaborative digital networks on Facebook, Whatsapp, eTwinning Space, Skipe and other virtual media; • - digital and face-to-face presentations of the themes defined for each physical or virtual activity of the project; • - logo competition; • - agendas, summaries and minutes of international project meetings; • - online forms for evaluating each activity and processing data reports; TANGIBLE RESULTS • public presentations of the project and invitation to participate, creation of digital products for these presentations and their dissemination; • digital portfolio; • multiplier events; • methodological guide; • applications; • data base; • teacher training events; • log books and reports. TIMETABLE TIMETABLE ACTIVITIES • 3 TPM • LTTA: 4 short-term student exchanges - 5 + 2 • LTTA: 2 Short-term training events for educational staff • 1 IO - Methodological Guide for the construction of an identity curriculum • 1 IO - Orientation app • 6 ME MONTHLY SCHEDULE OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES 2020 - OCTOBER • Construction of the project team in each country. • Start of the eTwinning project. • Public presentations of the project in the organizations. • Creation of digital products for these presentations and their dissemination. • Presentation of the project to the Pedagogical Council • News for the local press about the project. • Disclosure of the project on a mural/placard in the organization. • Disclosure of the project on the organizations' social networks. • Creating a link on the organization's website to the project's Twinspace. • Preparation of activities and OER to get to know partners, to be placed on the Twinspace page already created. • Definition of the criteria for selecting participants, as defined in the project, in local activities and their dissemination. • Training in MARKA methodology and application to the context of each organization and community • Preparation of MARKA planning for the academic year. 3. Presentation of the Marka methodology •The steps for the construction of the project for application in the structure of each partner and respective models are in the ppt - “Conceptualization and implementation of the project” •implies internal meetings, with the pedagogical structures, idea of a participated curriculum •RF 4. MONITORING/SUPERVISION OF THE PROJECT BY FPCEUP 5. COMMUNICATION AND SHARING NETWORKS • email • Whatsapp Group • phone • online meetings: Microsof Teams, Zoom • digital portfolio/repositorium: Microsoft Teams COMMUNICATION AND SHARING NETWORKS PARTNER - eTwinning – Twinspace PT – all partners - Facebbok page Italy -Internet page - Instagram; idsemination plan Estonia Mk - Meetings agenda PT - Meetings minute All partners - rotationally - Online forms for evaluating each activity and processing data reports Hosting partner - Public presentations of the project and invitation to participate, creation of digital products for these presentations and their dissemination INTERNAL NETWORKINGS • Networking 1: teachers & advisors from the Board for the basic and sec. & MARKA school coordinator; • Networking 2: this coordinator & Proj. Team Erasmus+ & EIP; • Networking 3: EIP & Direction. 6. ETWINNING PROJECT • https://live.etwinning.net/projects/project/228929 • eTwinning MARKA.docx • Knowledge and experience of partners about the use of eTwinning? Need tutorials or training events? • PAGE: Presentation of countries and partners 7. STUDENTS AND TEACHER’S SELECTION • Participants.docx • STATE OF ART IN EACH PARTNER PARTICIPANTS - LOCAL ACTIVITIES LOCAL ACTIVITIES - STUDENTS LOCAL ACTIVITIES - TEACHERS AECCB-PT 8 years-142 9 years-284 10 years-283 13 years-306 14 years-300 15 years-166 16/17 years-137 18 years-56 13 12 8 9 13 3 5 1 CY 10-12 years - 150 10 IT 14-18 years - 150 10 EE 10-12 years - 150 10 MK 2+1 UP 1+2 PHASES OF TEACHER INVOLVEMENT: • Training, planning, execution, monitoring, evaluation and dissemination, according to the project chronogram and common procedures for Erasmus+ projects, in addition to the demands of IO production and the ME. • There are decision-makers or disseminators, e.g., that are throughout the entire project, with emphasis on some of its phases: members of the Curricular Articulation Centre, cycle, depart. and subdepar. coordinators, course directors, Technological Team will be involved in the selection of relevant local content, definition of articulation with the national curriculum, through the monitoring of the Annual Activ. Plan, collaboration in the definition of the innovative final product and dissemination activities EXTERNAL PARTNERS • were selected according to their profile and mission, potential for curricular articulation, high quality educational service, fluent ommunication, facilitation of partnerships and adaptation to the Establishment of a partnership with a local specialized entity for the development of content with students and training of uploads/Management/ meeting-guide 3 .pdf
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- Publié le Aoû 15, 2022
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